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OMNY machines smashed, cameras and card readers disabled at midtown Manhattan station

(April 2024)


We struck at the heart of midtown Manhattan where the State tries so hard to maintain their illusion of fascist control. We broke your pitiful OMNY machines, disabled your cameras, and glued your card readers right under Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul’s noses. We did our own subway maintenance with hammers, a little spray paint, and some super glue. Evade! Beat the fare! Fuck your $2.90! We reject the National Guard deployed in our city and subways. We reject the surge of NYPD in our subways and anywhere. We reject the State’s tax on free movement and fare enforcement that disproportionately targets Black and Brown communities. We reject the State’s fascist surveillance through OMNY and any new technology used to control the People.Fuck the Empire, Free Palestine! The same military, police, and surveillance tech they test out through genocide in Palestine they will also bring here to track, oppress, and lock us up. Borders are fake, and so are turnstiles. Join us in striking them down!

OMNY readers covered with cardboard and duct tape

OMNY machine covered in cardboard and duct tape

Reposted from Unravel, originally found on Instagram

RE/MAX office vandalized

Early in the morning on Wednesday, March 27, pro-Palestine anarchists struck a RE/MAX office in Park Slope to commemorate Palestine Land Day, a day to resist against land theft and settler colonial policies. They covered the facade in red paint to show the blood on the company’s hands, sprayed the security cameras and jammed the locks to ensure that the office will not go on with business as usual.The real estate company RE/MAX was founded in the US, an empire predicated on settler-colonial land theft, and since 1995, the company has operated a franchise in “israel”. For over 10 years, RE/MAX israel has been selling homes to colonizers in israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including Ariel, Ma’aleh Adumim, and Givat Ze’ev, generating millions of dollars in profits. The facilitation and profiting off of the displacement of Indigenous Palestinians by the israeli branch directly benefits RE/MAX LLC.Here in the “US”, RE/MAX also engages in displacement and gentrification, by inflating the cost of housing and property taxes in BIPOC and working class communities. RE/MAX and other complicit real estate agencies will continue to be targeted until they stop selling stolen land to settlers.

RE/MAX storefront splattered with red paint. Graffiti on sidewalk reads "GTFO WEST BANK".

Reposted from Unravel, originally found on Instagram

How to submit an anonymous communiqué and get away with it

Zine: How to submit an anonymous communiqué and get away with it

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A communiqué, also sometimes called a reportback or hit report, is a report on (typically) illegal direct actions that is shared online via counter-info sites or in print publications. Mainstream media may suppress reporting about certain tactics or the reason for choosing a target may be unclear, so submitting a communiqué is a way to share news, tactics, and political motivations directly.This guide describes how to securely submit an anonymous communiqué online. It is written for anarchists, but could be useful to other audiences like journalists or dissident groups sharing information while concealing their identities. While some communiqués are signed by a group or individual claiming responsibility, this guide focuses on anonymity.

Nothing you do on computers or the internet is ever totally safe, but you can reduce most technology-based risk by following some simple steps. There are many methods beyond those shared here, but this is a set of instructions that will hopefully help you.

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NYPD Vehicles and Buses Vandalized at Brooklyn Precinct

(February 2024)


In the wee hours of the night during the week of 2/18, some feral flying forest squirrels descended upon a precinct in the heart of Brooklyn. With caution and courage, they left the scene quickly, leaving behind the sound of escaping air and blood red lettering on the side of two NYPD buses reading;

“For Tort”

10 NYPD vehicles were left with punctured tires.

As these vessels are primarily used to cage and transport prisoners, protestors, and those who live in friction with genocide and empire, it is clear that these vehicles needed to be taken out. But there are many more… Stay sharp, fellow beings of the forest! Our grief and rage are hard and heavy, but there are openings where we can hold it as a stone to sharpen the claws we have.

Viva viva Tortuguita!


Found on Unravel