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Location Announcement for Earth First! Summer Gathering

Welcome to the 44th Annual Earth First! Summer Gathering

This year we are gathering July 2-9 on Lenape Land, in Lenapehokink – “Land of the Lenape.” The Lenape are the original inhabitants of what is colonially known as eastern “Pennsylvania,” southern “New York,” “New Jersey,” and northern “Delaware.” The gathering is happening in Bangor, PA at what is now the Kirkridge Retreat Center. With Seeds of Peace we will be providing hot breakfast and dinner; please bring your own food for lunches if you can, as well as your camping setup. We are also hoping to secure extra camping gear for people that need.

In this page you will find; information about the location, physical accesibility notes a schedule, directions and transit options, and our policies. Please email with any more questions!

We are also collecting funds to support travel for for facilitators and BIPOC folks as well as for the kitchen, general infrastructure stuff to help with accessibility and extra camping gear. Email to inquire about BIPOC travel funds.

Continue reading “Location Announcement for Earth First! Summer Gathering”

Sabotage and Disruption at Puma Flagship Store

Sunday afternoon, an autonomous group compromised business as usual at the flagship puma store on 5th avenue in New York City.

Two massive concrete dumps were taken in the bathrooms, bleach was discretely applied to merchandise making it unsellable, and 1,000+ crickets were released in the store to de occupy the space for weeks to come- all during peak shopping hours.

puma has long been known as a supporter and enabler of the Zionist israeli settler state. Despite years of pressure, puma still sells its goods in illegal israeli settlements. This genocide rages on, and puma profits off of stolen Palestinian land. Not on our watch.

We want the world to know how this self-proclaimed champion of international athletic solidarity is directly invested in the deaths of Palestinian athletes. We act in solidarity with the more than 200 Palestinian sports clubs who have called on puma to stop their support for israeli apartheid. We act in solidarity with Palestinians who today play soccer and other sports as a form of resistance. The Palestinian spirit will never be crushed. puma will be.

Fuck Puma.
Fuck empire.
Glory to the martyrs.
Escalate for Gaza.
Tiocfaidh ár lá.

Anonyomous submission reposted from Palestine Action US Telegram

Juneteenth Graffiti at Columbia University Subway Stop

We left Columbia University a little Juneteenth present.

They’ll have you believe this is the work of outside agitators in attempts to divide us, but newsflash- we are all outside agitators, and we are everywhere. Long live Hind’s Hall, every fascist state WILL fall.

“Columbia property” doesn’t exist when they’ve stolen everything they have. They will not see peace until they get the fuck out of Harlem, get the fuck out of Palestine, and stop funding genocide.

Disrupt. Reclaim. Destroy. The escalations have only just begun.

Anonymous submission found on CUAD Instagram:

Event Announcement: 2024 NYC Anarchist Bookfair, Sep. 20-22

The New York City Anarchist Bookfair Needs Your Help!

This year’s book fair will be held September 20-22, and we need you to help create the schedule of panels, workshops, and presentations that will bring together anarchists and anarcho-curious from around the region and across the country.

Tablers will include books, media, clothing, zines, community organisations, info.

Workshop Application | Table Application

September 20
@ P.I.T. (Property is Theft), Brooklyn
Music Festival – 7pm

September 21
@ La Plaza Community Garden – Free Childcare + Vegan Food
Anarchist Bookfair – 11am-7pm
AnarkoArtLab Art Festival – 4-7pm
In-person Workshops – 11am-7pm

@ Tompkins Square Park
Emma Goldman Film Festival – 8-11pm

September 22
@ P.I.T. (Property is Theft), Brooklyn
Workshops – 11am-7pm

Our collaborators include : AnarchoArtLab, M.O.R.U.S. (Museum Of Reclaimed Urban Space) and P.I.T. (Property Is Theft).

New York City, a center of anarchist life, culture, struggle, and ideas for 150 years, hosts this exposition of books, zines, pamphlets, art, film/video, and other cultural and anti-political productions of the anarchist scene worldwide. In addition there will be panels, presentations, workshops, and skillshares to provide further opportunities to learn more and share your own experience and creativity.

The goal of the book fair is to enable people to connect with one another as well as to provide broader access to the rich and varied field of anarchist ideas and practices. Now is the perfect time to be exploring those ideas and practices and bringing them into play in our communities and the world.

Come meet local anarchists and others from all over the globe looking to connect with other anarchists. The Anarchist Book Fair is a place where the ideas, activism, ethics, creativity and history of the contemporary anarchist movement come together in an exciting weekend of community and collaboration.

Long ago the Book Fair adopted a policy of zero-tolerance for racist, sexist, queer-phobic, and other disrespectful behavior that works against collective liberation for all communities.

All free. new york city.

More info + events to be announced.

Reposted from Anarchist News

Event Announcement: Earth First! Summer Gathering, July 2 – 9, 2024

Come one come all to the 2024 Earth First! Summer Gathering! Earth First! has been a proving ground for environmental resistance and direct action for almost half a century. As we enter new epochs of ecological breakdown, social upheaval and increasing state repression, we invite all those who would see the wild flourish to gather, connect, learn and explore what’s to be done during an escalating crisis of capital and what worlds we can build together amidst the ruins of empire.

Dates: July 2-9.  This summer the gathering will take place on occupied Lenape lands an hour and a half west of New York City. Exact location TBA. For more information, please visit this page.

Donation links:
BIPOC Travel Fund | general Summer Gathering fund


Submitted anonymously over email

Autonomous Actions at Israeli and German Consulates

Flags Burned at Israeli Consulate

Found on Palestine Action US Telegram | [Instagram link for video:]

A masked protester burns a US flag.Two people burn the Israeli and US flag next to each other in front an NYPD guard booth.

A group of autonomous actors targeted the Consulate General of Israel in New York City in the morning on Wednesday, June 12. The American and Zionist flags were burned in protest of settler-colonial violence, dispossession, and genocide, from Turtle Island to Palestine.
The American empire is an active participant in the current genocidal onslaught, not only by funding and arming the Zionist entity, but with US military and intelligence presence in Gaza itself. The Zionist entity is an immoral and illegitimate state, built on the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and constructed as an outpost of Western imperialism.

The Palestinian people have suffered for far too long under the chokehold of Zionism, aided, abetted, and driven by the unquenchable thirst of American empire—but we know that, through the steadfast resistance of the Palestinian people and the movement for Palestinian liberation around the world, Zionism will fall and Palestine will be free.

German Consulate Redecorated

Found on Palestine Action US Telegram | [Instagram link for video:]

A group of autonomous actors targeted the German Consulate in New York City in the early hours of the morning on Wednesday, June 12. Actionists splashed blood-red paint on the exterior of the consulate and wheatpasted an official-looking apology from the German government for their active participation in the Zionist entity’s genocidal assault on Gaza.

The German state supplies 30% of the IOF’s weapons and is the second-largest supporter of the Zionist entity, behind only the U.S. In 2023, Germany approved $320 million in military aid to the entity — over ten times more than in 2022. Germany’s generous funding has made this genocide possible. Meanwhile, German leaders have criminalized the Palestine solidarity movement, making mass arrests and cynically banning protests in the name of so-called antisemitism. In solidarity with pro-Palestinian movements in Germany, the actionists demand that Germany recognize the Palestinian State and support the recognition of an independent Palestinian state in the EU.



This action is part of a broader international escalation—undertaken in response to calls from Gaza—to hold accountable all entities that aid and abet the ongoing colonization of the Palestinian people. The Zionist entity relies on a network of puppet states, normalizers, and imperialist allies to maintain its brutal status quo. Other actions in New York City today targeted the U.S. Campaign on Palestinian Affairs and the Permanent Mission of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations.

In a communique issued this morning, the New York City actionists write:
“Through our actions we continue to globalize the intifada. We locate complicity in the genocidal campaign against Palestinians among all nations who refuse to cut ties with the Zionist settler state, refuse to support Palestinian freedom and the right to return, and profit from the attempted annihilation of Palestinian people. We as dissidents in the imperial core urge comrades everywhere to consider all normalizers our enemies and join in creative resistance to every state actor and institution that aids and abets genocide.”


Submitted anonymously over email

Why We Protested Nova: Confronting Zionist Propaganda and the Manufacturing of Consent for Genocide

On Monday, June 10th, Within Our Lifetime called for a citywide Day of Rage for Gaza in response to the US-sponsored massacre in Nuseirat Camp that killed over 270 Palestinians and left more than 700 wounded, as part of the ongoing genocide being carried out against the Palestinian people.

New Yorkers responded by flooding the streets and shutting down the zionist propaganda “Nova Exhibition NYC,” currently installed at 35 Wall Street. In defiance of the NYPD’s growing brutality against protesters, targeting of Palestinian Muslim women, and their pathetic attempts to defame organizers, Within Our Lifetime strongly reiterates our call for sustained action against any institution facilitating or justifying the genocide of the Palestinian people, including the Nova Exhibition, for as long as it is in New York and in any city it will travel to next.


Continue reading “Why We Protested Nova: Confronting Zionist Propaganda and the Manufacturing of Consent for Genocide”

NYC Activists Target Magellan Aerospace Corp (with Graffiti)

Action report: Autonomous NYC Activists target Magellan Aerospace Corp in Queens, which contracts with Lockheed Martin to manufacture F-35 jet parts to bomb civilians in Gaza and around the world. The Israeli military (IOF) just ordered more F-35s for Gaza using US military aid in a multi-billion dollar deal. With our tax dollars, Magellan and Lockheed Martin are profiting off the death and destruction in Palestine.

Art reads:





Found on Palestine Action US Telegram | [Instagram link:]

Graffiti at United Nations in Solidarity with Chilean Anarchists

For context about Monica & Francisco, see their bio on the June 11 website:

No strangers to repression, they were kidnapped by the Chilean state during the “Caso Bombas” until they were absolved of all charges related to a prior wave of incendiary attacks by anarchist groups. They were also charged for the bomb attack on the Basilica del Pilar in Spain in 2013, and were sentenced to 12 years in prison. After a number of appeals processes the two were allowed to return to Chile in 2017.

In December of 2023 Monica Cabellero was sentenced to 12 years in prison, convicted of being an accomplice in the double explosive attack against the Tánica building in February 2020. Francisco Solar received a total of 86 years in prison: two counts of sending explosive artifacts (54th Precinct and Hinzpeter) 12 years + 12 years. One count of attempted homicide of a carabinero: 15 years. One count of serious injury to a carabinero: 6 years. One count of less serious injury: 600 days. Five counts of minor injuries: 100 days (each). 500 days. One count of aggrivated damages (Commussioner): 818 days. One count of attempted homicide of Hinzpeter: 12 years. Two counts of placing an explosive device (Tánica): 12 years + 12 years. Appeals are pending at the time of this writing.

For more information:

Publicacion Refractario

Photo submitted anonymously over email.