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Reports from the Festivals of Resistance / Day of the Forest Defender

Source: CrimethInc.

January 18 is the Day of the Forest Defender, honoring the life of Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán, who was murdered by Georgia State Troopers two years ago while protesting the construction of Cop City in Atlanta, and everyone else who has given their lives in the fight against those who would render the earth uninhabitable in the course of their pursuit of profit. This year, a call circulated for people to organize festivals of resistance in their communities on the weekend of January 17-19. Here, we share reports from some of these events.

The situation is grim. Despite acknowledging that Trump represents fascism, Democrats have nonetheless welcomed the arrival of despotism, dutifully voting for new legislation targeting immigrants and doing their best to keep protesters out of the streets. Tech CEOs have followed suit, pouring millions of dollars into his inauguration and crowding into St. John’s Church to worship at the feet of their new master.

Elon Musk made the Nazi salute twice from the podium during the inauguration, leaving only just enough plausible deniability to confuse the most naïve. Musk has posted fascist dog whistles on Twitter before, even before he purchased it in order to reintroduce Nazis to the platform, ban anarchists, and promote the fascist agenda.

From this point forward, nothing should surprise us. The incoming government has made it clear that they intend to inflict as much harm as possible on those who are vulnerable while concentrating as much money as possible in the hands of the ultra-rich. These are the central points of their agenda. Attempting to spread information about their misdeeds in order to provoke popular outrage is a waste of time. From here out, all that matters is developing the capacity to defend each other from their attacks while preparing to go on the offensive as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

The faces of the oligarchy looked craven and servile as they lined up at the inauguration to toady to Trump. Capitalism concentrates power in the hands of the most rapacious, but they can only hold on to power by being completely subservient to its demands.

Fortunately, not everyone is taking this sitting down. Anarchists around the country called for “festivals of resistance” the weekend before the inauguration in order to bring communities together prepare to resist. Here follow reports from a few of these. You can read the original call to organize festivals of resistance here, along with a list of dozens of events around the country.

January 11

Sacramento, Chicago, and a few other locations hosted events a weekend early, building up momentum.

Sacramento, California

On Saturday, January 11, well over 600 people came together in downtown Sacramento for a community gathering at a local Methodist Church featuring workshops, skillshares, info-tables, and a key-note address from anarchist author and mutual aid organizer Dean Spade. The previous night, people had gathered to write letters to political prisoners. On the day of the event, hundreds streamed into the building, dramatically outnumbering the nearby Trump rally at the capitol, which brought out only a hundred people.

The workshops included basic first aid, tenant organizing, food autonomy, anti-fascist organizing, community self-defense, and mutual aid. Dean Spade spoke for over an hour on mutual aid organizing with the recent fires in Los Angeles in mind, and also talked about how we need to change the broader culture in our movements, bringing in more people and creating a home for people to grow in through different cycles of struggle.

The event featured a well-organized security team and several zine tables and distros. No major problems occurred. So much pizza was ordered from a local business that the owner told one organizer, “This is bigger than Dave Matthew’s Band.” Crash into this, Dave!

January 17-19

Over two dozen cities hosted Festivals of Resistance this past weekend.

Brooklyn, New York

From noon until after 10 pm, the Interference Archive hosted a marathon of presentations and skillshares aimed at bringing people together and building capacity within New York City’s radical communities. The Archive collects and displays ephemera from social movements; it was covered in banners, posters, communiqués, and other material from the Stop Cop City/Defend the Atlanta Forest movement as part of its ongoing exhibit, “This is Not a Local Struggle.”

The event opened with a moment of silence for Tortuguita. Then, over a dozen local groups and autonomous organizers gave trainings on topics including tenant and union organizing, protest and jail support tactics, and proposals for peoples’ assemblies and other new political formations, coalescing into a conversation about how to oppose the city’s prison expansion plan. The event ended with a community dinner, followed by a screening of several short documentaries about land defenders in Atlanta and Louisiana.

Elsewhere in Brooklyn, people courageously redecorated a billboard. Here follows their statement.

Today, thousands of people across the world organized events and took collective action in honor of Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán, who was murdered by Georgia State Troopers two years ago while protesting the construction of Cop City in Atlanta. Tortuguita died defending the Weelaunee Forest. January 18, the Day of the Forest Defender, commemorates their 26 years on this earth and their steadfast commitment to collective liberation. Their spirit is alive in our resistance.

We, the writers of this message, took over a billboard on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, one of NYC’s largest highways, used by 130,000 vehicles daily. We covered a CopShot police billboard—that recruits informants with a $10,000 bribe—with a tribute to Tortuguita and all land defenders. In the context of a city that spends $29 million dollars a day on policing, off the side of a highway that displaced thousands of families with a stroke of a pen, we replace the state’s cowardly propaganda with a commemoration of land defenders’ sacrifice and struggle. Collective memory animates our will to destroy this empire that is killing us and our planet. As the US funnels billions into building Cop Cities across the country in its latest attempt to repress us, they concede what we already know—that rebellion is inevitable.

Viva Tortuguita and all land defenders. We will destroy this empire, with Earth as our witness.

The billboard before it was improved.

Cleveland, Ohio

In Cleveland, dozens of people gathered in a snowstorm to occupy a park and demonstrate our determination to build a world that works for everyone. Gathering around a banner reading “No matter who is in power, we keep us safe,” we held space near a busy intersection where people freely shared their experiences of a failed system and imagined the better world that we can build. This occupation was preceded by an indoor direct action training, allowing folks to hone the skills required to move forward. After the occupation, members of the community gathered indoors to discuss our collective needs and ongoing efforts to meet them, forming new connections and deepening existing ones. The day concluded with a documentary screening by the IWW [Industrial Workers of the World].

These events were organized by a newly formed group of anarchists that includes both experienced folks and individuals new to the movement. While the formation of this group was occasioned by calls for a Festival of Resistance, those involved are determined to cultivate the connections formed, building a group that fosters ties within the community and facilitates future actions, building our capacity for future resistance.

A projection at the entry to the Festival of Resistance in central North Carolina.

Durham, North Carolina

The weekend opened with a concert and dance party on Friday night. On Saturday, the Festival of Resistance in Durham, North Carolina drew 300 people for four hours of workshops running two or three at a time. Visitors could take their fill of free material from a dozen literature tables representing various mutual aid and community defense groups; some of those have been around for years or decades, while others emerged out of the assemblies that followed the election in November. Food Not Bombs provided a full hot meal, there was a busy childcare space.

The events continued on Sunday with four more hours of workshops in Chapel Hill, followed by a screening of a film about Rojava that concluded with a discussion featuring the director.

Gary, Indiana

Following up outreach events in Chicago, more than 75 people gathered outside the Gary/Chicago International Airport to demonstrate against the role that it plays in deportations, which Trump has been threatening to ramp up as part of his program of doing harm to undocumented people.

You can read one report on the action in Gary here:

The Gary/Chicago International Airport has been used since at least 2013 to fly deportees out of the region. GlobalX, an airline company based in Miami, FL, subcontracts with ICE to deport people every Friday from Gary/Chicago airport to Kansas City, MO before taking them out of the country. More than 19,000 people were deported out of Gary between 2013 and 2017 according to public records obtained through a Freedom of Information request by a local organizer.

Demonstrators were leaving the airport on foot Saturday morning when around two dozen Gary police officers descended on them. Officers grabbed and arrested two protestors who were in the process of complying with police instructions. A photojournalist was also seized and arrested by the officers while documenting the other arrests, in what amounts to a violent attack on the freedom of the press.

The march, held two days before Donald Trump takes power for a second time, represents the Gary community’s commitment to their immigrant neighbors in the face of state violence, but builds on the diligent work of community organizers over the years. Since 2017, interfaith groups, immigrant rights activists, and rank-and-file union workers from East Chicago and elsewhere in northwest Indiana regularly held prayer circles and other peaceful protests, but had not been met with significant repression.

Minneapolis, Minnesota

About thirty people attended a movie screening of Fell In Love with Fire, including many new faces. In the discussion following the film, many participants related their experience in the George Floyd Uprising to the uprising in Chile, reflecting on how to fight the new Trump regime. The evening concluded with writing letters to prisoners. People were very engaged and took a lot of zines and posters.

Oakland, California

About 150 people, mostly anarchists, marched to an abandoned OUSD [Oakland Unified School District] building, broke in, and held an assembly in a courtyard inside the premises. A dozen people spoke about various existing projects and how to get plugged in. Then, there were six breakout groups to discuss strategic horizons related to

  1. Antirepression 2, International Solidarity
  2. Housing
  3. Immigration
  4. Community resiliency/disaster relief, and
  5. Other.

Afterwards, at 5 pm, a dance party got underway at the amphitheater at Lake Merritt, and people reconstructed the George Floyd memorial there.

Olympia, Washington

In Olympia, a coalition of local organizations and people from different political scenes organized a big-tent “People’s March.” The more anarchist contingent within the group advocated to attach a Festival of Resistance directly after the march. Dozens of organizations sponsored the events.

The event was diverse, well-attended, and notably intergenerational. The rally before the march drew about 1000 people. There were several speakers, including a speaker for Palestinian liberation, a recorded speech from local incarcerated pan-Africanist Tomas Afeworki, and a speaker and translator from La Resistencia, the group dedicated to shutting down the Tacoma Northwest Detention Center. There was also a moment of silence for a beloved long-term organizer, a participant in the organizing group behind the event, who passed away a week earlier. The march began with a local Indigenous activist performing a drum song; in the back, a marching band kept time.

Because of the ties between anarchists and other local activists, there was a lot of good faith participation. It appeared that the black bloc of about 20-30 people designed its splinter march with consideration for the family-friendly march, diverting police attention elsewhere. A little vandalism and graffiti occurred, to only a few people’s dismay; most in the march seemed unconcerned.

The march ended at the capitol, where people promoted a brand-new announcements-only Signal thread modeled on Austin’s Sunbird. A couple more speakers closed out the march.

The Festival of Resistance started immediately afterwards at a location only a few blocks away. The building was packed from the beginning. Probably 150-200 people circulated through it. This was the real aim of attaching the two events. Food and drinks were served. Several organizations set up tables—letters to prisoners, the Emma Goldman Youth and Homeless Outreach Project, zine distros, and the like—and people mingled and ate for an hour before the sessions. Then, there were announcements, a toast to our dearly departed, followed by two rounds of discussions and workshops. The workshops included direct action 101 (with a local history flipbook collecting printed communiqués), resisting repression, and the history and culture surrounding the local Artesian Well and the struggle against its enclosure. There were topic-based facilitated discussions, as well.

Many people expressed the desire to keep the ball rolling and repeat this model in order to try to continue the conversations rather than having to begin again from scratch. In retrospect, it would have been ideal to have already planned a future event that people could put in their calendars, or an activity that could facilitate people generating something like that together.

Providence, Rhode Island

Following the Providence Festival of Resistance and words from Tortuguita’s friends and comrades, some people marched to the Atwells Avenue overpass and hung a banner over I-95 reading “Revenge for Tortuguita—No More Presidents.”

Richmond, Virginia

Up to 500 people attended the Richmond Festival of Resistance in the course of the day. Many contributed names, remembrances, or tokens of other martyrs to the altar honoring Tortuguita.

In addition to celebrating grief together, Richmond’s “Festival of Resistance,” advertised locally as the inaugural “People’s Assembly,” included a full day of tabling, workshops, panels, and free food. The gathering launched a new initiative, the People’s Assembly, a recurring venue for citywide coordination and strategy building.

The idea is to hold citywide assemblies in each season, building from the neighborhood assemblies that many people left this gathering inspired to begin.

Tucson, Arizona

Less than a week in advance, a handful of friends decided to hold a humble “Parade of Resistance” on the Day of the Forest Defender. With only three days’ notice on a busy weekend, 30-40 people gathered in a park while members of a local brass band played a short set.

The parade then took a one and a half mile route through the part of town with the most pedestrian traffic. The sound system was bumping a cumbia mix made by a comrade who recently passed away. The vibe was fun and playful, and generally very well received by bystanders, some of whom joined in, dancing in the street for a block or two. The cops arrived about halfway through, but people ignored their orders to vacate the street, and they resigned themselves to redirecting traffic for us. Their investment in a “progressive” image often complicates their efforts to assert control.

The messaging was an experiment in vagueness. The only banner read “Towards a Free World”; it was accompanied by colorful butterfly puppets. A few paraders distributed pamphlets with accessible language calling for revolutionary action and transformation. On the back, a flier promoted an upcoming “Festival of Rebellion” on February 15.

The march ended at sunset at a classic spot for punks and train kids. Across the tracks, there was graffiti honoring Tortuguita and our dear friend who has just passed away. The dance party continued into the night with a bonfire and more graffiti.

Ultimately, it was a nice morale boost and very worthwhile, considering what a light lift the organizing was. It gave some of us a chance to get out in the streets without demanding a bunch of work from an already overloaded network. Definitely better than doing nothing. Hopefully, it created some momentum to carry forward.⁩

NYE – Noise Demo Against the Prison Industrial Complex, In Solidarity with PPs and POWs

WHAT: Noise Demo
WHEN: 9:00pm, Tuesday, December 31st
WHERE: Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC, the federal prison in Brooklyn); 29th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, Brooklyn, New York 11232 (D/N/R to 36th Street or R to 25th Street).
BRING: Noisemakers, air horns, drums, anything that is loud!

On the noisiest night of the year in New York City, come help us remind folks locked up that they are not alone. NYC Anarchist Black Cross, in response to an international call for noise demonstrations outside of prisons, is asking folks to join us outside of the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Come, not to appeal to authority, speak truth to power, or any other contrivance, but rather to stand with comrades, at a safe distance, and show direct solidarity to those on the other side of the wall.

The state, writ large, is targeting anarchists all across the United States and abroad. This will be both protest and celebration.

Source: NYC Anarchist Black Cross

Festivals of Resistance

A Call for Gatherings the Weekend Before Trump Takes Office

Along with others around the country, we invite you to join us in organizing festivals of resistance on the weekend of January 18, immediately before Donald Trump takes office. This is a crucial opportunity to engage in outreach, education, and action ahead of what it is sure to be a tumultuous time.

Once Trump takes power, it will only become more challenging to make connections with our neighbors, create the networks that we will need to face down his assaults, and share the skills we will need to survive his reign. Right now, we have a precious window of time in which to prepare. Let’s make the most of it.

When Donald Trump enters office on January 20, he will order mass deportations, escalate the repression of protesters, dismantle the few judicial and legislative provisions that still protect ordinary people, and consolidate a propaganda ecosystem intended to stupefy us all into obedience. The Democratic Party is willingly handing power to an autocrat they say will bring democracy to an end; the Democrats show every intention of continuing to ratchet their own politics to the right. Authoritarian leftist groups are simply treating this as a recruitment opportunity.

But from Texas to the West Bank, millions of people’s lives are about to get even harder. We owe it to each other to meet the second Trump era side by side in solidarity.

The chaos that will accompany the return of the Trump administration represents an opportunity as well as a challenge. This is a chance to assert an autonomous pole of organizing, carrying forward the lessons of 2020 and the movement against Cop City while continuing the fight against patriarchal violence, white supremacy, and colonialism.

By organizing ahead of Trump’s inauguration, we can seize the initiative and set our own timeline rather than being caught flat-footed and forced to react. We need to welcome new participants into these struggles and foster a revolutionary perspective that can orient us through the challenges ahead. No amount of internet activity could substitute for gathering face to face. The most important battles ahead will not be fought online, but in the streets of our communities.

January 18 is observed as the Day of the Forest Defender. It will be the two-year anniversary of the murder of Tortuguita in Weelaunee Forest. It is an important date to gather, honor the memory of the fallen, and pledge ourselves to resistance and to one another.

Continue reading “Festivals of Resistance”

Bring the War Home – 17 October Protest @ Washington Square Park

17 October 2024 – Anonymous call to action:


After a year of the Zionist entity’s newest assault on Gaza, the struggling and free people within the belly of the beast specifically in amerika have been able to achieve no real material gains for the people of Palestine. We have protested, we have occupied space in our universities, and we have removed our occupations In hopes that our universities will divest without us forcing them to. It’s time we cast away all illusions.

We must recognize that the struggle for Palestinian liberation is intertwined with the struggle for the liberation of the occupied Black Nation within the heart of the beast known as amerika, we must act and move along this basis. The same occupation army that is responsible for the genocide of Palestinians is also responsible for the centuries-long genocide of Black people in amerika. We are sick and tired of getting beat by pigs, Mass arrested, and having nothing come from it. We are sick and tired of performative actions, which do nothing for the people of Palestine and the occupied Black Nation.

As the students of Birzeit Universit, Ghent and Amsterdam University, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Cal Poly Humbolt, and so many more bases of fighting and struggling students have shown us, real change can be made from within the belly of the beast. As the Black Panther Party, the Black Liberation Army, The Revolutionary Action Movement, and other organizations who took up the gun to free themselves, their people, and their land from amerikan occupation and racism have shown us, real change can be made from the belly of the beast.

But this change is only possible when we leap from a false sense of peace to the realization of the combative nature of our struggle. Show up at Washington Square Park on October 17th at 5 pm. Let your voice be heard, let your actions speak for themselves, and develop a genuine combative spirit capable of resisting empire from within.

Source: Unity of Fields

Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2024 // 23 – 30 August

Military drones buzz among the stars and clouds. A soldier thousands of kilometers away searches for targets to kill, emotions distant from the lives they are taking. A growing numbness to the present brutality and states propaganda that summons itself across our screens. The water and the land are objects to be further preyed upon. Like the cavernous pit of the coal mine we are being emptied and hollowed out in order to sustain capital’s culture of emptiness. Empathy, care and love which keeps our communities together are under attack for an individualized life under capitalism where everyone looks out for themselves.

What has changed from the last year to the moment we lay eyes on this text?

Increased surveillance, tightening of repression and criminalization of encrypted communications, the flames of war and genocide, the earth’s continual desecration. The world watches with a mixture of horror and apathy as the death toll climbs in Gaza and the invasion of Ukraine reaches its 3rd year. Roughly 10,000 Palestinian prisoners are strapped to beds, tortured and beaten to death- held hostage in brutal conditions in Israeli prisons. In Sudan, tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions are displaced while facing extreme famine as the civil war reaches it’s 16th month. The actually successful militant resistance to the military coup in Myanmar is being transformed by the military into a civil war with rising civilian casualties as the regime’s troops increasingly resort to scorched earth tactics.

Those of us living under the fragility of neoliberal ‘peace’ are expected to take political positions devoid of human feeling or meaningful action. How to break this artificial veil constructed to make ‘war zones’ appear a world away, when the weapon shipments, and the webs of diaspora, tell a different story? How to seize back our humanity and our agency, understanding the urgency while giving space to feel, grieve, and act, standing hand in hand against this monstrosity? And how to maintain this fabric of resistance that defies news cycles and nation state politics, recognizing the fights for survival and liberation against ongoing colonization and resource extraction, that are materializing globally outside of news spotlights?

What is to be done? With constant return we fumble with these questions. Empathy and solidarity is the strongest medicine against the current realities we face. Empathy and solidarity is why we are here- our hearts embracing these words. We choose to share the weight of grief and take steps toward action in this fabric of resistance that has been woven through time on this earth. Is it not our yearning towards the forces of care, creation and destruction that we gather around our fires? Is it not because we wish to understand and greet each others pain and seek freedom from oppression that we show solidarity with our comrades who are carrying the heavy weights of repression?

There are too many atrocities, too many beautiful spirits taken from this world to grieve them all. Among the bloodshed live the spirits of those who choose to resist against this hegemonic order, against the grinding wheels of genocide and colonialism. There are those who, throughout the turning of this earth, choose not to ignore the forces that prey upon free life. Many have chosen to greet these forces with fists clenched, a grin from cheek to cheek. I’m sure you share this too, maybe not smiling, but we are here again. With time, with strength and patience we deepen our constellations, we strengthen and weave new webs, alongside the earths cycles we change, grow, and learn.

With strength we make this call to action for a week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners. Let our words not die in our mouths but our ideas and actions be realized.
Organize solidarity events, film screenings, banner drops, discussion rounds, direct actions, radio shows, letter writings … be  creative!

Let’s remember those who fought against this injustice and paid with their lives.
Let our comrades in prison not be forgotten and let’s show the warmth of solidarity!

No one is free, till all are free!

Please send us your events and actions to


Location Announcement for Earth First! Summer Gathering

Welcome to the 44th Annual Earth First! Summer Gathering

This year we are gathering July 2-9 on Lenape Land, in Lenapehokink – “Land of the Lenape.” The Lenape are the original inhabitants of what is colonially known as eastern “Pennsylvania,” southern “New York,” “New Jersey,” and northern “Delaware.” The gathering is happening in Bangor, PA at what is now the Kirkridge Retreat Center. With Seeds of Peace we will be providing hot breakfast and dinner; please bring your own food for lunches if you can, as well as your camping setup. We are also hoping to secure extra camping gear for people that need.

In this page you will find; information about the location, physical accesibility notes a schedule, directions and transit options, and our policies. Please email with any more questions!

We are also collecting funds to support travel for for facilitators and BIPOC folks as well as for the kitchen, general infrastructure stuff to help with accessibility and extra camping gear. Email to inquire about BIPOC travel funds.

Continue reading “Location Announcement for Earth First! Summer Gathering”

Event Announcement: 2024 NYC Anarchist Bookfair, Sep. 20-22

The New York City Anarchist Bookfair Needs Your Help!

This year’s book fair will be held September 20-22, and we need you to help create the schedule of panels, workshops, and presentations that will bring together anarchists and anarcho-curious from around the region and across the country.

Tablers will include books, media, clothing, zines, community organisations, info.

Workshop Application | Table Application

September 20
@ P.I.T. (Property is Theft), Brooklyn
Music Festival – 7pm

September 21
@ La Plaza Community Garden – Free Childcare + Vegan Food
Anarchist Bookfair – 11am-7pm
AnarkoArtLab Art Festival – 4-7pm
In-person Workshops – 11am-7pm

@ Tompkins Square Park
Emma Goldman Film Festival – 8-11pm

September 22
@ P.I.T. (Property is Theft), Brooklyn
Workshops – 11am-7pm

Our collaborators include : AnarchoArtLab, M.O.R.U.S. (Museum Of Reclaimed Urban Space) and P.I.T. (Property Is Theft).

New York City, a center of anarchist life, culture, struggle, and ideas for 150 years, hosts this exposition of books, zines, pamphlets, art, film/video, and other cultural and anti-political productions of the anarchist scene worldwide. In addition there will be panels, presentations, workshops, and skillshares to provide further opportunities to learn more and share your own experience and creativity.

The goal of the book fair is to enable people to connect with one another as well as to provide broader access to the rich and varied field of anarchist ideas and practices. Now is the perfect time to be exploring those ideas and practices and bringing them into play in our communities and the world.

Come meet local anarchists and others from all over the globe looking to connect with other anarchists. The Anarchist Book Fair is a place where the ideas, activism, ethics, creativity and history of the contemporary anarchist movement come together in an exciting weekend of community and collaboration.

Long ago the Book Fair adopted a policy of zero-tolerance for racist, sexist, queer-phobic, and other disrespectful behavior that works against collective liberation for all communities.

All free. new york city.

More info + events to be announced.

Reposted from Anarchist News

Event Announcement: Earth First! Summer Gathering, July 2 – 9, 2024

Come one come all to the 2024 Earth First! Summer Gathering! Earth First! has been a proving ground for environmental resistance and direct action for almost half a century. As we enter new epochs of ecological breakdown, social upheaval and increasing state repression, we invite all those who would see the wild flourish to gather, connect, learn and explore what’s to be done during an escalating crisis of capital and what worlds we can build together amidst the ruins of empire.

Dates: July 2-9.  This summer the gathering will take place on occupied Lenape lands an hour and a half west of New York City. Exact location TBA. For more information, please visit this page.

Donation links:
BIPOC Travel Fund | general Summer Gathering fund


Submitted anonymously over email

June 11, 2024: No Separate Worlds

Repost from: June 11th

We once again approach June 11th, a day of remembrance and active solidarity, in a world of multiple crises and struggles for liberation. All of these are interconnected; there are no separate worlds. Across borders, languages, contexts, and identities, both catastrophes and victories of spirit and defiance reverberate around the globe. One environment is not untouched by another. The personal is not separate from the political. The positive project is not separate from that of destruction. Prison is not separate from the “free world.” Means are not separate from ends. Bridging these divides is a shared curiosity and commitment; bridging these divides is solidarity. This is not to flatten or oversimplify diversity and differences in circumstance, intensity, and consequence. Rather, that these different pieces are held together like organs of the body held by connective tissue. So we consider: how do we strengthen this connective tissue? How do we remain strong, yet supple and flexible? Bridges, connection, must also be built through time, especially in a world that moves too fast, from one crisis to the next. June 11th aspires to be one of these bridges: to build solidarity across borders, between movements, and among generations. Remembering and supporting long-term prisoners, as well as carrying on shared struggles, are two ways to strengthen this connective tissue. A stronger connective tissue will, in turn, bolster us against further repression.

Each year, as part of our effort to be a bridge between movements, time, and borders, we assess the terrain. We consider what threats from the state look like at this time, how imprisoned comrades can be connected to activity on the outside, how have the struggles they are a part of continued despite repression, and how remembering those locked up can become a natural part of anarchist activity. Often repression and criminalization feel new; but frequently, this is a failure of memory. There are innovations to pay attention to, while seeing their lineage in tactics and ideologies used against our forebears. What can we learn from how people have responded in the past? What can we learn from people in times and places where innovative repressive tactics were developed, and how can we act in complicity alongside them?

As the day of solidarity nears, we are struck by the unfolding of the current terrain; the horrors abound, and confront us in new ways, but these are also patterns and histories in repetition. Power is scrambling to maintain itself amidst the uncertainty of our fragilely constructed society, and individuals and groups continue on with our refusal of their world. We see continued colonial violence, through prisons, guns, bombs, and nationalist ideologies in places such as Palestine, Ukraine, and West Papua. Too, extremely harsh treatments of people in Russia acting against militarism and colonialism, as well as the criminalization of pro-Palestinian activity all over the world.

Palestinians, fighting for their freedom and against policing, surveillance and detention for decades, have faced an all-out culmination of violence and genocide at the hands of the Israeli state — crisis and colonial violence continue to rapidly unfold. So too, does an intense current of Palestinian resistance: solidarity actions have taken place across the globe in attempts to refuse complicity and the feelings of powerlessness fueled by the geographical distance, the 24-hour news cycle, and the propaganda and war machines that abound.

As people continue to flee their regions due to capitalist and imperialist-made violence, and the catastrophic consequences of climate collapse, we are witnessing a renewed fear-mongering at U.S and European borders, as white supremacist militias murmur about confronting ‘migrant caravans’, and individual states implement a greater level of violence to keep people out of artificial borders. This crisis extends throughout the globe, as people worldwide move to eek out any stability, and others rush to enforce the promised order of borders and citizenship.

Colonial violence springs up daily, in guns drawn and territory stolen, in extraction projects and the expansion of policed land, and in the loss of the last wild spaces. But resistance to a homogeneous and hollow future being sold to us by tech-giants, green capitalists and the State still continues across the world. Pipelines, cell-towers, and extraction infrastructure is being targeted, both in individual sabotage, as well as ongoing land defense world-wide. The dependence of this noxious future on policing, surveillance, and control couldn’t be clearer, and struggles are confronting the ways these practices interact. Rebellions break out against police, prisons, and the indignity and macabre realities of daily life. For every crisis, and moment of resistance we could list, there are countless others simmering, exploding, or simply being disappeared from the public, global view. Freedom and resistance always find their way through the cracks of this horrifying society.

Public food serves being harassed, heightened criminalization of houseless populations, RICO charges for bail funds and the “conspiracy” of anarchist ideas and practices, as well as proximity, associations and social networks. Intense and courageous acts of sabotage continue. Everything is new, and nothing is. The question is not ‘what are the solutions?’, but ‘how do we expand, deepen and intensify what we already know works?’. How do we see ourselves in one another, how do we understand our plights as intertwined, as inseparable, and how can we continue to expand these relationships of solidarity. How do we embrace the reality that there are no separate worlds, and explore the ways that we can break through the limiting effects of prison walls, border walls, time, place and context.

There are moments worth celebrating, when we feel the opening of possibilities and capacity, of cohesion and strength; there are certainly also many moments to mourn, when it feels like we’re losing it all and our bodies or spirits are taking a beating. We can savor a touch of solace when we notice the deep desperation apparent in the moves of the state. They’re scrambling, finding new ways to criminalize even the most basic of acts. This can serve to motivate us. If anything even vaguely anarchist is enough to throw us to the helm of repression, we must choose to live our lives as we decide, regardless of the consequences. As more and more of us interact with repression, jails, courts, prisons, let this possibility be a never-ending invitation towards continuing to remember and include those locked away as an ongoing part of our moves toward getting free. Time, geography, the barriers of the prison wall-none of these are strong enough to obliterate the vast network of bridges that keep us interdependent, connected, fighting the same enemies of freedom, worldwide.

This year saw the passing of many who carried the vivacious anarchist spirit. Some may be known to us, while many remain unknown. They sowed rebelliousness in every path they walked. Perhaps their impact is incalculable, though never nonexistent. We can carry the same spirit, traverse similar paths, and remain steadfast and diligent, just as those who have come before us have. Rest in power: Alfredo Bonanno, Klee Benally, Ed Mead, Sekuo Odinga, Tortuguita, Aaron Bushnell.

Rest in power to all of those whose names we’ve never uttered, not known, but who walked these lengths, nonetheless. Time is merely constructed; those that have come before us, and passed onto death, still impact the lives of the living, still contribute to the history of anarchists and anti-authoritarians, and our shared struggle. Let us make them a part of our active memory, and continue forward, in a fight for lives against domination. May these words spark a fire in you-encourage you to get up, forge ahead and seek what it might feel like, to live like you’re trying to get free.

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