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Vigil for Hassan Nasrallah in the Heart of the Empire

Yesterday, in New York City and in conjunction with the historic funeral, where 1.5 million people participated in Beirut, a vigil was held to honor the revolutionary Hezbollah martyrs Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Sayyed Hashem Safieddine. Alongside photographs of the martyred resistance leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, and Qassem Soleimani, our gathering affirmed that millions around the world are mourning and celebrating leaders whose legacies have ignited indigenous resistance in Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and beyond.

At the Beirut funeral, in a calculated attempt to undermine the gathering, Zionist warplanes flew at dangerously low altitudes directly over the attendees. This act of intimidation was designed to instill fear in those mourning at the funeral. Similarly, here in New York City—at the very heart of the empire—Zionist thugs, including those holding political office, attempted to silence our solidarity with the resistance through threats and intimidation. Yet, as one organizer declared:

“Their threats did nothing to weaken our resolve. We stand here unafraid. Repression does not silence us—it only breeds more resistance and fuels our determination to honor our martyrs.”

The indigenous peoples of the world continue to rise up, uniting against Zionist repression and imperial domination. Our stand in New York City not only reflects a steadfast commitment to remembering our late martyrs but also reinforces that no act of repression—whether in Beirut or the heart of the empire—can extinguish the flame of revolutionary struggle.

In the spirit of resistance, we joined millions worldwide—whether gathering in Beirut, Kargil, Ramallah, or in neighborhoods here in NYC—demonstrating that the struggle against imperialism and colonialism transcends borders and sectarian divisions. Our collective mobilization in the streets is proof that attempts at intimidation only forge stronger bonds among the oppressed, fueling our determination to dismantle Zionist colonialism and imperial terrorism.

Long live resistance.

Glory to the martyrs.

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Actions at Columbia University on Anniversary of Hind’s Death

Anonymous submission from Columbia:

“Im so scared. Please come.” One year ago today, these were Hind’s last words as she called for an ambulance, while Israeli forces unleashed 355 bullets murdering her as she hid in a car. One year ago, the world failed Hind. But today and everyday we owe Hind, all our martyrs, and ourselves, action.

So today we acted. Inspired by Hind, and the bravery of every Palestinian child who has faced down Israeli genocide for the last century – whether they threw a molotov at a checkpoint, a rock at a tank, or made a call for help. So long as they resist, so must we. We attacked two targets at Columbia University. First, the Kravis Columbia School of Business, one of Columbia’s most recent violent gentrification projects into Harlem, the construction of which was conditioned on the creation of Columbia’s Apartheid Global Center in “Tel Aviv”. We will not allow this land-grab to go unchallenged. Second, we attacked the School of International and Public Affairs – the first Columbia institution to expel a student for their support for Palestinian liberation, currently run by a former “Israeli intelligence officer” – Killer Keren, and staffed by Rebecca Weiner, head of the Counterterrorism Unit of the NYPD, who directed the brutal police assault on our comrades in Hind’s Hall last May. We left Hind’s call painted on SIPA, and we cemented the sewage lines of the entire building, forcing them to shut down business-as-usual.

We are not experts in what it means to take revolutionary action. We are people – just like you – who, today, chose to act. We were afraid- to be arrested, suspended, and expelled; and that is exactly the point. The goal is not to be fearless, but to recognize that to be afraid is merely a symptom of our moral clarity. We are soberly aware of what we may lose if we act, and we are soberly aware of how much more we will lose if we don’t. The most severe consequence we could face today is not expulsion or prison time- it is the knowledge that we had the opportunity to act, and, instead, chose cowardice. The most severe consequence we could face is not only to have failed Hind one year ago, but to have continued to fail her today.

So we invite you to join us. Let us identify the actions that elicit fear in us, find the people who we can be courageous with, embrace the fear, and take collective action.

As Hind’s mother watched the scene of Hind’s Hall unfold, she said “I wanted these movements and support to come while Hind was still alive and not after… but I was still happy that there’s a possibility that Hind’s cause could move and mobilize people in this world.” Let us act together and transform that possibility into a reality.

For Hind, with love and rage from Columbia.

Found on social media.

Call to Action: Oct 7 Week of Rage


Call for a Week of Rage from October 7–14: Direct action in solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and anti-colonial movements in Turtle Island.

To act alongside the Al-Quds Axis and ‘bring the war home’ requires nothing less than a revival of anti-colonial militancy in this occupied continent. Free Palestine means death to amerika.

In commemorating one year of Operation Toufan Al-Aqsa, this is a call to go beyond the routine stage-managed ‘protest’ parades; this is a call to organize and sustain attacks on all entities, institutions, and infrastructures of the genocidal u.s.-zionist settler-imperialist order. Strike fear into the hearts of the comfortable colonizers, unsettle the settlers, just as the Palestinian Mujahideen have done.

Honor the martyrs through action. From Palestine to Lebanon to Yemen, to the millions of Native and Afrikan peoples across these lands—carry on the fight of those who dared to resist the settler-invader hordes and their capitalist slaveocracy. Target the many politicians, pigs, and profiteers that uphold the amerikan settler empire and its zionist spawn.

Share this graphic online, print and disseminate this call to action at demos, gatherings, study groups. [PDF: AlAqsaWoR]

Organize a crew—at least three people—map out the terrain, assemble necessary tools, make a plan, and go on the offensive. For ideas, check out past actions and tactical resources on, and submit a report back to

As Al-Qassam urban guerrillas have demonstrated, a small dedicated cell can do untold damage upon the enemy. In the midst of total genocidal devastation, the Resistance is still able to obliterate the zionist entity’s tanks with just a few men. Let’s muster the courage and conviction so we too can learn from their revolutionary example.


Submitted anonymously over email.

Thousands protest against Iranian president ahead of his UN General Assembly address

September 24, 2024

Thousands of Iranian-Americans held a protest outside of the United Nations demanding justice for victims of Iran’s regime.

They have covered the plaza with the faces of those they say have fallen for freedom.

Political figures, human rights advocates, and Iranian survivors are denouncing the nearly 200 executions carried out since Masoud Pezeshkian took office.

An Iranian American nurse shared what she says was her firsthand experience treating pro-democracy protestors during the 2022 Iran uprising.

“When the wounded youth would come to the hospital, the regime was asking they be returned to the government,” a translator said for the nurse. “They created secure treatment homes in Iran to treat the wounded youth. Since he became president we have had more than 180 executions and hangings.”

Protestors say this is a weeklong demonstration.

Found on Mainstream Media

Vigil for Gaza Martyrs Held in Bay Ridge

Yesterday, we held a vigil for the martyrs of Gaza in Bay Ridge. Members of the community, children, families, and elders joined us in reading the stories of prisoners and martyrs and the injured, in prayer, and in grief. The NYPD made their presence known; one of their drones hovered overhead recording us.

We had nothing to hide, we are proud of our struggle, as we are of all who fight against imperialism and occupation. But the question remains: Why is the NYPD surveilling the Arab and Muslim community of New York in this way? Why have we allowed this racist dehumanization to go unchecked?

What does it say about the priorities of this city, of this country that they have marshaled all the repressive arms of the state against communities who demand a better world, free of oppression and mass murder? Last year, the NYPD was caught proposing to use surveillance drones against block parties in majority black neighborhoods of this city. Also last year, Mayor Eric Adams suggested he would begin an import collaboration with Israeli drone technology companies.

The ruling class is disfigured by their hysteria and fear. They know the entire artifice that they have built risks tumbling down at the hands of the rage and grief of the city’s working class. This is why they try to stop us and this is why we refuse to be stopped.

At the end of the vigil we prayed Salat al-Gha’ib funerary prayer together as a community. It was a chance to recommit to a struggle that has not been defeated for more than 100 years. Those who joined us are the real city—beneath the gentrified neighborhoods and militarized public spaces and money laundering charities and prisons, they demand for something more.

Found on social media | Source: Palestinian Youth Movement (@palyouthmvmt)