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Autonomous Activists De-Occupy Brooklyn Museum

May 31

Hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters have stormed into the Brooklyn Museum, breaking through barricades, pushing staff out and occupying the building.

See video on Telegram


Story from mainstream media:

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators swarmed the Brooklyn Museum and dozens were arrested Friday.

The New York City Police Department said 34 people were taken into custody.

The protests started around 4 p.m. in Fort Greene, where hundreds gathered to march near the Barclays Center.

Protesters made their way to the Brooklyn Museum around 30 minutes later. Video shows museum employees rushing to lock the doors as they approached.

Some protesters even scaled the building and unfurled a giant banner from the roof reading, “Free Palestine. Divest from genocide.”

A pro-Palestinian demonstrator, upper left, hangs a flag on top of the Brooklyn Museum during a protest demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, Friday, May 31, 2024, in New York.

Brooklyn Museum officials said they did not call the NYPD, but police arrived on the scene and clashed with demonstrators before making arrests.

The museum said in a statement to CBS New York that existing and newly installed artwork on their plaza was damaged, and members of the museum’s public safety staff were physically and verbally harassed as protesters entered.

The museum closed an hour early out of concern for the safety of the building, its collections and staff.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators wave flags over the Brooklyn Museum during a protest demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gaza on Friday, May 31, 2024, in the Brooklyn borough of New York.

Police said the group behind the demonstration [Within Our Lifetime] has organized several others, including one near the Met Gala in May.

The demonstration came on the same day President Joe Biden said Israel offered a new cease-fire proposal, and as Israel continues its push further into the Rafah, a city in southern Gaza.

The protest also came ahead of the 60th annual Israel Day on Fifth Parade on Sunday. An internal threat assessment obtained by CBS New York said the event may be “an attractive target for an act of mass violence or disruption.”

Israel continues to face mounting international criticism over Palestinian deaths and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

US Army Recruiters Hit in Downtown Brooklyn!

On this so-called “Memorial Day,” a U.S. Army and Navy Recruiting & Career Center was targeted in Downtown Brooklyn in memory of all martyrs of Gaza and all the courageous people of the world who sacrificed their lives resisting U.S. imperialism. Doors were locked shut, blood red paint was sprayed across the front facade of the building, and “RAFAH” and “GAZA” were written on the windows, along with red triangles.

The genocide in Gaza is a joint US-Israeli project, and the US military must be held accountable for it. Yesterday, the IOF accelerated their bombardment of Rafah by decapitating children and burning dozens of people alive with American-made bombs and jets. As the Israeli Occupation’s military dominance continues, the U.S. will only expand and explore its military role in Palestine. The horrors we are witnessing today are a rehearsal for the future that the U.S. military and its partners envision for people of the world.

The U.S. military has done far more than kill people; it also destroyed the land, torching precious jungles and wildlife, ravaging farms with chemical weapons, and contaminating rivers and coastlines.


Recruitment centers play a vital role in maintaining the genocide economy by targeting the working class and transforming them into killers. But much like the pigs in New York, the military is struggling with recruitment because the people are waking up to the true nature of these institutions. This is a crisis we must work to exacerbate.

From recruitment centers to weapons contractors, it is our collective responsibility to strike at American Military infrastructure in order to disrupt the conditions that lead to genocide.

“The myth that the imperialists should not be confronted and cannot be beaten is eroding fast and we stand here ready to do whatever to make the myth erode even faster, and to say for the record that not only will the imperialist U.S. lose, but that it should lose.”- Kuwasi Balagoon- Black Liberation Soldier, U.S Army Traitor


Reposted from Palestine Action US

Eat it, Eric Adams

Seems like they don’t want this to get out, but… four nights ago we set an NYPD bus on fire in Brooklyn as a peaceful protest against the cops for attacking anti-genocide demonstrators and their repression of protestors of Cop City (a dystopian plague of a project attempting to emerge everywhere, including New Jersey).

The NYPD are violent suffocators of the people’s voice and will. They are terrorizers of the homeless in our streets, and are in concert with the genocidal IDF, who train them to better butcher our freedom.

They do it all with no consequences in their future and no fear in their faces–we can change that with fire. There are cop cars and genocide-funding businesses all over. From Cop Country to Gaza, GLOBALIZE THE INTIFADA!



Submitted anonymously over email
(Image not associated with action)

In honor of Tort: 3 omny readers and 3 mta machines smashed in Brooklyn

(April 2024)

we celebrated tort’s birthday by smashing all the omny readers and metrocard machines at a subway station in brooklyn. it was a fun and simple way to make this city pay for upping its efforts to police homeless people, black people and palestine solidarity protestors. in addition to gathering data on subway riders, omny’s parent company cubic sells hundreds of millions of dollars in surveillance tech to the “us” military and other militaries around the world. from nyc to gaza our enemies are the same. we know tort would agree.
Viva Tortuguita!

MTA machine with smashed screen

Found on Scenes from the Atlanta Forest

Two Communiques from APD Recruiting Event


On Friday 4/26, we left the APD pigs a gift to remember in the Brooklyn Marriott where they were trying to recruit more pigs. How dare you show your face in our city!

Multiple state troopers, NYPD, and hotel security could not stop us from sending guests out the door with a fire alarm and releasing 300 crickets into the hotel. We are everywhere. We are the horde of locusts that will destroy you.

APD out of NYC! All cops are bastards! No cop city anywhere!

Found on Scenes from the Atlanta Forest


Toilet seat with a single shrimp on it

APD we don’t want your shit! We clogged the vile Atlanta Police Department’s hiring event space’s toilets with cement to let them, and the Marriott at Brooklyn Bridge, know that every time you recruit in NYC we will make you and the places that host you pay. For over 30 years APD has been training soldiers in Israel. That brutality was on full display at Emory this week and we say no more. Free Palestine! Tortuguita vive, la luche sigue! Stop Cop City!

Found on Scenes from the Atlanta Forest

RE/MAX office vandalized

Early in the morning on Wednesday, March 27, pro-Palestine anarchists struck a RE/MAX office in Park Slope to commemorate Palestine Land Day, a day to resist against land theft and settler colonial policies. They covered the facade in red paint to show the blood on the company’s hands, sprayed the security cameras and jammed the locks to ensure that the office will not go on with business as usual.The real estate company RE/MAX was founded in the US, an empire predicated on settler-colonial land theft, and since 1995, the company has operated a franchise in “israel”. For over 10 years, RE/MAX israel has been selling homes to colonizers in israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including Ariel, Ma’aleh Adumim, and Givat Ze’ev, generating millions of dollars in profits. The facilitation and profiting off of the displacement of Indigenous Palestinians by the israeli branch directly benefits RE/MAX LLC.Here in the “US”, RE/MAX also engages in displacement and gentrification, by inflating the cost of housing and property taxes in BIPOC and working class communities. RE/MAX and other complicit real estate agencies will continue to be targeted until they stop selling stolen land to settlers.

RE/MAX storefront splattered with red paint. Graffiti on sidewalk reads "GTFO WEST BANK".

Reposted from Unravel, originally found on Instagram

NYPD Vehicles and Buses Vandalized at Brooklyn Precinct

(February 2024)


In the wee hours of the night during the week of 2/18, some feral flying forest squirrels descended upon a precinct in the heart of Brooklyn. With caution and courage, they left the scene quickly, leaving behind the sound of escaping air and blood red lettering on the side of two NYPD buses reading;

“For Tort”

10 NYPD vehicles were left with punctured tires.

As these vessels are primarily used to cage and transport prisoners, protestors, and those who live in friction with genocide and empire, it is clear that these vehicles needed to be taken out. But there are many more… Stay sharp, fellow beings of the forest! Our grief and rage are hard and heavy, but there are openings where we can hold it as a stone to sharpen the claws we have.

Viva viva Tortuguita!


Found on Unravel