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Anarchist Primary Explosives Manual (February 2025)

PDF: APEM 2025-02

Anarchists are going to make explosives. In Greece and Russia it is regular, but a lot of the recipes easily available online are either quite dangerous (like TATP) or outdated (like most of the US Army Improvised Munitions Manual). The recipes I have compiled are found with a little bit of digging but are often garbled and not easy to understand due to a lot of tweaking happening on the forums they are posted in. My sources are primarily and various YouTube chemistry channels, as well as some rocketry sites and occasionally reddit. (With a little work you will be able to verify all the instructions I have put into this document.)

**It is my hope that by the compilation of this guide anarchists who are going to make explosives will at least make safer ones** that will not lead to injuries, arrests, or deaths.

Submitted anonymously.

Tutorial: converting red fire extinguishers into paint sprayers

this is a tutorial for converting the red fire extinguishers into paint sprayers, that we think is clear enough for anyone to be able to do. some artists consider these the “wrong” ones because they don’t have a valve stem built in, but you can drill a hole and install a valve. they’re the most readily available ones to find, you see them everywhere once you start paying attention. the red ones are usually smaller, so they hold less paint mixture, but are easier to handle if walking around and using public transport. if anything in the guide isn’t clear, you can also compare youtube videos that show how to convert a fire extinguisher into a water gun, how to recharge a fire extinguisher, or how to install a bolt on valve stem.

Submitted anonymously.

How to Defend Yourself during a Police Interrogation

Book: How-the-police-interrogate_english_projet-evasions

Preface to the English version

In summer 2022, 2000 copies of this book were printed in French and 2000 in German. The french version is now sold out, and the Publisher «Editions du Commun» will soon reissued the book. The book was written with the intention of serving as a tool of self-defense against the manipulative interrogation strategies employed by the police. As stated in the introduction, “It addresses readers in various countries in which legislation may differ”. And indeed, we soon received feedback that the content conveyed by the book is equally applicable to countries such as Turkey, Morocco, Serbia, Italy, Denmark, and many more. And soon a number of supportive people were offering to translate the book into other languages. This is what happened with the English version, and we’d like to take this opportunity to warmly thank our translator and proofreader for their fine work.

As a consequence of imperialism and colonization, English is spoken today in contexts as diverse as Kenya, Australia and, of course UK and the USA. So many different places from which you may be reading these words, and where the contexts of repression are very different. Most of what is conveyed in the book applies to all these contexts, but, in case of doubts, it makes sense to keep an eye out for certain elements that differ and check them with your local legal team.

Our network lacks relays in the English-speaking world, so let us take this opportunity to pass on the message that we are looking for a publishing house or collective that would be interested in distributing the book in its geographical regions.

With these words, we wish you a pleasant reading.
Project-evasions – network of anarchist friendship

Submitted anonymously over email.

A Recipe for Birthday Cake <3

This recipe is meant to be as simple, reliable, and cost-effective as possible, and has been extensively​ field-tested. It does not require technical expertise, hopefully avoiding the specialization found in old manuals that would have the aspiring arsonist first become an amateur chemist or electrician. These devices are meant to be produced in bulk with extremely common and inexpensive materials. They are also designed for reliability in the field — even in wet and windy conditions — in order to minimize the possibility of an unignited device being left behind. Relight candles are very reliable but should technically be watched to ensure they do not go out and fail to relight within the first 60 seconds. This design does not incorporate any redundancy, so we recommend placing two complete devices next to each other if possible. The time-delay provided is about 5-7 minutes, which is sufficient time to leave the area in most scenarios.

Disclaimer: We are publishing this recipe out of context during a moment of potential social unrest, in hopes of saving our fellow anarchists and anti-colonial fighters some time and headaches when learning to construct an incendiary device for the first time. While there is nothing particularly original contained here, please use this information wisely, and always take appropriate precautions when planning attacks.

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Redecorate the L Train!

Zine: Sabotage of ATMs, Fare Machines, and Parking Meters

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Hopping the turnstile isn’t enough. Likely you’ve already been hopping the turnstile for years and a call for a boycott is no change in your daily routine. But what if we cut off revenue for the most of the line? MTA and NYPD need to feel the heat.

Let’s redecorate all the L train stations. Make them free for everyone, and maybe leave some nice art on those annoying ads while we’re at it.

All you need is some superglue and giftcards to sabotage the card swipe. For OMNY I suggest something pointed like a pick, but I’m sure a hammer will do. Use your wrist. Bike locks for the emergency exits. I’m sure you know the drill. But in case anyone is unfamiliar or wants to jump in some newly radicalized comrades, here’s an old zine you can share around.

Submitted anonymously over email.

From a Matter of Principle to a Matter of Tactics

Zine: From a Matter of Principle to a Matter of Tactics

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Anarchists who want to take action, when confronted with the choice of tactics, often default to large mass actions, like black bloc. Imagination is ceded to tactical hegemony; autonomy diminishes; creativity recedes; resistance is franchised with stale, processed, prepackaged ideologies and tactics; questionable organizational methods like spokes-councils and democratic decision making give a participatory veneer to a sealed deal–just like in any liberal democracy; most participants spectate rather than act, learning by passive imitation of the leaders rather than active involvement in intimate relations with experienced trusted friends.

We hope to put an end to this stagnation by giving anarchists some ideas about tactical alternatives to large mass actions. Here we discuss Coordinated Attacks, an extension of single group clandestine actions to multiple groups operating in loose collaboration simultaneously. While the tactics discussed here are not new, we believe our analysis can help anarchists better understand their action options, avoid getting into a rut of the same old tired tactics, choose the option most suited to their objectives, and most importantly, be creative and experiment with new ways of acting.

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How to submit an anonymous communiqué and get away with it

Zine: How to submit an anonymous communiqué and get away with it

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A communiqué, also sometimes called a reportback or hit report, is a report on (typically) illegal direct actions that is shared online via counter-info sites or in print publications. Mainstream media may suppress reporting about certain tactics or the reason for choosing a target may be unclear, so submitting a communiqué is a way to share news, tactics, and political motivations directly.This guide describes how to securely submit an anonymous communiqué online. It is written for anarchists, but could be useful to other audiences like journalists or dissident groups sharing information while concealing their identities. While some communiqués are signed by a group or individual claiming responsibility, this guide focuses on anonymity.

Nothing you do on computers or the internet is ever totally safe, but you can reduce most technology-based risk by following some simple steps. There are many methods beyond those shared here, but this is a set of instructions that will hopefully help you.

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