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Moped-Riding Thieves Frighten Diners at Upscale N.Y.C. Restaurants

In Williamsburg and Manhattan, robbers have stolen watches worth tens of thousands of dollars before fleeing on motorbikes.

A long dining table with hanging lights at a restaurant. Carafes of tap water are spaced along the table before patrons.
At Birds of a Feather in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, thieves took just 40 seconds to rob men sitting at a table near the door. Credit: Michelle V. Agins
July 5, 2024

Not 10 minutes into date night, Gabe Thomas and his girlfriend, Shirley Yu, found themselves crouched under their table at Birds of a Feather, a sleek Chinese restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where a plate of pea shoots costs $21.

Just 20 feet away, a man wearing a mask brandished a gun in the crowded dining room and with a henchman grabbed two phones and a watch from three men at a table near the front door.

Diners dashed into the kitchen. Chairs toppled. Glasses shattered. A cacophony of screams filled the room.

The perpetrators quick-walked out and fled on a moped, leaving behind a half-empty dining room where a handful of unfired bullets had fallen to the floor. The stickup took less than 40 seconds.

The robbery in the heart of Williamsburg — a once-bohemian enclave in North Brooklyn now home to designer clothing stores and glassy towers — alarmed and unsettled both foodies and residents. And it was just one in a string of similar robberies in and around some of Brooklyn’s and Lower Manhattan’s most in-vogue establishments in the past month. In each case, the perpetrators have swiped luxury watches from diners, according to the police, including, in one episode, a timepiece worth $100,000.

Such crimes are unusual in the affluent neighborhoods that have been targeted, rare incursions of the city’s troubles into its glittering play spots. And they have lit up message boards, receiving the kind of outsize attention — and outrage — that everyday crimes in New York’s poorer neighborhoods often do not. The thefts have propelled persistent grousing that the city is slipping into lawlessness, a perception that no recitation of contrary statistics has dispelled.

The robberies follow the same pattern: Two men, one carrying a gun, steal belongings from restaurant patrons before fleeing, often via moped or dirt bike, according to interviews and surveillance footage. Most of the robberies have happened between 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. and have targeted restaurants that attract celebrities and Brooklyn’s young creative types.

Marlow and Sons, an oyster bar just 10 minutes from Birds of a Feather, was hit in the early evening on May 31. A man approached a 38-year-old man and a 40-year-old man outside the restaurant with a gun and demanded their watches, the police said. He took a Rolex and an Audemars Piguet, worth $40,000 collectively, before fleeing on a “two-wheeled vehicle” with another person, the authorities said.

About three weeks later, a similar heist was reported outside Carbone, an Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village with a dress code — “any guest who does not appear sufficiently well-presented may be refused entry” — and an exclusive reservation list. There, two men robbed a 39-year-old man of his $100,000 Patek Philippe watch at gunpoint, the police said.

The theft at Birds of a Feather took place three days later, the only one of the recent robberies to occur inside a dining room. Then, late last Thursday, the police said that two people riding a moped and carrying a gun stole a watch and a purse from a 29-year-old man and 32-year-old woman on the corner of Manhattan and Norman Avenues in Greenpoint, a Brooklyn neighborhood just north of Williamsburg. The pair was en route from Twins Lounge, a popular spot nearby, to another cocktail bar down the street, according to Greenpointers, a local news website.

No arrests have been made in any of the robberies, the police said. The Police Department did not say whether the four similar thefts were connected.

“We haven’t had crime like this penetrate the neighborhood in a very long time,” said Allyson Stone, a board member for the North Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, who attributed the trend to the area’s relative wealth. The median household income in Williamsburg and Greenpoint in 2022 was $98,750, about 27 percent higher than the citywide median, data from the Furman Center at New York University shows.

The crimes have put North Brooklyn on high alert, according to residents and business owners.

“It did surprise me in a neighborhood like Williamsburg,” said Mr. Thomas, who witnessed the Birds of a Feather robbery. It’s a “higher income, more gentrified neighborhood,” he said. Local residents “have an expectation that, like, that kind of stuff doesn’t happen.”

But thefts of luxury watches are not a new occurrence in major cities like New York. After the coronavirus pandemic, police departments reported a sharp rise in thefts of luxury watches, which are light and difficult to trace and therefore ideal targets.

Sean Wilson, 28, who witnessed the robbery at Marlow and Sons while dining nearby with his fiancée, said that they have begun dining earlier and leaving their valuables, including her diamond ring, at home. “I don’t think that was a thought that I’ve ever really had,” he said.

Robberies in New York City so far this year have risen 4.9 percent from the same period last year, according to the Police Department. In the 90th Precinct, which includes Marlow and Sons and Birds of a Feather, robberies are up 11.2 percent.

Yiming Wang, who owns Birds of a Feather with her husband, Xian Zhang, said they were taking safety precautions after the theft, including upgrading the restaurant’s surveillance system and supporting their employees, some of whom were injured during the commotion. Ms. Wang said they even considered hiring a security guard.

Major Food Group, which owns Carbone, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A representative from Marlow and Sons declined to comment.

But Andrew Rigie, the executive director of the New York City Hospitality Alliance, said that though the string of robberies had sparked concern, that was no reason for New Yorkers to stop dining out.

“There’s more than 25,000 restaurants across the city of New York with millions of people eating out all the time without incident,” he said. “People should not be worried about going out to eat.”

On a recent humid evening at Carbone, a stream of women in slinky dresses filtered into the candlelit restaurant with their male counterparts. Inside the outdoor dining shed, patrons clinked wine glasses over white tablecloths.

Ryan Elberg, 41, said that as someone who enjoys nice watches, he was concerned when he first heard about the robbery, but it hadn’t deterred him. “I figured lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice,” he said. After reflecting, he added: “Get insurance on your watch,” punctuating his advice with an expletive.

Nick Khera, 40, in town from Miami, heard about the robbery at dinner that night. A fellow customer had warned him to wait inside the restaurant until his ride was ready, and after dinner he rushed to a waiting car.

Across the bridge in Williamsburg, dinner rush at Birds of a Feather was in full swing. Customers, many clad in linen, sipped beers and slurped dumplings near the restaurant’s large glass windows.

Steve Zofcin, 33, a 13-year neighborhood resident who was walking by with friends, said he thought the robbery had received more attention than it deserved because it happened in a predominantly white neighborhood.

“That’s just part of living in a city,” he said. “You’re more likely to get bit by a person in New York than a shark.”

Ten OMNY Machines Smashed by the Transit Liberation Front

Recently, Black Revolutionaries in Atlanta sent out a call for a Summer of Resistance, a sustained, militant, and decentralized campaign targeting the multitude of appendages of the settler-colonial so-called United States, its Zionist client government, and their many accomplices in promoting a genocidal agenda in Palestine that is killing tens of thousands. In response, we turned our attention to the MTA and the touchless payment system, OMNY, that it is trying to shove down New Yorkers’ collective throat. These machines represent a world in which we must trade away our privacy for the right to move about our own city. The existence of OMNY and the city’s desire to phase out all other methods of payment is an obvious ploy to increase surveillance and further violate our communities by policing the main arteries of transit for everyday New Yorkers—as if the subways weren’t fucking crawling with police already.

We smashed ten of these machines in multiple subway stations across the city. We estimate that this is equivalent to about $40,000 in damage.

OMNY is in part result of a contract between the MTA and Cubic Corporation, a sprawling multinational entity owned by the private equity firm Veritas Capital [9 W. 57th St.]. Veritas’s portfolio also includes Peraton, which is working with the Department of Homeland Security to build HART. This advanced surveillance system will compile and centralize biometric and other data on nearly 300 million individuals, further facilitating DHS’s campaign of terror against immigrants and communities of color. This database, of course, will soon be open to Zionist security forces through DHS’s Enhanced Border Security Partnership, which promises rapid mutual biometric intelligence sharing among the Zionist entity, US, UK, and EU.

Veritas is invested in the oppressive technologies shoring up the imposed colonial borders that have been constructed on Palestinian land and between the United States and Mexico, ripping apart traditionally Indigenous territories. Here, at the margins, we see the extremity of state violence enacted against those it has decided to keep out by any means necessary, through both active violence—when the Zionist military murders Palestinians in cold blood—and passive, when US agents allow families to drown in the Rio Grande before their very eyes. These horrors are manifold, and Veritas is profiting from them.

If your city has a public transportation system, it is likely to be linked to Cubic and Veritas. Chicago’s Ventra system, London’s Oyster, the Breeze card in Atlanta, and countless other systems inside and outside of the US are all Cubic endeavors. Your governments are selling you out to a private company that actively promotes the imperialist projects from Palestine to Mexico. Why? In our view, they are rolling out an ever-more militarized version of the already extant police state. Cops flooding the subway and National Guard bag-checks are only the beginning. They are relying on us growing accustomed to being controlled in every aspect of our lives, of us willingly giving up our privacy in exchange for their rotten idea of “safety.” There is no safety under occupation, and we are indeed living on occupied territory. We may not yet face the same violence in the metropole as we see at the margins, but, as the resistance grows and the intifada is globalized, they are certainly getting ready in case we get too rowdy, too ungovernable. We are the frogs in the slowly heating pot.

Disabling these machines is just one small act of resistance, one that requires no more than a good, heavy hammer (16 oz. or more, no wooden handles), some safety equipment (goggles and protective gloves), and a solid plan for concealing your identity. Bring a friend to watch your back and go to town. Smash an OMNY, cover a camera, break one of their stupid video ads. Join the Transit Liberation Front today!

–The Transit Liberation Front

July 4 Smashing/Painting Attack on Magellan Aerospace

This “Independence” Day, Palestine Action NYC strikes Magellan Aerospace in Corona, Queens, who makes F-35 jet parts for Lockheed Martin to bomb Palestinians and flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza.


We must escalate for Gaza. This is just the beginning. Protests are not enough. Empty calls for the dismantling of the system are not enough. In our capitalist society, we must strike them where it hurts them most: their wallets.

Source: Palestine Action US | Photos and video available at Telegram link | Instagram link:

Follow the Fires: Insurgency Against Identity

By Haraami

The following essay was adapted from a talk that has been given in slightly different forms at three gatherings in three different regions of the U.S. in the last six months. It emerges from the broader efforts of some nonwhite revolutionaries based in and around the Southwest who are using talks, workshops, and discussions in an attempt to combat liberal and otherwise counter-revolutionary forms of identity politics which present themselves as militant and anarchist.

Here, Haraami offers a diagnosis of how counter-insurgent forms of identity politics leverage scenes and milieus as incubators of insular and fickle social competition and calls upon revolutionaries to focus instead on fidelity to uprisings and practical questions of revolution. You can download a zine version of this article here.

Source: Living and Fighting | Submitted anoynmously over email

Continue reading “Follow the Fires: Insurgency Against Identity”

Revisiting Social Revolution in the Aftermath of 2020

“Our task as anarchists, our main preoccupation and greatest desire, is to see the social revolution come about: a terrible upheaval of men and institutions which finally succeeds in putting an end to exploitation and establishing the reign of justice.

For we anarchists the revolution is our guide, our constant point of reference, no matter what we are doing or what problem we are concerned with. The anarchy we want will not be possible without the painful revolutionary break. If we want to avoid turning this into no more than a dream we must struggle to destroy the State and the exploiters through revolution.”
-Alfredo Bonanno, Why Insurrection?

Few anarchists today have any speak of social revolution. Many laugh off or roll their eyes at the mention of it or worse, talk about realism and reform. The few who talk talk about it as if it were a religious desire or an otherworldly force. But what is social revolution, and what is anarchy without the social revolution? A desire, a goal, an over arching project of our entire lives – without it, what are we, what are we doing, and why?

The anarchist movements in the U.S. today are largely a reactive force, always waiting for another movement or uprising to come along to attach ourselves to. Emptying anarchy of its content, anarchists are content to be the militant auxiliary or informal organizational vanguard of social movements or simply sit back and look for forms of anarchy in other peoples and places so we can rest assured that anarchy is a latent impulse in all peoples, that we are less alone than we really are and that it’s a simple matter of time before everything falls into place. If I were to sum it up, I would say that there is a great confusion about what it means to be an anarchist and what it is anarchists aspire to.

The last time I spoke to someone about the idea of revolution the person responded with how it has become such a meaningless word. I couldn’t agree more, but the conclusions we drew from this were totally different. For him it meant that we shouldn’t bother with the idea. For me it means that we must return to the basics of anarchy – reexamine, explore and draw out our ideals to their conclusions and the means to realize them lest they get captured and killed by the enemy like what has happened with once dangerous ideas like Direct Action, Mutual Aid, Anti-Authoritarianism and Free Association.

Our ideals and actions – what anarchism is and what it means to be, act, fight and live as an anarchist – are not static, unchanging things. They must be continually gone back to and re-examined or else we will unconsciously fall into paths and ideas defined and re-defined by those who aren’t anarchists. It’s no different than when we don’t examine our own lives and fall into unconscious patterns and suddenly wake up 5 years down the line somewhere we don’t recognize and someone we didn’t want to be. It’s the same because anarchy, too, must be lived and examined.

So this is my small contribution to the re-examination of anarchy with a particular focus on the concept of social revolution, a long neglected desire gathering dust in the old tomes and broken dreams of anarchists past. I hope to take it out, dust it off a little and rekindle its fire to help us orient ourselves in struggle. Anarchy isn’t merely a beautiful idea to be dreampt about yet never realized but it is a concrete condition of possibility – something that can be realized at any point in time but only if we set about the task of realizing it ourselves. But we will not stumble our way into anarchy, without an idea of the ways and means to get there we will find ourselves in a great confusion, running around in circles conflating ourselves with reform movements, labor movements, leftist movements, helping others realize their goals but finding ourselves no closer to our own. No, we need to know our goals and desires, we need to study and examine the means and processes to actualize them, we need to dig into the grand process of destruction and creation and get re-acquainted with it.

I do this as much for myself as for others because I am tired of half baked ideas leading to half baked action, of being led around by others whims or waiting around for someone or something else rather than concretely moving towards something. Because I am tired of stopping half way because I have no conception of what to do, or what could happen, next.

I can no longer be unsure, I have one life to live and it is what I wager each day I take up the fight for anarchy.

Continue reading “Revisiting Social Revolution in the Aftermath of 2020”

Location Announcement for Earth First! Summer Gathering

Welcome to the 44th Annual Earth First! Summer Gathering

This year we are gathering July 2-9 on Lenape Land, in Lenapehokink – “Land of the Lenape.” The Lenape are the original inhabitants of what is colonially known as eastern “Pennsylvania,” southern “New York,” “New Jersey,” and northern “Delaware.” The gathering is happening in Bangor, PA at what is now the Kirkridge Retreat Center. With Seeds of Peace we will be providing hot breakfast and dinner; please bring your own food for lunches if you can, as well as your camping setup. We are also hoping to secure extra camping gear for people that need.

In this page you will find; information about the location, physical accesibility notes a schedule, directions and transit options, and our policies. Please email with any more questions!

We are also collecting funds to support travel for for facilitators and BIPOC folks as well as for the kitchen, general infrastructure stuff to help with accessibility and extra camping gear. Email to inquire about BIPOC travel funds.

Continue reading “Location Announcement for Earth First! Summer Gathering”

Sabotage and Disruption at Puma Flagship Store

Sunday afternoon, an autonomous group compromised business as usual at the flagship puma store on 5th avenue in New York City.

Two massive concrete dumps were taken in the bathrooms, bleach was discretely applied to merchandise making it unsellable, and 1,000+ crickets were released in the store to de occupy the space for weeks to come- all during peak shopping hours.

puma has long been known as a supporter and enabler of the Zionist israeli settler state. Despite years of pressure, puma still sells its goods in illegal israeli settlements. This genocide rages on, and puma profits off of stolen Palestinian land. Not on our watch.

We want the world to know how this self-proclaimed champion of international athletic solidarity is directly invested in the deaths of Palestinian athletes. We act in solidarity with the more than 200 Palestinian sports clubs who have called on puma to stop their support for israeli apartheid. We act in solidarity with Palestinians who today play soccer and other sports as a form of resistance. The Palestinian spirit will never be crushed. puma will be.

Fuck Puma.
Fuck empire.
Glory to the martyrs.
Escalate for Gaza.
Tiocfaidh ár lá.

Anonyomous submission reposted from Palestine Action US Telegram

Juneteenth Graffiti at Columbia University Subway Stop

We left Columbia University a little Juneteenth present.

They’ll have you believe this is the work of outside agitators in attempts to divide us, but newsflash- we are all outside agitators, and we are everywhere. Long live Hind’s Hall, every fascist state WILL fall.

“Columbia property” doesn’t exist when they’ve stolen everything they have. They will not see peace until they get the fuck out of Harlem, get the fuck out of Palestine, and stop funding genocide.

Disrupt. Reclaim. Destroy. The escalations have only just begun.

Anonymous submission found on CUAD Instagram: