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All submissions are encrypted in transit and storage, but you should always practice good digital security culture.

See: How to submit an anonymous communique and get away with it

Learn more about digital security culture from CrimethInc, the NAALPO, the EFF, or (the most comprehensive) Whonix Doumentation.

Only submit to this site or the email while using a secure network like Tor, ideally on top of a secure amnesiac operating system like Tails or Whonix Live Mode (you can install it via Virtual Machine, USB, or Qubes.)

If sending attachments (videos/photos) through the submission box on this page, you should use and send the link. Please set the timer to at least 7 days. You should select the “delete at first download” option unless you are submitting to multiple websites.
If disroot does not work, you can use the commercial, less secure options of or


Do not send personally identifying information.

Do not send anything with the expectation that we’ll blur faces, clothes, or anything else that could identify someone.

Do not share unnecessary details about crimes (ones that, beyond confirming that the crime happened, would assist an investigation into it), no matter how insignificant they might seem.

That said, we refuse to cooperate with any and all local, state, and federal law enforcement, for any reason, and will never surrender whatever information we may receive.



The submission form asks for name, subject, and email, but you should give false information for all of them and submit the whole of the submission (including title/header) in the “message” box because THE BELOW FORM ONLY ENCRYPTS THE MESSAGE BOX


Our email address is

If you are sending to the email use our PGP key (Fingerprint: 109FED6105BC964491215D5D4EF88C44D2DEBA11) to encrypt.

If you are a ProtonMail user, you can email us at and your email will be automatically encrypted; however, Proton logs IP addresses and has been known to cooperate with law enforcement. You can use a temporary email service like Guerrilla Mail (try the server) to obtain a verification email in order to create an anonymous or throwaway Proton account. (We do not recommend submittung directly from temporary email services as your submission may be flagged as spam.)

If sending files/media to the email, get rid of all metadata. Learn how to remove Metadata from photos/videos/files here, in Tails using the built in Metadata Cleaner