Hello NeverSleep anarchists,
I woke up 4 o’clock in the morning, I decided to visit your website to see is there are some news, and I see you published questions about political criminals, should we spend time with other people and expose/bring them automatically to repression? here is my opinion, I will try to be short, but I see author of zine don’t know so much about spies therefore I must write longer. you can also publish this message on your website because we can not leave comments on articles, therefore I send email to you.
Person who made questions in this zine asked many questions and I can not answer all of that, I can say one short example: I was in Denmark and I said to anarchist (insurrectionist) girl from Croatia: I am followed by danish spies and if I visit anarchists, they will be followed also, therefore it is better that I don’t visit their gatherings and don’t spend time with them. She told me: “we are anarchists and we must accept that we are under repression, we can finish any time in the prison, we must stay together and we should not separate because of repression, it means I should not avoid other anarchists.” it is the same about spending time with illegal immigrants or soup kitchen mentioned in this zine about political criminals, if you are under repression, you should not isolate yourself from others, and others should accept they can finish in the prison because ruling class make repression and nobody can escape from that. so, I answered shortly about many questions from zine.
Because author of zine, and others also maybe, doesn’t know so much about spies, here is additional text about spies, I know more about them because I was spied from 1998 to 2019 when they set me up 4 years of prison, when I went out from prison, they didn’t follow me any more, although author of zine know something, he said federal spies have bigger resources than local cops and that’s true, to be short, cops follow anarchists when we plan to make protest in the city, sometimes they also send infiltrator to participate in organizing protest to get all information what we plan to do, but you should be clear, spies don’t follow anarchists only when we protest, they follow us all the time many years until they succeed to put us in the prison, before I explain how spies work, just to say shortly for anarchists, if you burn cars or destroy property, don’t think spies don’t know who did it, they don’t give a shit for property and they will arrest you only if you want to kill politicians and capitalists, spies are happy when we burn cars, they misuse it to demand more money from the budget, so, shortly, be careful that cops don’t arrest you when you destroy bank or burn cars, spies will not arrest you because of that. beside it, when you break the law, only participant of actions should know that, don’t say to everybody what you plan to do, you are not only observed, you are already very possibly infiltrated, and you will never know who is infiltrator because his job is to support you and to get your trust, your girl maybe has sex with you to get your trust and to report your way of thinking and do you plan to break the law, therefore, don’t tell to anybody when you plan to break the law, don’t tell even to your girlfriend and don’t forget even people who are not snitches can collaborate with cops when they face 15 years of prison, to get smaller sentence, and you will get testimony in the court against yourself if you trust to everybody and you speak to everybody that you made some action against the law… if you don’t believe that your girl can be infiltrator of spies, just to tell you that Putin had private meeting with Russian female spy who used professional sex to get trust of American citizens who should be spied, do you like it or not, spies give training to female spies how to get trust of target, they teach them what man like about sex and what they should do to get trust of target. all secret services work in the same way, it is not done only by russian secret service. we should not be paranoid because we are target of spies, we should have girlfriend and we should be together with other people, but avoid to tell to anybody, including your girlfriend, that you plan to attack politicians and capitalists, even spies will not arrest you for damaging property, they will collect information and one day they can use it against you to keep you longer in the prison. to be honest, you can trust only to the people who are already arrested by the secret service, former political prisoners are people with whom you can speak openly, they were already arrested and that’s proof they don’t work for secret service, and not only that, they didn’t collaborate with cops when they faced many years of prison, therefore, you can trust them, about other people who never spent time in jail, you should be careful with whom you plan to break the law. in any case, not all anarchists want to break the law, many anarchists have no problems with cops and spies. if you want to break the law, be careful with whom you do it, can they accept many years of prison and refuse to talk to cops to get smaller sentence? as I know, greek and italian guerrilla anarchists (and communists) never collaborated with cops to get smaller sentence, if you get idea to attack politicians, you should do it or alone or only with former prisoners, if you damage property, you can do it without problem, spies don’t give a shit, just be creful that cops don’t arrest you when you do it. one more thing about anarchists, if you are well known anarchists like alfredo bonnano, you will be followed by spies even if you change country, it means if you rob a bank in other country like bonnano in greece, spies will send cops to arrest you because spies followed you and they saw what you did, bonanno was the reason anarchists were arrested during robbery in greece (I don’t blame him, I just say you must escape from spies before you make robbery), if you are not well known anarchists, spies will not inform spies in other country to follow you, you can change country and break the law. but don’t forget when you change the country, when you connect with anarchists, they are spied by their local spies, and you will be spied, I was spied in denmark even I didn’t get contact with local anarchists, simply, some people reported me to spies and they followed me several years, in the end, they decided to deport me back to my country by misusing cops to arrest me for something what I did before 7 years. I got only 10 months of prison but they wanted just to kick me out of denmark and to ban me to come back many years because I didn’t come to look for job like other immigrants than I mixed myself in (against danish colonial) politics.
now to say something more about secret service, what is not connected with anarchists but they have the same behavior about all targets, what they do to others, they will do to you if they put you on their list of targets.
illegal immigrants and not only anarchists are also target of spies, different people are spied by spies and we should stay together: anarchists, communists, anti war activists, anti nato activists, ecological activists, immigrants and especially Muslims (because of war for oil that can produce counter attacks of Muslim militants), military spies are also busy with industrial espionage in europe and in your country the cia makes industrial espionage, the cia and military spies secure and expand business of rich people, in other countries also, if you want to know how secret service work, you should read published documents cointelrpro (FBI against martin luther king) and FBI war on black America, I followed also several years american news portal the intercept, they have a lot of text about mass espionage, they made database of FBI producing (750) terrorist cases and everything is about profit, spies demand more money from the budget when there are more terrorist cases. they produce insecurity to make profit, spies talk with weak person to convince him to put a bomb somewhere, after several months if he accept to do it, they arrest him, make media propaganda and demand more money from the government. security and insecurity is just a business in capitalism, spies don’t give a shit for society, politicians also misuse threats and insecurity to make bigger repression against whole society, to keep people under control in order to prolong their staying in high positions to secure their privileged life. for example in europe, spies says there is threat from terrorism and that’s the excuse to politicians to make bigger control at the borders in several countries since 2018 and there should be no borders in shengen in europe, politicians are crazy against immigrants and they misuse terrorism to stop immigrants to come to west europe. asylum seekers are also coming from war region and that’s the excuse of spies to spy them, asylum seekers are checked and spied to see if they support talibans and al qaeda or they support west europe, therefore spies infiltrate groups that help to immigrants and medical workers also help to immigrants but they also collect information about every immigrant, job of infiltrator/snitch in help group is to get trust of target/immigrants in order to see who is militant or against western (colonial) politics. when spies get information you are not good for colonial wars, they put you on the list of extremists (the same they do about anarchists, martin luther king and so on) and after that they are not ONLY observing target as author of zine said, spies first step is to isolate their target from others to stop him to have influence on other people and to prevent him to get help from other people, the next step of spies is to sabotage activities of target and his/her private life, to do that, they visit every person to convince them to stop to be in contact with target, they include their collaborators/snitches in your group/organization to support you in order to get your trust to be able to collect information about your way of thinking and if snitch (fake supporter) get information you will break the law, snitch will inform spies and then spies decide if will arrest you, as I said, they will not arrest you for burning cars, but don’t think they don’t know who burn cars, I must tell you communists and anarchists are infiltrated more than 30 years, you can see that there are anarchists and communists who make propaganda against militants, spies want to keep us under control and they use their collaborators to convince us that we should not break the law and “we should condemn militant anarchists, we should just spread anarchist idea”. if you didn’t see, there are mostly anarchist communists who make propaganda against militant anarchists. I tell you they are anarchists but they also collaborate with the secret service. therefore, don’t let anybody to keep you under control, you can not stop people to collaborate with secret service, but you can understand what’s happen and don’t let anybody to keep you good for ruling class. be wild, do whatever you want, don’t wait revolution 50 years, damage ruling class how much you can, how much you are ready to sit in the prison. we should open all fronts of fight, there is not “one the only correct way” of fighting against the state and capitalists, militants must accept that not all anarchists are ready to sit in the prison, if you attack don’t expect from other people to follow your actions (communists guerrilla believed other people will follow their attacks and more people will attack capitalists, that’s far away from reality), anarchists who are not militant must accept there are anarchists who will attack and damage ruling class how much they can. everybody has a choice, diversity of anarchists is proof that we are not under control.
my advice to militants, don’t speak to other people you are breaking the law, make anonymous publishing about your actions, break the law only together with people you know many years, if you can, choose former prisoners to break the law together with them, I trust to the people who were some period in the prison and they didn’t collaborated with cops. As I said, I will try to be short, if you want to know more details how spies work, just read mentioned documents about FBI against martin luther king and FBI war on black america. they even tried to destroy marriage of martin luther king and his body guard got his trust obviously, but he worked for FBI. spies are not just observing target as author of zine said, they want to destroy your private life and sabotage your political activities, they want to isolate you and they will organize problems for you in the prison after they arrest you, you will get problems with guards and with criminals who work for secret service, they can go so far even to poison your food, spies have scientist who work for them, the cia used psychiatrists to know more about torturing Muslims in abu ghraib and guantanamo prisons, spies are trying to break personality/mind of prisoners, they also poison their food, they know what to put in your food to make you aggressive, depressive or they can produce heart attack. don’t be surprised if you get different health problems when you are in the prison, and you will see doctor will call you 3 weeks after you asked for doctor and when you get him, he will convince you, you imagine you have pain and you are sick and everything is okay with you. that’s how they behave in danish prisons with immigrants, they can do the same to anarchists, but you should be clear, anarchists are not the only target of spies, as I said, you are living in america, you should read what FBI did against martin luther king and against black panthers and other african americans, read news from intercept about FBI today and CIA in guantanamo and abu ghraib. last sentence, to finish: I will repeat what croatian girl told me – we should stay together, we should not avoid other people because they can be spied because we are spied, we must accept repression as part of our life and we should not let ruling class to isolate us from the others, therefore it is also important to write letters to anarchists in the prison and help them how much we can, the aim of imprisonment is to isolate anarchists and to make problems for them in the prison and eventually to damage their health…
now I can not sleep anymore, but I am not sorry, there is not everyday topic about spies and I had to write what I know about them. but to know more, you must read published documents about FBI and african americans. but you should not become paranoid, repression should not stop you to associate and fall in love with people around you, just avoid to tell to the people that you broke the law, they don’t need to know, for example I broke the school when I was 18 years old, my friends told me, surely you was the one who did it, but I didn’t want to tell them that I did it. simply people can be arrested in the future, when they get beaten by cops 3 days, they will say everything they know about other people. don’t expect from people to be super humans and to survive 3 days torture, they will have to say something about other people, cops are not just kicking in the face, they use baseball sticks and other sticks against your kidney and other parts of body where don’t stay traces of torture, they also produce pain in your testicles, I was in police station 12 hours they beat 3 people in 12 hours, you can imagine how many people one cop torture during 30 years of work as a cop. you don’t need to be anarchist to hate cops and without political standpoint, clear mathematics tell you cops break the law and produce bigger damage for society than any criminal. criminals don’t beat 6 people every day and they don’t kill so many people like military, state departments are bigger problem than any criminal. that’s the fact. if you are white class in america and you are not beaten by cops, I am sure they beat latino and african americans and they even shoot them. when cops killed black panthers in america, you should know that FBI is behind cops, cops are not working alone, they are sent by spies and they assist to FBI. okay, it is time to finish writing, I explained enough in one text, be wild and accept repression as part of our life, if you think you are followed, first escape from spies after that break the law, if you don’t want that you and your friends get arrested like bonanno in greece for bank robbery. how can you see that you are followed? simply the same thing happens around you more times every day, spies have schema how they follow target although they exchange themselves every kilometer, you can see that the same thing repeat, you can try to stay 20 minutes in the middle of the night in park for example when it is strong raining and wait to see if anybody will come there, sometimes spies even don’t hide they hate you, they start to walk behind you when you walk beside them, sometimes they do stupid things like standing at every corner of the street around your house pretending they read newspapers, in any case, they are not professional, when they follow you longer time, you will see they follow you. if they call you openly for informative talk in their offices, you will see they ask stupid questions or they just talk anything to prolong time, the point is they called you to take your phone during talk, they talk one hour to get time to use software to unlock your phone and extract information (cellbrite software from israel) and then they install spying software, spies use different software in every country. don’t bring phone with you when you go to protest or when you go to break the law, they can even use history of phone location to proof that you was in the place where and when crime happened. even if phone is not registered on your name, when they arrest you, they can check locations of that phone in period of crime. one more advice: don’t use anarchist emails to talk about something against the law, use tor email to hide your IP address and use gpg to encrypt messages, when you use internet everyday, your internet provider has DNS servers that translate domain into IP addresses and this servers also record every website you visit, you should find dns servers you can trust and change it in internet connection (router but mostly DNS settings in your laptop/phone/computer), if you use VPN software, your DNS will be changed to VPN DNS servers but you must find which VPN company you can trust, many hackers recommend mullvad vpn from sweden, you can pay with cash or bitcoins and swedish administrator doesn’t know your identity. if you visit every day anarchists websites, I recommend you to use VPN or Tor software but if you use Tor, website can block you, some anarchists are stupid (or maybe even honeypot) and they use cloudflare company and cloudflare spy visitors of website and block visitors who have tor IP address. if you use VPN, websites will not block you. if you break the law, keep money in bitcoins, if cops find cash, they will take everything, and the judge can also take all your money from capitalist bank, better save money to have it after prison to rent apartment until you find job, keep money in bitcoins, for example portable electrum in encrypted USB device. cops will not loose one month to break password for your USB device and they will not understand what means 12 words on the paper which you can use to recover electrum wallet after many years of prison during which can happen that you forgot password from before 5 years to decrypt USB device. with 12 words, eve if you forgot password, you can install electrum and 12 type words and you will get your bitcoin wallet ready for use. that’s important for me because I don’t have family where I can sleep after prison, if I don’t have money, I am on the street. I must take care that police don’t find money.
all the best to all anarchists, I wish us all in this new year one new anarchist guerrilla group in europe that will fight against ruling class, we don’t have it since 2018.
rebel from childhood, anarchist since 2001, supporter of every type of guerrilla since 1997, spied and sabotaged and poisoned in more countries from 1998 to 2024 with the result of 10 months prison in denmark and 4+1 years of prison in my country, it is not possible to change anything in capitalism without violence and surely it is not possible to abolish the state and capitalism without violence, our fight continue whole life, repression is part of our life, befriend with everybody but don’t speak to everybody that you break the law and leave your phone at home when you go to break the law or to protest and don’t forget to write some letters to anarchist prisoners. ciao.
Submitted anonymously.