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Location Announcement for Earth First! Summer Gathering

Welcome to the 44th Annual Earth First! Summer Gathering

This year we are gathering July 2-9 on Lenape Land, in Lenapehokink – “Land of the Lenape.” The Lenape are the original inhabitants of what is colonially known as eastern “Pennsylvania,” southern “New York,” “New Jersey,” and northern “Delaware.” The gathering is happening in Bangor, PA at what is now the Kirkridge Retreat Center. With Seeds of Peace we will be providing hot breakfast and dinner; please bring your own food for lunches if you can, as well as your camping setup. We are also hoping to secure extra camping gear for people that need.

In this page you will find; information about the location, physical accesibility notes a schedule, directions and transit options, and our policies. Please email with any more questions!

We are also collecting funds to support travel for for facilitators and BIPOC folks as well as for the kitchen, general infrastructure stuff to help with accessibility and extra camping gear. Email to inquire about BIPOC travel funds.

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Event Announcement: Earth First! Summer Gathering, July 2 – 9, 2024

Come one come all to the 2024 Earth First! Summer Gathering! Earth First! has been a proving ground for environmental resistance and direct action for almost half a century. As we enter new epochs of ecological breakdown, social upheaval and increasing state repression, we invite all those who would see the wild flourish to gather, connect, learn and explore what’s to be done during an escalating crisis of capital and what worlds we can build together amidst the ruins of empire.

Dates: July 2-9.  This summer the gathering will take place on occupied Lenape lands an hour and a half west of New York City. Exact location TBA. For more information, please visit this page.

Donation links:
BIPOC Travel Fund | general Summer Gathering fund


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