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From a Matter of Principle to a Matter of Tactics

Zine: From a Matter of Principle to a Matter of Tactics

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Anarchists who want to take action, when confronted with the choice of tactics, often default to large mass actions, like black bloc. Imagination is ceded to tactical hegemony; autonomy diminishes; creativity recedes; resistance is franchised with stale, processed, prepackaged ideologies and tactics; questionable organizational methods like spokes-councils and democratic decision making give a participatory veneer to a sealed deal–just like in any liberal democracy; most participants spectate rather than act, learning by passive imitation of the leaders rather than active involvement in intimate relations with experienced trusted friends.

We hope to put an end to this stagnation by giving anarchists some ideas about tactical alternatives to large mass actions. Here we discuss Coordinated Attacks, an extension of single group clandestine actions to multiple groups operating in loose collaboration simultaneously. While the tactics discussed here are not new, we believe our analysis can help anarchists better understand their action options, avoid getting into a rut of the same old tired tactics, choose the option most suited to their objectives, and most importantly, be creative and experiment with new ways of acting.

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15 CitiBank Locations Sabotaged

More than 15 CitiBankkk locations were sabotaged Monday morning across so-called New York City. We jammed the locks and card access readers, sprayed the windows and buildings, and issued warnings in red paint underscoring the company’s investments in genocide: “ABOLISH ISRAEL, FREE PALESTINE” and “THIS IS A WARNING: DEFUND NOW.”

CitiBank facilitates billions in bonds sales for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, which manufacture missiles and fighter jets used by the IOF to kill hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza. CitiBank is also the largest U.S. bank operating in the zionist entity and heavily invests in the technology sector there, contributing to the “tech-washing” of apartheid, occupation, and ongoing genocide. From its shameful history in Haiti and apartheid South Africa to financing IOF arms and settlements, CitiBank has long profited from settler colonialism.

We call on all people to strike imperialism wherever and however you can. Close your accounts with complicit institutions and move your money to a local credit union. We must continue to escalate until there is full Palestinian liberation and return.Other tags included:🔻DEATH TO KKKORPS🔻CITIBANK FUNDS GENOCIDE🔻DIVEST FROM GENOCIDE

Source: social media @pal_actionus

never sleep flyers

Below is a simple quarter-sheet flyer design for this website. Please feel free to use it or to design your own flyers/stickers/etc. We think that discreetly dropping them off at various spaces and events, or posting them up around the city, would help bring in new readers and contributors, which would enliven this site and open up more insurrectionary potential in the city!

-never sleep admins

Sharp metal objects placed under Brooklyn NYPD SRG’s personal vehicles

Late July 24, we entered the parking area of NYPD’s Strategic Response Group in Brooklyn and put sharp metal objects under multiple pigs’ personal vehciels. Any of those pigs getting off work would have been met with the unpleasant surprise of punctured tires as they started for home.

This happened on the same day the NYPD sent 200 outside agitators to DC to protect genocidal war criminal Netanyahu and the U.S. imperialist mission.

Maybe cops shouldn’t feel safe enough in our city to spread their violence elsewhere. Why does the NYPD even have offices from Tucson, Arizona to Bogota, Colombia?

The SRG is the unit notorious for violently repressing protestors. These pigs sign up voluntarily to be SRG to crack skulls. This is payback for their brutality against Palestine protestors and student encampments.

We targeted their personal vehicles because it is time they faced a personal cost for their actions. These pigs walk among us, feeling safe and complacent. It’s on us to teach them they aren’t.

The Legal Aid Society stated NYC paid out $114,586,723 million for police misconduct in 2023. These lawsuits for pig brutality don’t come out of their pockets. And the NYPD has so much money they are spending $1390 per patrol car just to replace a slogan decal.

We must chip away at empire in every small way. Avenge the Palestinian martyrs. Avenge Sonya Massey. Fuck the police.

Submitted anonymously over email

Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2024 // 23 – 30 August

Military drones buzz among the stars and clouds. A soldier thousands of kilometers away searches for targets to kill, emotions distant from the lives they are taking. A growing numbness to the present brutality and states propaganda that summons itself across our screens. The water and the land are objects to be further preyed upon. Like the cavernous pit of the coal mine we are being emptied and hollowed out in order to sustain capital’s culture of emptiness. Empathy, care and love which keeps our communities together are under attack for an individualized life under capitalism where everyone looks out for themselves.

What has changed from the last year to the moment we lay eyes on this text?

Increased surveillance, tightening of repression and criminalization of encrypted communications, the flames of war and genocide, the earth’s continual desecration. The world watches with a mixture of horror and apathy as the death toll climbs in Gaza and the invasion of Ukraine reaches its 3rd year. Roughly 10,000 Palestinian prisoners are strapped to beds, tortured and beaten to death- held hostage in brutal conditions in Israeli prisons. In Sudan, tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions are displaced while facing extreme famine as the civil war reaches it’s 16th month. The actually successful militant resistance to the military coup in Myanmar is being transformed by the military into a civil war with rising civilian casualties as the regime’s troops increasingly resort to scorched earth tactics.

Those of us living under the fragility of neoliberal ‘peace’ are expected to take political positions devoid of human feeling or meaningful action. How to break this artificial veil constructed to make ‘war zones’ appear a world away, when the weapon shipments, and the webs of diaspora, tell a different story? How to seize back our humanity and our agency, understanding the urgency while giving space to feel, grieve, and act, standing hand in hand against this monstrosity? And how to maintain this fabric of resistance that defies news cycles and nation state politics, recognizing the fights for survival and liberation against ongoing colonization and resource extraction, that are materializing globally outside of news spotlights?

What is to be done? With constant return we fumble with these questions. Empathy and solidarity is the strongest medicine against the current realities we face. Empathy and solidarity is why we are here- our hearts embracing these words. We choose to share the weight of grief and take steps toward action in this fabric of resistance that has been woven through time on this earth. Is it not our yearning towards the forces of care, creation and destruction that we gather around our fires? Is it not because we wish to understand and greet each others pain and seek freedom from oppression that we show solidarity with our comrades who are carrying the heavy weights of repression?

There are too many atrocities, too many beautiful spirits taken from this world to grieve them all. Among the bloodshed live the spirits of those who choose to resist against this hegemonic order, against the grinding wheels of genocide and colonialism. There are those who, throughout the turning of this earth, choose not to ignore the forces that prey upon free life. Many have chosen to greet these forces with fists clenched, a grin from cheek to cheek. I’m sure you share this too, maybe not smiling, but we are here again. With time, with strength and patience we deepen our constellations, we strengthen and weave new webs, alongside the earths cycles we change, grow, and learn.

With strength we make this call to action for a week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Let our words not die in our mouths but our ideas and actions be realized.
Organize solidarity events, film screenings, banner drops, discussion rounds, direct actions, radio shows, letter writings … be  creative!

Let’s remember those who fought against this injustice and paid with their lives.
Let our comrades in prison not be forgotten and let’s show the warmth of solidarity!

No one is free, till all are free!

Please send us your events and actions to


Vigil for Gaza Martyrs Held in Bay Ridge

Yesterday, we held a vigil for the martyrs of Gaza in Bay Ridge. Members of the community, children, families, and elders joined us in reading the stories of prisoners and martyrs and the injured, in prayer, and in grief. The NYPD made their presence known; one of their drones hovered overhead recording us.

We had nothing to hide, we are proud of our struggle, as we are of all who fight against imperialism and occupation. But the question remains: Why is the NYPD surveilling the Arab and Muslim community of New York in this way? Why have we allowed this racist dehumanization to go unchecked?

What does it say about the priorities of this city, of this country that they have marshaled all the repressive arms of the state against communities who demand a better world, free of oppression and mass murder? Last year, the NYPD was caught proposing to use surveillance drones against block parties in majority black neighborhoods of this city. Also last year, Mayor Eric Adams suggested he would begin an import collaboration with Israeli drone technology companies.

The ruling class is disfigured by their hysteria and fear. They know the entire artifice that they have built risks tumbling down at the hands of the rage and grief of the city’s working class. This is why they try to stop us and this is why we refuse to be stopped.

At the end of the vigil we prayed Salat al-Gha’ib funerary prayer together as a community. It was a chance to recommit to a struggle that has not been defeated for more than 100 years. Those who joined us are the real city—beneath the gentrified neighborhoods and militarized public spaces and money laundering charities and prisons, they demand for something more.

Found on social media | Source: Palestinian Youth Movement (@palyouthmvmt)

Flood CUNY for Gaza / NYC Week of Rage

🚨 Flood CUNY for Gaza! 🚨

🇵🇸  FBI: Most Wanted, a CBS show, is filming a fake encampment at Queens College to demonize the student intifada and manufacture consent for the genocide of Palestine.

🗓️  MONDAY July 22nd
⏱️  5:30pm
📍  CUNY Graduate Center
Twitter/X: @wolpalestine

CUNY4Palestine, Within Our Lifetime, and National Students for Justice in Palestine call for a Week of Rage to protest the filming of an FBI: Most Wanted episode at CUNY Queens College featuring a fictionalized Gaza Solidarity Encampment scene, complete with tents, a “chase and arrest” scene, and a mock-explosion.

This is a clear attempt to simultaneously demonize and profit from the Student Movement against the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. This episode obfuscates the concrete demands of the Student Intifada: our universities must divest from settler colonialism and genocide and cut all ties with Israeli academic institutions.

Just two weeks ago, The Lancet revealed the shocking estimate that 186,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza by direct fire, enforced starvation, and rampant spread of diseases.

In the face of the accelerating atrocities in Gaza, and rising fascist repression across Turtle Island, we must continue to organize and mobilize for an end to the genocide and for a free Palestine, from the river to the sea.

🔗 For the full press release visit the link in our bio or visit @nationalsjp’s instagram page

Disclose, Divest, We Will Not Stop, We Will Not Rest!

Source: Within our Lifetime on Telegram

Heritage Foundation Doxxed

In the Heritage Foundation’s own words: “‘ It seems to me that a good
place to start would be a feminist movement against the pill, & for…
returning the consequentiality to sex.’ Conservatives have to lead the
way in restoring sex to its true purpose, & ending recreational sex &
senseless use of birth control pills .” Their vision is hell for anyone
who unapologetically enjoys control over their own body.

They seek to dismantle any checks on the power of the rich while
embracing hyper-vigilance and surveillance of everyone else. They
envision a new moral police and a return to the world of congressional
hearings on black and brown art.

Fascist think tanks rely on the veneer of respectability to spread
oppression. They provide an intellectual vision to Nazi street thugs and
a political blueprint for right-wing politicians. Heritage, CATO, and
the hundreds of lobbyists inside the beltway are trash people who’ve
created a hellscape. In much of the United States, their vision is
already realized with queers back in closets, the ending of Roe, and
people of color living in fear.

Shine a light on these fascist scum,
—Some antifascists

Submitted anonymously over email


NYC-area doxes:


Robert P. George
371 Prospect Ave, Princeton, NJ 08540

Rebecca A. Mercer
240 Riverside Blvd, Apt 24A, New York, NY 10069


Victoria Coates
132 Bethlehem Pk
Philadelphia PA 19118

Andrew Olive
7 Dunne Wood Ct, Unionville CT 06085


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