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FREE FARE: Bedford L train station smashed

Monday night at the Bedford Ave L train station in Brooklyn, we smashed 8 OMNY readers, 1 OMNY machine, and 2 MTA machines. We made the fare FREE because they had to open the emergency door to let people in. This is in direct response to the L train mass shooting committed by NYPD, when they shot Derrel Mickells and two bystanders over $2.90, in a Black neighborhood under militarized police occupation. New Yorkers say enough is enough and fuck your fare.

We live in a world in which the pig enforcers of racial capitalism can casually shoot us over a few dollars. All our lives especially Black lives are worth less than $2.90 to them. Whether it’s paying the pigs to menace Black and Brown communities and restrict movement, for funding genocide near and far, or creating technology to convenience the rich and confine the poor, capitalism is designed to kill.

This is a call to action. Anyone can do this. Gather info, plan well, be covered, be their nightmare. Let’s all smash! Puncture the walls of the techno-prison and see real light, breathe real air, and destory the fare!

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Redecorate the L Train!

Zine: Sabotage of ATMs, Fare Machines, and Parking Meters

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Hopping the turnstile isn’t enough. Likely you’ve already been hopping the turnstile for years and a call for a boycott is no change in your daily routine. But what if we cut off revenue for the most of the line? MTA and NYPD need to feel the heat.

Let’s redecorate all the L train stations. Make them free for everyone, and maybe leave some nice art on those annoying ads while we’re at it.

All you need is some superglue and giftcards to sabotage the card swipe. For OMNY I suggest something pointed like a pick, but I’m sure a hammer will do. Use your wrist. Bike locks for the emergency exits. I’m sure you know the drill. But in case anyone is unfamiliar or wants to jump in some newly radicalized comrades, here’s an old zine you can share around.

Submitted anonymously over email.