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Six Citibank Locations Sabotaged in Manhattan

An autonomous group — more than half of which were Jews — hit six Manhattan Shittibanks on Sunday night to remind corporate ONCE AGAIN that there is NO BUSINESS AS USUAL DURING A GENOCIDE. We epoxied card readers and door locks and covered them with cement-glued stickers. Shame on citi for its complicity in the relentless, horrific atrocities against Palestine and Palestinians!!!!!! The IOF is now escalating the genocide in the West Bank, as well! IGNORE zionist crocodile tears! Zionism IS NOT Judaism! Shut down their depraved, genocidal arguments anywhere and everywhere!

As the martyr Basel Al-Araj tells us, we must dismantle the idea of the “US” in our minds to truly understand that it is not possible to support the Palestinian struggle for liberation without opposing its imperial life support system. Copmala Harris is fully invested in throwing our tax money into the death machine, as well. Decolonize everywhere! Fight from the belly of the beast!

These actions are not hard to do. Please escalate for Palestine and humanity. We will not rest until Palestine is liberated from the river to the sea.


Found on Telegram:

15 CitiBank Locations Sabotaged

More than 15 CitiBankkk locations were sabotaged Monday morning across so-called New York City. We jammed the locks and card access readers, sprayed the windows and buildings, and issued warnings in red paint underscoring the company’s investments in genocide: “ABOLISH ISRAEL, FREE PALESTINE” and “THIS IS A WARNING: DEFUND NOW.”

CitiBank facilitates billions in bonds sales for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, which manufacture missiles and fighter jets used by the IOF to kill hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza. CitiBank is also the largest U.S. bank operating in the zionist entity and heavily invests in the technology sector there, contributing to the “tech-washing” of apartheid, occupation, and ongoing genocide. From its shameful history in Haiti and apartheid South Africa to financing IOF arms and settlements, CitiBank has long profited from settler colonialism.

We call on all people to strike imperialism wherever and however you can. Close your accounts with complicit institutions and move your money to a local credit union. We must continue to escalate until there is full Palestinian liberation and return.Other tags included:🔻DEATH TO KKKORPS🔻CITIBANK FUNDS GENOCIDE🔻DIVEST FROM GENOCIDE

Source: social media @pal_actionus