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comment from anarchist from serbia

I must comment on your news.

I thought you were an anarchist website. your news should be anarchist news, but your news is full of palestinians fight and they fight to create the state, the same as kurds. palestinians are fighting only against israel, german communist guerrilla RAF was much better. palestinian action news you publish on your website are comic guerrilla, unity of fields, they dont kill capitalists and imperlialists as german RAF did it, your palestinians are just damaging property, painting and hanging banners, they should BUY BULLETS AND GET GUNS and shoot capitalists, politicians, cops, soldiers, spies, and others who are part of the system. they can visit the following website if they want to see private addresses of the ruling class in the USA:


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palestinians have been connected for many years with communists in europe and german guerrillas RAF got training from the PLO of Arafat, but communists are always fighting for the creation of a communist state, usually a dictatorship as it was in east germany, yugoslavia and soviet union. therefore, anarchists should not support communist guerrillas like the red army faction, RAF, from germany. and palestinians are not even close to german guerrillas, palestinians are fighting only against israel, RAF was much better. but palestinians are fighting for the creation of a nation-state, PLO and Hamas and all other palestinians are fighting for the creation of a state. therefore, anarchists should not support their fight although we can protest against israel and imperailism, militarism, capitalism. but we should not support the creation of states, by palestinians or kurds. Hezbollah also dont have anything to do with anarchists.

contrary to many anarchists in west europe who dont attack capitalism, I support greek anarchists and others who attack capitalism, greek anarchists also do bank robberies to finance themselves, I am sorry that I live in a country where there are not so many anarchists and we dont have some activities, there was only one attack against a greek embassy many years ago and anarchists had 6 years court process but in the end, they were free. I was also for 13 years like an illegal immigrant in west europe and anarchists didnt help anything. I just say I like guerrilla anarchists but there are no such anarchists in my country and also in the 4 countries in europe where I was illegal 13 years.

I hope you will stop publishing news of fighters who are fighting to create states: Hezbollah and Hamas and Palestinians and Kurds PKK have nothing to do with anarchism.

by the way I may relocate to new york, therefore I wanted to find anarchists in new york, and I found your website, but I see you are interested only in israel and palestinians, the USA is a much bigger brutal capitalist power than israel. you should fight against the american ruling class instead of fighting against israel.

rebel anarchist

Received anonymously over email. Edited for grammar and removing personal info.