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Juneteenth Graffiti at Columbia University Subway Stop

We left Columbia University a little Juneteenth present.

They’ll have you believe this is the work of outside agitators in attempts to divide us, but newsflash- we are all outside agitators, and we are everywhere. Long live Hind’s Hall, every fascist state WILL fall.

“Columbia property” doesn’t exist when they’ve stolen everything they have. They will not see peace until they get the fuck out of Harlem, get the fuck out of Palestine, and stop funding genocide.

Disrupt. Reclaim. Destroy. The escalations have only just begun.

Anonymous submission found on CUAD Instagram:

NYC Activists Target Magellan Aerospace Corp (with Graffiti)

Action report: Autonomous NYC Activists target Magellan Aerospace Corp in Queens, which contracts with Lockheed Martin to manufacture F-35 jet parts to bomb civilians in Gaza and around the world. The Israeli military (IOF) just ordered more F-35s for Gaza using US military aid in a multi-billion dollar deal. With our tax dollars, Magellan and Lockheed Martin are profiting off the death and destruction in Palestine.

Art reads:





Found on Palestine Action US Telegram | [Instagram link:]

Graffiti at United Nations in Solidarity with Chilean Anarchists

For context about Monica & Francisco, see their bio on the June 11 website:

No strangers to repression, they were kidnapped by the Chilean state during the “Caso Bombas” until they were absolved of all charges related to a prior wave of incendiary attacks by anarchist groups. They were also charged for the bomb attack on the Basilica del Pilar in Spain in 2013, and were sentenced to 12 years in prison. After a number of appeals processes the two were allowed to return to Chile in 2017.

In December of 2023 Monica Cabellero was sentenced to 12 years in prison, convicted of being an accomplice in the double explosive attack against the Tánica building in February 2020. Francisco Solar received a total of 86 years in prison: two counts of sending explosive artifacts (54th Precinct and Hinzpeter) 12 years + 12 years. One count of attempted homicide of a carabinero: 15 years. One count of serious injury to a carabinero: 6 years. One count of less serious injury: 600 days. Five counts of minor injuries: 100 days (each). 500 days. One count of aggrivated damages (Commussioner): 818 days. One count of attempted homicide of Hinzpeter: 12 years. Two counts of placing an explosive device (Tánica): 12 years + 12 years. Appeals are pending at the time of this writing.

For more information:

Publicacion Refractario

Photo submitted anonymously over email.