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Photos: Mass Fare Evasion at West 4th Street

September 18, 2024

NYPD OUT OF THE MTA: Tonight, New Yorkers stood up for their community and protested the expansion and impunity of the police occupation of their city. Last Sunday, the NYPD shot Derrell Mickles and three others after Mickles entered the platform through the emergency exit at the Sutter Ave. station in Brownsville—committing a mass shooting in one of New York City’s poorest neighborhoods. In response, hundreds of city residents conducted a mass fare evasion at the West 4th station, hopping the turnstiles to say clearly that no one should be killed for not having $2.90, that in fact the subway should be free—and free of cops.

For their part, the NYPD were once again humiliated and shown to be paper tigers when confronted by the ingenuity and mass action of the city. As dozens streamed through the gates, onto the platforms, and into the different subway cars, cops brutalized and arrested those few they could get their hands on. The people are undeterred and are committed to maintaining this form of mass action in the weeks to come.

An institution founded from the slave patrols past, the NYPD protects property and capital, it funnels black and immigrant populations into endless cycles of immiseration and poverty and modern enslavement. Our cities are under occupation: cop training facilities are flourishing all across America—we have one in our backyard near College Point Queens. These facilities advance and refine strategies of repression and counterinsurgency, so as to ensure that no mass action against oppression, incarceration, and depredation will be allowed to exist.

We must end this. Out of the homes and into the streets. Live free, ride free, fuck the NYPD.

Found on Social Media (@wawog_now instagram)

September 10 Black Bloc: Full Communique

Protesters in black bloc marched in NYC [on September 10] to demand an end to genocide, colonialism, & police states. Protesters chanted the names of Aysenur Eygi & Tortuguita & redecorated corporate property with anti-colonial artwork. NYPD cops later made multiple brutal arrests. Below is a communique released by some of the protesters:


When we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe.’ – Franz Fanon

To Kamala Harris and Donald J. Trump, your goals aren’t new, or the way you achieve your goals. It was always domination by brutality, by dividing and isolating, by dehumanizing and villainizing. Just look at how you treat our Palestinian siblings, how you bring those same colonialist and imperialist methods here, and begin to slowly implement them to oppress poor working class communities and the marginalized groups that make up those communities. You murder with our tax dollars, brutalize and kill those who are fed up with their oppression, and proclaim you’re the truth and law of the world.

Aysenur Eygi did not deserve to die, while not the first, we know she won’t be the last. Even though her death was at the hands of the IOF, the rifle and bullet they fired were made and supplied under the orders of Biden And YOU.

Kamala, you say nothing will change under your administration, but that isn’t up to you. If nothing will change, then we will make that change.

Trump, you’re what you’ve always been, a snake pretending to be a wolf. Your mask fell years ago, and the record is clear, you’re a scam artist, a con-man, and a wannabe fascist dictator. We will let you know now, that your fascist movement will break against our shield walls, and crumple in our city’s streets.

Meanwhile, corrupt mayor Eric Adams and his allies cut community funding, line their pockets, and starve New Yorkers. We, this NYC black bloc, made up of revolutionary New Yorkers, will feed them.

In this city corporate greed reigns, and the interests of landlords, hedge funds, and the rich elites fuels every crisis. They’ve spent decades militarizing the NYPD, building cop cities, sending them abroad to train with the IOF, investing and donating mass surveillance tech, pushing budget cuts, and funding every other piece of their police state. All on the dime of poor working class New Yorkers, and all of it to keep your fellow New Yorkers brutalized, isolated, starved, and exploitable. Manipulating us to blame migrants, and to bring back the militarized ICE into our neighborhoods, all while turning our precious city into a personal playground for the rich and powerful, inevitably ending with the destruction of our communities, the dispossession of its people, and their displacement. Leaving cheap pockets of labor to exploit and cater to their every need.

But no more!! We call on all New Yorkers to join us in the streets, to take action like we have, and put an end to this police state, this corrupt administration, the corporate greed, and the suffering so many of us have endured by their hands. To Eric Adams, his admin, the NYPD, and their financial and political allies, the Feds are encircling, they smell the rats nest, and so do we. Even if they don’t stop you, the people are waking up, we’re rising, and we’ll be prepared to drive the final nail.

For Community
For Gaza
For Liberation

Against Colonialism
Against Police States and Cop Cities

Fuck ICE and the NYPD
Solidarity to the Resistance Everywhere


Found on Social Media (@AshAgony twitter)