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Call to Action: Mass Fare Evasion in Response to Police Shooting







Just four days ago, Governor Kathy Hochul praised the National Guard for their presence in subway stations. Her celebration of increased pig pollution—including random bag checks—and her proposed legislation banning masks on the subway have been part of the state’s effort to repress protests for Palestine in NYC. However, the escalated policing of public transit is not only a war on activists, but on ALL New Yorkers, whose lives are endangered by increased exposure to the scourge of COVID-19 and trigger-happy pigs on their daily commute. MAKE NO MISTAKE: FASCISM IS ALREADY HERE IN AMERIKKKA.

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Police Shooting In NYC Subway Injures NYPD Officer, 2 Bystanders

New York City Police fired shots in a Brooklyn subway station while pursuing a person they suspected of fare evasion, injuring the man along with an NYPD officer and two bystanders.

Around 3 p.m. Sunday, two NYPD officers followed a 37-year-old man to the platform at the Sutter Avenue station in the eastern part of the borough after observing that he did not pay the subway fare.

The man reportedly refused to stop on the platform after police asked him to stop.

NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said at a press conference that the individual told officers, “I’m going to kill you if you don’t stop following me.” Maddrey added that the police then “become aware that he has a knife in his pocket.”

The officers followed the man onto a northbound train that had arrived in the station. According to police, after the man refused orders from the officers to come with them, they used a Taser on him twice.

The individual then moved back onto the platform and advanced towards one of the officers with his knife. Both officers drew their weapons, fired multiple rounds and then handcuffed the man, who was on the ground. At that point, one of the officers noticed he had been hit by a bullet, as well as the indivudal and other bystanders.

Detectives reviewed video footage from the incident and determined that it’s possible that a bullet ricocheted off of the inside of the train and hit the officer.

The suspect, two bystanders and the officer were hospitalized after the incident. The NYPD officer sustained an injury after being shot in the chest area, but is in “good spirits and expected to make a full recovery,” NYPD Commissioner Thomas Donlon said at the press conference.

“There will be a full and thorough investigation conducted into this incident as we always do in cases like this,” Donlon said.

The individual suspected of fare evasion is currently in critical condition with charges pending.

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Photos: Pro-Palestine Protesters in Black Bloc Tag Storefronts and Buses, Block Streets

September 10, 2024

A group of Pro-Palestine protesters in black bloc marched in NYC and tagged MTA buses and storefronts including a T-Mobile and a Google Store. Streets were blocked with rolling trash bins and construction barriers.


The bloc seemed unwilling or unprepared to either defend itself or disperse quickly, and several arrests were made.


Submitted anonymously over email.

Statement of the CUNY 28: “Palestine is everywhere. We are all outside agitators.”

The following statement was issued today by the CUNY 28 at their press conference outside the courthouse where 8 of the CUNY 28 continue to face unjust charges for their participation in the student encampment for Palestine. As CUNY for Palestine writes, “On 4/30, hundreds across the city were arrested at protests and Gaza solidarity encampments. While the charges have been dropped for most, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, CUNY, and the NYPD continue to pursue the heaviest charges for 8 of the now CUNY 28. In addition to the previously known 22, there were 6 additional comrades arrested that same night also facing felony charges. We’ve since connected with the 6 other comrades who were brutalized and arrested that night at CCNY, but who were isolated by the bureaucracy of the carceral machine and are also facing heavy and unjust charges.


Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands in full solidarity with the CUNY 28 and join the demands to drop the charges. As we noted previously, ”

Escalating to end a genocide is not a crime — indeed, it is a duty, particularly in the heart of the imperial core, at a moment when the resistance forces of the region, from Palestine to Yemen to Lebanon to Iraq and beyond, are on the front lines sacrificing and fighting for the protection and liberation of humanity. We must all make clear that the raids and arrests will not intimidate our movement nor cause us to de-escalate our tactics and methods of struggle, but will only lead us to greater unity, resistance and confrontation, to end the genocide and for a free Palestine from the river to the sea.

The strong and principled statement of the CUNY 28 is below:

As of today, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been martyred over the last ten months. This is a continuation of 76 years of the genocidal ambitions of the zionist state, a continuation of the Nakba. These numbers do not account for the countless thousands missing under the rubble in Gaza. An entire population is being starved, while over 20,000 are held hostage in the West Bank.

Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq continue to answer to the Palestinian call by confronting the zionist entity, smashing all illusions of the occupation’s invincibility while they deal with the entity’s outbursts. “The Axis of Resistance bears its responsibility not only in supporting Gaza but in doing more to serve the primary goal, which is stopping the aggression in all its forms.”

The fight is not just in solidarity, but in resisting assimilation to the colonial project. The CUNY 28 attempted to answer the call made by the steadfast Palestinian resistance to escalate from within the belly of the beast. We resist with Gaza.

Since October 7th, numerous CUNY administrations have issued disingenuous statements about anti-Semitism on campus, yet they remain silent on the ongoing genocide. Instead, CUNY actively represses and condemns any support of the Palestinian right to self-determination and liberation, contributing to the widespread racist dehumanization of Palestinians.

As the zionist entity continues its destruction of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank—and as the United States maintains its genocidal hegemony from Palestine to Harlem—the working-class people of the world escalate. An encampment should not normalize the institution—it should disrupt it, dismantle it and abolish it.

The occupation of buildings by students and outside agitators symbolizes reclaiming space and disrupting normal operations to draw attention to injustices and to force institutions to address the demands of protestors.

The night of the CUNY raid, “public safety” brutalized protesters. CUNY “public safety” are the pigs! The pigs are the IOF! Anyone that chooses to play the role of a pig is the enemy. A principled encampment should never collaborate with the pigs.

Since the violent escalation by CUNY and the pigs, all 22 agitators were charged with 3rd degree felony burglary—a clear representation of state repression against those of us who choose to act against genocide. At the same time, the CUNY Board of Trustees introduced a resolution to spend 4 million dollars on a private security firm that advertises its services to pigs and zionist-trained “experts” to spy on pro-Palestine protesters.

CUNY agitators spent more time in custody than Columbia protesters, and are still facing higher charges and continued backlash. The narrative of “good” vs. “bad” protester is a narrative pushed by the state to divide our efforts along class and racial contentions, but in reality the fight against the same enemy unites us.

We will not be intimidated into silence by the state.

Eight of the 22 have decided to resist this blatant state reprisal. We will not be bullied into silence by any court, nor Alvin Bragg and his many zionist donors. More than 90% of people serving time in federal prisons right now accepted coercive plea bargains instead of going to trial. The judicial system is built on mass-incarceration, capitalizing off of modern prison labor, which is just another form of slavery.

We are fighting our charges, not only because we do not recognize the state’s claim to authority over our actions, but also because we believe that challenging these charges is a necessary stand against an unjust system that seeks to silence dissent and criminalize resistance. It is hypocritical of the state to criminalize property damage at a protest, while signing lucrative contracts to destroy entire communities.

We are not just fighting for a Free Palestine but for the liberation of all. We fight for ourselves and our communities. Palestine is everywhere.

Remember, “we are all outside agitators.” Whether we are fighting in Atlanta, New York City, Sudan, or Palestine, the enemy remains the same. The zionist entity escalates, so does the Palestinian Resistance. The pigs and institutions escalate, so do the agitators of the world!

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Moped-Riding Thieves Frighten Diners at Upscale N.Y.C. Restaurants

In Williamsburg and Manhattan, robbers have stolen watches worth tens of thousands of dollars before fleeing on motorbikes.

A long dining table with hanging lights at a restaurant. Carafes of tap water are spaced along the table before patrons.
At Birds of a Feather in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, thieves took just 40 seconds to rob men sitting at a table near the door. Credit: Michelle V. Agins
July 5, 2024

Not 10 minutes into date night, Gabe Thomas and his girlfriend, Shirley Yu, found themselves crouched under their table at Birds of a Feather, a sleek Chinese restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where a plate of pea shoots costs $21.

Just 20 feet away, a man wearing a mask brandished a gun in the crowded dining room and with a henchman grabbed two phones and a watch from three men at a table near the front door.

Diners dashed into the kitchen. Chairs toppled. Glasses shattered. A cacophony of screams filled the room.

The perpetrators quick-walked out and fled on a moped, leaving behind a half-empty dining room where a handful of unfired bullets had fallen to the floor. The stickup took less than 40 seconds.

The robbery in the heart of Williamsburg — a once-bohemian enclave in North Brooklyn now home to designer clothing stores and glassy towers — alarmed and unsettled both foodies and residents. And it was just one in a string of similar robberies in and around some of Brooklyn’s and Lower Manhattan’s most in-vogue establishments in the past month. In each case, the perpetrators have swiped luxury watches from diners, according to the police, including, in one episode, a timepiece worth $100,000.

Such crimes are unusual in the affluent neighborhoods that have been targeted, rare incursions of the city’s troubles into its glittering play spots. And they have lit up message boards, receiving the kind of outsize attention — and outrage — that everyday crimes in New York’s poorer neighborhoods often do not. The thefts have propelled persistent grousing that the city is slipping into lawlessness, a perception that no recitation of contrary statistics has dispelled.

The robberies follow the same pattern: Two men, one carrying a gun, steal belongings from restaurant patrons before fleeing, often via moped or dirt bike, according to interviews and surveillance footage. Most of the robberies have happened between 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. and have targeted restaurants that attract celebrities and Brooklyn’s young creative types.

Marlow and Sons, an oyster bar just 10 minutes from Birds of a Feather, was hit in the early evening on May 31. A man approached a 38-year-old man and a 40-year-old man outside the restaurant with a gun and demanded their watches, the police said. He took a Rolex and an Audemars Piguet, worth $40,000 collectively, before fleeing on a “two-wheeled vehicle” with another person, the authorities said.

About three weeks later, a similar heist was reported outside Carbone, an Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village with a dress code — “any guest who does not appear sufficiently well-presented may be refused entry” — and an exclusive reservation list. There, two men robbed a 39-year-old man of his $100,000 Patek Philippe watch at gunpoint, the police said.

The theft at Birds of a Feather took place three days later, the only one of the recent robberies to occur inside a dining room. Then, late last Thursday, the police said that two people riding a moped and carrying a gun stole a watch and a purse from a 29-year-old man and 32-year-old woman on the corner of Manhattan and Norman Avenues in Greenpoint, a Brooklyn neighborhood just north of Williamsburg. The pair was en route from Twins Lounge, a popular spot nearby, to another cocktail bar down the street, according to Greenpointers, a local news website.

No arrests have been made in any of the robberies, the police said. The Police Department did not say whether the four similar thefts were connected.

“We haven’t had crime like this penetrate the neighborhood in a very long time,” said Allyson Stone, a board member for the North Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, who attributed the trend to the area’s relative wealth. The median household income in Williamsburg and Greenpoint in 2022 was $98,750, about 27 percent higher than the citywide median, data from the Furman Center at New York University shows.

The crimes have put North Brooklyn on high alert, according to residents and business owners.

“It did surprise me in a neighborhood like Williamsburg,” said Mr. Thomas, who witnessed the Birds of a Feather robbery. It’s a “higher income, more gentrified neighborhood,” he said. Local residents “have an expectation that, like, that kind of stuff doesn’t happen.”

But thefts of luxury watches are not a new occurrence in major cities like New York. After the coronavirus pandemic, police departments reported a sharp rise in thefts of luxury watches, which are light and difficult to trace and therefore ideal targets.

Sean Wilson, 28, who witnessed the robbery at Marlow and Sons while dining nearby with his fiancée, said that they have begun dining earlier and leaving their valuables, including her diamond ring, at home. “I don’t think that was a thought that I’ve ever really had,” he said.

Robberies in New York City so far this year have risen 4.9 percent from the same period last year, according to the Police Department. In the 90th Precinct, which includes Marlow and Sons and Birds of a Feather, robberies are up 11.2 percent.

Yiming Wang, who owns Birds of a Feather with her husband, Xian Zhang, said they were taking safety precautions after the theft, including upgrading the restaurant’s surveillance system and supporting their employees, some of whom were injured during the commotion. Ms. Wang said they even considered hiring a security guard.

Major Food Group, which owns Carbone, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A representative from Marlow and Sons declined to comment.

But Andrew Rigie, the executive director of the New York City Hospitality Alliance, said that though the string of robberies had sparked concern, that was no reason for New Yorkers to stop dining out.

“There’s more than 25,000 restaurants across the city of New York with millions of people eating out all the time without incident,” he said. “People should not be worried about going out to eat.”

On a recent humid evening at Carbone, a stream of women in slinky dresses filtered into the candlelit restaurant with their male counterparts. Inside the outdoor dining shed, patrons clinked wine glasses over white tablecloths.

Ryan Elberg, 41, said that as someone who enjoys nice watches, he was concerned when he first heard about the robbery, but it hadn’t deterred him. “I figured lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice,” he said. After reflecting, he added: “Get insurance on your watch,” punctuating his advice with an expletive.

Nick Khera, 40, in town from Miami, heard about the robbery at dinner that night. A fellow customer had warned him to wait inside the restaurant until his ride was ready, and after dinner he rushed to a waiting car.

Across the bridge in Williamsburg, dinner rush at Birds of a Feather was in full swing. Customers, many clad in linen, sipped beers and slurped dumplings near the restaurant’s large glass windows.

Steve Zofcin, 33, a 13-year neighborhood resident who was walking by with friends, said he thought the robbery had received more attention than it deserved because it happened in a predominantly white neighborhood.

“That’s just part of living in a city,” he said. “You’re more likely to get bit by a person in New York than a shark.”

Why We Protested Nova: Confronting Zionist Propaganda and the Manufacturing of Consent for Genocide

On Monday, June 10th, Within Our Lifetime called for a citywide Day of Rage for Gaza in response to the US-sponsored massacre in Nuseirat Camp that killed over 270 Palestinians and left more than 700 wounded, as part of the ongoing genocide being carried out against the Palestinian people.

New Yorkers responded by flooding the streets and shutting down the zionist propaganda “Nova Exhibition NYC,” currently installed at 35 Wall Street. In defiance of the NYPD’s growing brutality against protesters, targeting of Palestinian Muslim women, and their pathetic attempts to defame organizers, Within Our Lifetime strongly reiterates our call for sustained action against any institution facilitating or justifying the genocide of the Palestinian people, including the Nova Exhibition, for as long as it is in New York and in any city it will travel to next.


Continue reading “Why We Protested Nova: Confronting Zionist Propaganda and the Manufacturing of Consent for Genocide”

ALERT: Adams debuts plan to build new training facility for NYC’s various public safety agencies

New York City will build a new facility on the NYPD Academy campus where several city agencies with public safety functions outside of the police department will begin training their new recruits, Mayor Eric Adams announced on Friday.

Hizzoner announced the new “Public Safety Academy” during a promotional ceremony at the NYPD Academy campus in College Point, Queens on May 31. He said it aims to better coordinate operations across separate city agencies with enforcement arms while saving the city money by consolidating their training into one facility.

“We were so disjointed because of the color of our uniform or what our patches stated, instead of realizing we were one team,” Adams said. “Even if there were different jerseys, we were team public safety. Today, the announcement of this public safety campus is bringing all of that experience together.”

Those that will move their training to the new facility span from more traditional law enforcement agencies like the Departments of Correction and Probation to parts of the city’s government with border missions like the Departments of Sanitation and Parks. Currently, all of those agencies outside the NYPD have their own separate smaller training centers.

“We will learn from the Department of Correction and how they’re able to identify gang behavior within their walls,” the mayor said. “We will learn from Sue Donoghue, the commissioner of Parks Police, as they look at what is taking place on our parks and other green spaces … This is how you build a law enforcement apparatus that we can respond to the crises that we know are important for us to face day to day.”

The city is set to break ground on the new facility in 2026, with construction expected to wrap in early 2030, according to the mayor’s office. 

The academy will be funded in part by $225 million earmarked in 2021 for a new DOC training facility, City Hall said. The campus will include both the training spaces specifically for the Corrections Department and multipurpose facilities that will be shared by over a dozen other city agencies.

The campus is part of a broader effort by the Adams administration to bring separate city agencies with public safety functions under one umbrella.

The facility’s development has been driven primarily by Adams’ Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks, who has spent much of his two and half years in office working on it, according to a report from [mainstream news source]. The paper reported that Banks hopes the academy will be a model for other cities across the country.

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REVOLT FOR RAFAH: New Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia



Join Palestinian students, supported by the wider community at Columbia, at a the new Gaza Solidarity Encampment. We are outraged by Columbia’s complicity in the killing of our people in Gaza, and most recently the massacre in Rafah. We are equally outraged by Columbia’s use of brute force and their capitulation to the Billionaire’s lobby, instead of to the “safety of the students”. We will resist, until Columbia divests.

The action will coincide with Columbia’s Alumni Reunion. We want to make it clear to Columbia Alumni to cease donating to Columbia until they meet our demands.

This will be an action of community building and political education. Programming will include teach-ins, film screenings, art builds, open mics and talks with Palestinians in Gaza and Palestine. Food and cold refreshments will be available.

Until Palestine is free, from the river to the sea.

Reposted from Columbia Encampment on Telegram


Article from the Columbia Spectator (student newspaper):

Pro-Palestinian protesters repitch encampment on South Lawn during annual alumni reunion

Friday’s encampment comes over a month after protesters first occupied the east side of South Lawn on April 17.

By Heather Chen / Columbia Daily Spectator
The Morningside Heights campus remains open only to Columbia ID holders.

Continue reading “REVOLT FOR RAFAH: New Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia”

Autonomous Activists De-Occupy Brooklyn Museum

May 31

Hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters have stormed into the Brooklyn Museum, breaking through barricades, pushing staff out and occupying the building.

See video on Telegram


Story from mainstream media:

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators swarmed the Brooklyn Museum and dozens were arrested Friday.

The New York City Police Department said 34 people were taken into custody.

The protests started around 4 p.m. in Fort Greene, where hundreds gathered to march near the Barclays Center.

Protesters made their way to the Brooklyn Museum around 30 minutes later. Video shows museum employees rushing to lock the doors as they approached.

Some protesters even scaled the building and unfurled a giant banner from the roof reading, “Free Palestine. Divest from genocide.”

A pro-Palestinian demonstrator, upper left, hangs a flag on top of the Brooklyn Museum during a protest demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, Friday, May 31, 2024, in New York.

Brooklyn Museum officials said they did not call the NYPD, but police arrived on the scene and clashed with demonstrators before making arrests.

The museum said in a statement to CBS New York that existing and newly installed artwork on their plaza was damaged, and members of the museum’s public safety staff were physically and verbally harassed as protesters entered.

The museum closed an hour early out of concern for the safety of the building, its collections and staff.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators wave flags over the Brooklyn Museum during a protest demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gaza on Friday, May 31, 2024, in the Brooklyn borough of New York.

Police said the group behind the demonstration [Within Our Lifetime] has organized several others, including one near the Met Gala in May.

The demonstration came on the same day President Joe Biden said Israel offered a new cease-fire proposal, and as Israel continues its push further into the Rafah, a city in southern Gaza.

The protest also came ahead of the 60th annual Israel Day on Fifth Parade on Sunday. An internal threat assessment obtained by CBS New York said the event may be “an attractive target for an act of mass violence or disruption.”

Israel continues to face mounting international criticism over Palestinian deaths and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.