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Vandalism at Baruch College

Activists vandalized the windows of Baruch College’s dining hall on the early hours of October 6th to demands cops off campus and for Baruch administration to slash all ties with the racist NYPD. Simultaneously the walls of Baruch’s 55 Lexington Ave campus were vandalized with the slogan “Oct 7th is Forever” to honor the operation Al-Aqsa Flood which shattered the myth of US-Israeli invincibility on October 7th 2023.

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Citi Redecoration

28 September 2024 – Anonymous Submission


This week, at the close of the United Nations General Assembly and Climate Week in and in the lead up to the annual Global Citizen Festival on September 28th in New York, an autonomous group left a message for Global Citizen Festival Sponsor Citibank. Global Citizen is selling out our social and environmental justice movements to the world’s worst corporations. New Yorkers condemn its corrupt silence on the illegal Israeli occupation’s genocide in Gaza.

Global Citizen claims its mission is to “defeat poverty, demand equity, and defend the planet.” So why is the organization – and this event — funded and directed by genocide and climate change profiteers?

Citigroup, the multinational investment bank, is a “presenting partner” of the Global Citizen Festival. It’s also the top funder of fossil fuel expansion projects since the Paris Agreements. Citigroup is also deeply invested in the Israeli occupation of Palestine. As the first and largest U.S. bank to operate in the occupied territory (starting right after it was the last U.S. bank to withdraw from apartheid South Africa), Last October, Citigroup issued the zionist regime a $500 million war bond to begin the genocide in Gaza, and has since facilitated billions in U.S. taxpayer-funded arms shipments from Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.

With its public commitment to human rights, large platform, and connections throughout politics, business, finance, media, and the entertainment industry, Global Citizen is well-positioned to hold the U.S. and Israel accountable by influencing public attitudes and policies about this genocide. Instead, it hasn’t said a word about Palestine since October.

Source: Unity of Fields

FREE FARE: Bedford L train station smashed

Monday night at the Bedford Ave L train station in Brooklyn, we smashed 8 OMNY readers, 1 OMNY machine, and 2 MTA machines. We made the fare FREE because they had to open the emergency door to let people in. This is in direct response to the L train mass shooting committed by NYPD, when they shot Derrel Mickells and two bystanders over $2.90, in a Black neighborhood under militarized police occupation. New Yorkers say enough is enough and fuck your fare.

We live in a world in which the pig enforcers of racial capitalism can casually shoot us over a few dollars. All our lives especially Black lives are worth less than $2.90 to them. Whether it’s paying the pigs to menace Black and Brown communities and restrict movement, for funding genocide near and far, or creating technology to convenience the rich and confine the poor, capitalism is designed to kill.

This is a call to action. Anyone can do this. Gather info, plan well, be covered, be their nightmare. Let’s all smash! Puncture the walls of the techno-prison and see real light, breathe real air, and destory the fare!

Continue reading “FREE FARE: Bedford L train station smashed”

New York IOF war criminal’s business defaced

Actionists have defaced the facade of the Historic Blue Moon Hotel, the family business of IOF soldier and war criminal Bram Settenbrino. Black paint was splattered on their doors and windows, as well as red triangles and the message “Baby Killer”. Settenbrino became known last month for publishing videos of himself firing indiscriminately at civilian infrastructure and a mosque in Gaza.

Actionists said, “This is a community-based approach to anti-imperialism. The genocide in Gaza may be happening across the ocean, but many of its perpetrators walk among us here in NYC. They should never have peace.

We take inspiration from the rich legacy of antifascism, of groups like Anti-Racist Action and the 43 Group–understanding that we have to act locally to make fascism obsolete globally. Where they go, we go.

Organize, research, map out the networks in which soldiers of imperialism pass freely between the frontline and the imperial core. Find them and give them hell.”

Submitted anonymously over email.

September 10 Black Bloc: Full Communique

Protesters in black bloc marched in NYC [on September 10] to demand an end to genocide, colonialism, & police states. Protesters chanted the names of Aysenur Eygi & Tortuguita & redecorated corporate property with anti-colonial artwork. NYPD cops later made multiple brutal arrests. Below is a communique released by some of the protesters:


When we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe.’ – Franz Fanon

To Kamala Harris and Donald J. Trump, your goals aren’t new, or the way you achieve your goals. It was always domination by brutality, by dividing and isolating, by dehumanizing and villainizing. Just look at how you treat our Palestinian siblings, how you bring those same colonialist and imperialist methods here, and begin to slowly implement them to oppress poor working class communities and the marginalized groups that make up those communities. You murder with our tax dollars, brutalize and kill those who are fed up with their oppression, and proclaim you’re the truth and law of the world.

Aysenur Eygi did not deserve to die, while not the first, we know she won’t be the last. Even though her death was at the hands of the IOF, the rifle and bullet they fired were made and supplied under the orders of Biden And YOU.

Kamala, you say nothing will change under your administration, but that isn’t up to you. If nothing will change, then we will make that change.

Trump, you’re what you’ve always been, a snake pretending to be a wolf. Your mask fell years ago, and the record is clear, you’re a scam artist, a con-man, and a wannabe fascist dictator. We will let you know now, that your fascist movement will break against our shield walls, and crumple in our city’s streets.

Meanwhile, corrupt mayor Eric Adams and his allies cut community funding, line their pockets, and starve New Yorkers. We, this NYC black bloc, made up of revolutionary New Yorkers, will feed them.

In this city corporate greed reigns, and the interests of landlords, hedge funds, and the rich elites fuels every crisis. They’ve spent decades militarizing the NYPD, building cop cities, sending them abroad to train with the IOF, investing and donating mass surveillance tech, pushing budget cuts, and funding every other piece of their police state. All on the dime of poor working class New Yorkers, and all of it to keep your fellow New Yorkers brutalized, isolated, starved, and exploitable. Manipulating us to blame migrants, and to bring back the militarized ICE into our neighborhoods, all while turning our precious city into a personal playground for the rich and powerful, inevitably ending with the destruction of our communities, the dispossession of its people, and their displacement. Leaving cheap pockets of labor to exploit and cater to their every need.

But no more!! We call on all New Yorkers to join us in the streets, to take action like we have, and put an end to this police state, this corrupt administration, the corporate greed, and the suffering so many of us have endured by their hands. To Eric Adams, his admin, the NYPD, and their financial and political allies, the Feds are encircling, they smell the rats nest, and so do we. Even if they don’t stop you, the people are waking up, we’re rising, and we’ll be prepared to drive the final nail.

For Community
For Gaza
For Liberation

Against Colonialism
Against Police States and Cop Cities

Fuck ICE and the NYPD
Solidarity to the Resistance Everywhere


Found on Social Media (@AshAgony twitter)



All efforts to resurrect the image of so-called IsraHell as a haven of progressive ideals must be chopped down and leveraged as an opportunity to highlight its indiscriminate genocide again the Palestinian people. The Brooklyn resident(s) who hung this Israeli rainbow flag are doing the same ideological work as the IOF soldier who, in November 2023, held a rainbow flag with a hand-scrawled message, “In the name of love,” while standing in front of Gaza buildings reduced to rubble by IOF airstrikes. Both are attempts at “Pinkwashing,” or hiding IsraHell’s ongoing genocide, apartheid, colonialism behind a veneer of queer-friendliness in order to win support from folks around the world and prevent solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Pinkwashing Zionists like to justify their genocide by saying that it’s not safe to be queer in Gaza. Do not fall for their traps! The struggle for queer liberation is global. Do not fall for the idea that bombing people is going to bring them LGBTQ+ rights. All forms of oppression are connected. Stay vigilant and escalate, friends! We must actively confront Zionism in our neighborhoods! There is no room for Zionism in our communities!

See “Beyond Propaganda: Pinkwashing as Colonial Violence” by AlQaws for more information.

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Banner Drop Against Cop City in “Queens” – Full Communique

September 7, 2024


In September 2021, the city of Atlanta leased 381 acres of Weelaunee Forest to the Atlanta Police Foundation for a $90 million dollar training facility, funded by bloodthirsty corporations. Atlanta’s Cop City is modeled off of the iof’s “Little Gaza” facility, which was built in 2006 with $45 million dollars of US aid. These mock cities are the training grounds in which the pigs perfect “urban warfare strategies” with the express purpose of stifling organized dissent, perpetuating gentrification, and increasing violence against our most vulnerable communitiesparticularly Black, Indigenous, and brown communities. As of July 31 2024, there are 80 cop city projects in the works in 49 of 50 states, all of this against the backdrop of a for-profit penal system.

In New York City, the concept of a cop city extends far beyond official training grounds, bleeding into all aspects of civilian life. Even before the greenlighting of Queens’ $225 million dollar pigsty, New Yorkers have been facing unpreccedented levels of state repression, and relentless surveillance by a police force large and powerful enough to be considered a standing army.

The purported goal of Queens’ cop cityset to break ground in 2026, in College Pointis to consolidate training for 18 city agencies, including the department of sanitation, homeless services, the administration for children’s services, parks enforcement, and the department of corrections, among others; essentially, it aims to militarize city government workers.

Meanwhile, eric adams is slashing hundreds of millions of dollars from homeless services, children’s services and other programs that New Yorkers depend onSNAP, medicaid, libraries, and rental vouchers, for exanplein order to pad the nypd’s already-bloated budget to a record-breaking $12 billion in 2025. We’ve all seen the increase of pigs in our communities, the national guard at subway stations, private security firms such as Allied partnering with  the MTA. We’ve seen the blueprints for a 300-ft. high jail im Chinatown. We’ve seen an increase in violent sweeps of both street vendors and our homeless neighbors.


As we heed the Palestinian resistance’s call, we must remember that the nypd and israel are two heads of the same snake. The “war on terror” of the early 200s led u.s. law enforcement (including the nypd) to attend official training expeditions to the zionist state in order to exchange “best practices” in “counter-terrorism”. After his 2023 trip to the zionist state, adams returned “inspired” by the iof’s use of drone technology, and subsequently implemented unmanned surveillance drones across nyc. In Gaza, drones are used to much deadlier effect. On numerous occasions, such as the Flour Massacre in Februarry 2024, drones have been used to kill unarmed civilians in densely populated areas.

We know by now that pigs do not keep us safe: 600+ people are killed and more than 250,000 civilians are injured by police annually in the united states. Reports of abuse at the hands of the nypd have surged since adams became mayor. Annually, an average of 9 New Yorkers are murdered by pigsin 2022, that number rose to 13. That same year, 9 people were pronounced dead while in nypd custody, Since 2021, complaints filed with the Civilian Complaint Review Board have increased 51%, with New Yorkers filing 5,604 complaintsa ten-year record. The nypd spent $115 million on misconduct payouts last year alone. Not only that, but officers enjoy relative impunity within the nypd’s internal affairs process. adams’ first police commissioner, keechant sewell, reversed internal affairs’ discipline rulings at a record rate, reducing or annulling penalties for more than half of all pigs found to have committed misconduct at an administrative trial during her term.

What is this cop city for, if not training up masses of trigger-happy pigs? What can we do when these violent hordes are set loose on civilians as a means of protecting the interests of a rich minority? How do we respond to a state and system hellbent on the total suppression of any and all resistance to the capitalist, imperialist nightmare threatening all human and nonhuman life?

What does it mean for us when we’re faced with organized abandonment, dispossession, disenfranchisement, and the reality that our tax dollars are currently funding the Palestinian genocide?


For years, the state has been wielded as a weapon by the owning class in order to dispossess and subjugate those at the mercy of their predations, both within and beyond the borders of the united states. To those who put their faith in reform: you do not understand that the entire system is compromised, septic, unsalvageable. It is not enough to merely “kill the cop in our heads” or “decolonize our minds”. We must attack the physical strongholds of the colonizer, the cop, and all those who unjustly wield their powers, and we must strike from all angles. Leaving them unchecked allows the rot to spread; pig deputy mayor phil banks that he “hopes the academy will be a model for other cities across the country”. We must refute this.

This banner drop is not an action, but a call. May we heed the burning of Minneapolis’s 3rd precinct a thousand times over. We call on our allies to organize, escalate, to shake off the torpor, the weariness, the fear. Resist. As for our enemiesthe false comfort and peace that you take for granted is bought with the blood of millions. When our time comes, we will make no apologies for what we do to you.


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Six Citibank Locations Sabotaged in Manhattan

An autonomous group — more than half of which were Jews — hit six Manhattan Shittibanks on Sunday night to remind corporate ONCE AGAIN that there is NO BUSINESS AS USUAL DURING A GENOCIDE. We epoxied card readers and door locks and covered them with cement-glued stickers. Shame on citi for its complicity in the relentless, horrific atrocities against Palestine and Palestinians!!!!!! The IOF is now escalating the genocide in the West Bank, as well! IGNORE zionist crocodile tears! Zionism IS NOT Judaism! Shut down their depraved, genocidal arguments anywhere and everywhere!

As the martyr Basel Al-Araj tells us, we must dismantle the idea of the “US” in our minds to truly understand that it is not possible to support the Palestinian struggle for liberation without opposing its imperial life support system. Copmala Harris is fully invested in throwing our tax money into the death machine, as well. Decolonize everywhere! Fight from the belly of the beast!

These actions are not hard to do. Please escalate for Palestine and humanity. We will not rest until Palestine is liberated from the river to the sea.


Found on Telegram (Unity of Fields)

NYC Anarchist Banner Action in Solidarity With Palestinian Resistance

In response to the call for action for Palestine, we put up this banner in Queens, New York to connect the struggle here to the valiant resistance in Palestine. While this may be a small symbolic action in comparison to what the fighters are doing in Gaza and the West Bank, we hope they will see this as a salute to their efforts. The work they are doing on behalf of the Palestinian people is felt around the world in struggles that have not yet blossomed, but see the potential in fighting for those who have been systematically oppressed by the United States.

Long live the resistance!

Let the flood of Al Aqsa drown all settler regimes!

Death to the US!

Death to the Zionist entity!

Anarchists in New York


Found on Abolition Media

Banner Drops Against CUNY Admin


On the night of August 27th activists hung up banners and left a message in paint at multiple schools to show students and CUNY admin where we stand on the first day of school tomorrow.







Found on Telegram: Unity of Fields