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Towards Another Uprising

At the end of 2010 an individual act of despair in the town of Sidi Bouzid ignited a daring, enraged, and joyful upheaval that travelled through North Africa into the Middle East and beyond. People defied the oppressive systems they had been immersed in for generations and came together in the streets to topple the political elites at their helm. The authorities, at first stunned by this courageous spirit that they couldn’t understand, then unleashed a cynical and brutal response.

This defeat is still being inflicted on the people in the region, and is also felt all over the world by those who stood in solidarity with the uprisings but were mostly unable to overcome their powerlessness as the uprisings were massacred.

The horrors in the region during the last decade are many. To name some that stick most in my mind: Sisi has turned back the clock in Egypt to military dictatorship with the material support of the US. The regimes in the other North-African countries are paving over any sign of freedom while being coaxed by European countries to shut down the immigration routes over the Mediterranean. Without the murderous military campaigns of Hezbollah and the IRGC in Syria, Assad wouldn’t have survived the uprising. The Iranian regime itself brutally oppressed three different uprisings in the country in the last decade. Most people in Lebanon are in a daily struggle for survival because of the greed of its political leaders while mobs at the orders of Hezbollah beat down street protests. Early on in the uprisings, Hamas, who has shot political opponents in broad daylight on the streets of Gaza, culled attempts at an uprising by rounding up protest organizers and threatening them with murder. Leaders in the region understood once again that they can use any means against the populations under their control without real push-back from outside. Indifference, cynicism and opportunism trump moral appeals, and strategic alliances are always in play. The world churns on. For those of us who have not looked away, how can we not see a connection between Assad bombing Syrian cities into obliteration and Netanyahu razing Gaza?

The authors of “Towards the Last Intifada” (Tinderbox #6) don’t acknowledge these experiences of the last decade. Instead, they propose to join the opposing side of an American geopolitical alliance (keeping true to American centralism in their own way). According to them, the Axis of Resistance shows the path forward for anarchists to struggle against empire. This article seems to confound resistance with ‘the Resistance’. That is to say, they collapse any form of resistance from people in Palestine, and more broadly in the region, into a particular representation, adopting an umbrella term used by states, militaries, para-state/para-military organizations to describe their own activities. The authors of the article warn anarchists against being too sensitive to hierarchy – as if that is the only aspect of ‘the Resistance’ anarchists might find difficult to accept.

It is now a year after the bloody incursion of Hamas into Israel. Apart from discourse, the accomplishments of the Resistance so far are: Hezbollah has launched ineffectual rockets that have only inflicted significant damage on a Druze village, Iranian leaders are busying themselves with making appeals to the West to reign in Israel, militias in Iraq attacked a couple of US military bases in the country early on and then fell silent, while only the Houthis seem to have taken Nasrallah’s “Unity of Fronts” seriously. They succeeded in disrupting global shipping routes and have carried out some unexpected aerial attacks on Israel. In the meantime, Israel has wiped out the leadership of Hezbollah, drops bombs on Lebanon on a daily basis, has regularly bombed sites in Syria without retaliation, and commits executions in Tehran. The Axis of Resistance and the Unity of Fronts are mere slogans that obscure the strategic dealings among political, authoritarian organisations and states with their own (often differing) interests. It’s delusional to see it as something else. And Israel is calling the bluff of ‘the Resistance’ with an exponential military escalation.

Israel’s massacres in Gaza, with the material support of the Western countries, are relentless. The apartheid regime in the West Bank and Israel has been built up for decades, leaving almost no oxygen to breathe for those living under its control. Faced with this bleak reality and an overwhelming powerlessness to put a stop to it, anarchists may be looking for an effective resistance (or rather, as it appears, an image of one). But if we want to fight against oppression, we can’t be content with any opposition. Choosing to join one authoritarian, militaristic system against another will not put an end to the horrors of this world – neither in this conflict nor in any other. It is neither inherently defeatist or a sign of privileged indifference to refuse to take sides between warring groups and states. That conclusion can only be reached if we would reduce reality to simplistic representations. Instead, by being open to complexity and specificity, anarchist action can be a liberating endeavor. It is here that we can find affinities, build relationships on a different basis, and muster the strength and courage – or perhaps, humility and passion – to attack. Anarchists find their effectiveness when they can undermine and destroy oppressive systems. We will not find it in a military prowess which, at the end of the day, produces more oppression and misery. And so those that have a spirit of their own and a memory of past rebellions will fight for another uprising.

From the northern coast of the Mediterranean, with a heavy heart and a soul on fire
Early October, 2024

Source: Act for Free | Submitted anonymously.

‘Zionists don’t deserve to live,’ suspended Columbia activist said. Now his group rescinds its apology and calls for violence

Nearly six months after Columbia University banned Khymani James, a Pro-Palestinian student activist, who said “Zionists don’t deserve to live,” the coalition that had apologized on his behalf rescinded its statement of regret – and advocated for armed resistance against Israel.

“Last spring, in the midst of the encampments, Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) posted a statement framed as an apology on behalf of Khymani James,” CUAD posted Tuesday night on Instagram. “We deliberately misrepresented your experiences and your words, and we let you down.”

In a since-deleted post on X, James acknowledged in April that he had said several months earlier in an Instagram Live video: “Zionists don’t deserve to live,” and “Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists.” In the now-deleted April post, he said, “I misspoke in the heat of the moment, for which I apologize.”

Columbia suspended James in April, and he since sued the university to get his ban overturned.

“I never wrote the neo-liberal apology posted in late April, and I’m glad we’ve set the record straight once and for all,” James wrote Tuesday in an X post. “I will not allow anyone to shame me for my politics. Anything I said, I meant it.”

CUAD helped ignite the protest encampments at Columbia in April that sparked a pro-Palestine and anti-Israel movement on campuses across America. In the months since that movement started, the group has taken an increasingly hard-line stance against Israel, advocating for violent uprisings against the country.

“We support liberation by any means necessary, including armed resistance,” the group said in its statement. “Where you’ve exhausted all peaceful means of resolution, violence is the only path forward.”

Found on Mainstream Media

Targeting New York Pig Department Vehicles – “Bring the War Home!”

15 October 2024 – Anonymous submission:



Early on the morning of October 15th, we, people of conscience and revolutionary mind, targeted a car of the New York Pig Department-trained CUNY Public Occupiers on CUNY Brooklyn College’s campus. We condemn the CUNY administration, the Brooklyn College administration, and the kkkillers of the NYPD, for their complacency in the genocide of the people of the nation of Palestine and the destruction of Lebanon and Yemen, and for their oppression and destruction of the New York City community.

We demand the end of the BC Study in Occupied Palestine Program that sends ripe new settlers and hopeful IOF reservists to learn in Haifa, Al Naqab (“Negev”), Yaffa (“Tel Aviv”), and Al Quds (“East Jerusalem”) while the zionist entity has destroyed every last university in Gaza.

We demand cops OFF of Brooklyn College’s campus.

We demand that tuition be made FREE once again.

Racism is embedded into the history of BC. Before it was forcibly racially integrated, tuition was free. Campus was open to the public. Ever since they were forced to allow non-white people to attend, they charged thousands, built walls and gates, and positioned a pig at every entryway. Today, those same pigs are trained by the criminal zionist occupation forces in how to surveil, oppress, intimidate, maim, and kill the members of the communities they have infiltrated. Those same pigs let a zionist “lawmaker” of New York, Inna Vernikov, flaunt a pistol in her waistband at a student protest for Palestinian liberation at Brooklyn College and let her walk free. When she turned herself in willingly, the crimimal DA let her off without any charges.

This is the reality of the militarization and the violent enforcement of white supremacist hegemony in amerikkka — the violent hegemony that lynched Derrell Mickles, maimed and permanently disabled two others at Sutter Ave — which we aim to dismantle, brick by brick, pig car by pig car. We have answered NYC Rev Youth’s call to take action on the pigs of all NYC campuses between the dates of 10/14-10/22 and encourage everyone reading this to go out and do the same. We ALL have a duty to rout the standing pig military from our cities, our nation, and our campuses.

To the pigs, BC admin and CUNY admin: we will be back again and again until you take your grimy, genocidal talons out of the hearts of the people of the Middle East.


Source (with video): Unity of Fields

Bring the War Home – 17 October Protest @ Washington Square Park

17 October 2024 – Anonymous call to action:


After a year of the Zionist entity’s newest assault on Gaza, the struggling and free people within the belly of the beast specifically in amerika have been able to achieve no real material gains for the people of Palestine. We have protested, we have occupied space in our universities, and we have removed our occupations In hopes that our universities will divest without us forcing them to. It’s time we cast away all illusions.

We must recognize that the struggle for Palestinian liberation is intertwined with the struggle for the liberation of the occupied Black Nation within the heart of the beast known as amerika, we must act and move along this basis. The same occupation army that is responsible for the genocide of Palestinians is also responsible for the centuries-long genocide of Black people in amerika. We are sick and tired of getting beat by pigs, Mass arrested, and having nothing come from it. We are sick and tired of performative actions, which do nothing for the people of Palestine and the occupied Black Nation.

As the students of Birzeit Universit, Ghent and Amsterdam University, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Cal Poly Humbolt, and so many more bases of fighting and struggling students have shown us, real change can be made from within the belly of the beast. As the Black Panther Party, the Black Liberation Army, The Revolutionary Action Movement, and other organizations who took up the gun to free themselves, their people, and their land from amerikan occupation and racism have shown us, real change can be made from the belly of the beast.

But this change is only possible when we leap from a false sense of peace to the realization of the combative nature of our struggle. Show up at Washington Square Park on October 17th at 5 pm. Let your voice be heard, let your actions speak for themselves, and develop a genuine combative spirit capable of resisting empire from within.

Source: Unity of Fields

Call for Autonomous Acts of Rage Against Colonization Everywhere on monday october 14th 2024

“We will need each other to make sure that the flames, if they were to come, clear the area that we will live in together. We will need to clear it of the fuel that would end up repeating the problems we are currently having. We will need to make sure that the seeds, nutrients and soil are scattered beyond our ability to control.” Aragorn

We don’t just want a cease fire, we want the Right of Return for all Palestinian people, for water to flow, and the traditions to stay alive. We can’t get back the countless lives lost, but we can honor and avenge them. And we will.

For the end of the struggle that is settler colonialism everywhere. Where the land is stolen, consent violated, the old ways forgotten – let it burn.

We hope that every colonizer who robs the lives and dignity of the land and the people on it understands that their great-grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren’s children are not going to be here because of their violence and indeterminate destruction.

We will still be here fighting for the next seven generations, but we will never forget the slaughter, and we will remember to make sure those grandchildren stay afraid of all that is wild.

The united states government now “recognizes” indigenous people’s day alongside columbus day. we must make this impossible to reconcile. We will remain illegible to them, and unknowable to all but each other and the stars above, the water below, and all that of the earth fighting back. We call out to the brave and the humble – all that is striving towards life, while defying management, capture, and domestication with a strength they could never know.

find the connections, funders, manufacturers, advisors, politicians, gentrifiers, and all enemies of the people and the earth. you know who they are.

find some friends and haunt those motherfuckers ghosts

Submitted anonymously over email.

comment from anarchist from serbia

I must comment on your news.

I thought you were an anarchist website. your news should be anarchist news, but your news is full of palestinians fight and they fight to create the state, the same as kurds. palestinians are fighting only against israel, german communist guerrilla RAF was much better. palestinian action news you publish on your website are comic guerrilla, unity of fields, they dont kill capitalists and imperlialists as german RAF did it, your palestinians are just damaging property, painting and hanging banners, they should BUY BULLETS AND GET GUNS and shoot capitalists, politicians, cops, soldiers, spies, and others who are part of the system. they can visit the following website if they want to see private addresses of the ruling class in the USA:


[Admin note: we can’t verify the security of any external links, please exercise caution.]

palestinians have been connected for many years with communists in europe and german guerrillas RAF got training from the PLO of Arafat, but communists are always fighting for the creation of a communist state, usually a dictatorship as it was in east germany, yugoslavia and soviet union. therefore, anarchists should not support communist guerrillas like the red army faction, RAF, from germany. and palestinians are not even close to german guerrillas, palestinians are fighting only against israel, RAF was much better. but palestinians are fighting for the creation of a nation-state, PLO and Hamas and all other palestinians are fighting for the creation of a state. therefore, anarchists should not support their fight although we can protest against israel and imperailism, militarism, capitalism. but we should not support the creation of states, by palestinians or kurds. Hezbollah also dont have anything to do with anarchists.

contrary to many anarchists in west europe who dont attack capitalism, I support greek anarchists and others who attack capitalism, greek anarchists also do bank robberies to finance themselves, I am sorry that I live in a country where there are not so many anarchists and we dont have some activities, there was only one attack against a greek embassy many years ago and anarchists had 6 years court process but in the end, they were free. I was also for 13 years like an illegal immigrant in west europe and anarchists didnt help anything. I just say I like guerrilla anarchists but there are no such anarchists in my country and also in the 4 countries in europe where I was illegal 13 years.

I hope you will stop publishing news of fighters who are fighting to create states: Hezbollah and Hamas and Palestinians and Kurds PKK have nothing to do with anarchism.

by the way I may relocate to new york, therefore I wanted to find anarchists in new york, and I found your website, but I see you are interested only in israel and palestinians, the USA is a much bigger brutal capitalist power than israel. you should fight against the american ruling class instead of fighting against israel.

rebel anarchist

Received anonymously over email. Edited for grammar and removing personal info.

Constituents Vandalize zionist Congressman Espaillat’s Office

7 October 2024

Message from pro-Palestine actionists on the one year anniversary of Israel’s brutal genocide in Gaza. Over the last 365 days, Congressman Adriano Espaillat has been loud and proud about his support for Israel’s slaughter of an estimated 200,000 Palestinians.

Last night, a group of uptown Jewish constituents painted his office red to symbolize the blood of those murdered by Israel in its ongoing genocide against Palestine, and now Lebanon. While Espaillat is bought and paid for by the Zionist lobby, our action speaks louder than their blood money.

The paint will wash off your office, Congressman, but the blood of thousands of martyrs will forever stain your legacy. Anti-Zionist Jews say free Palestine, end the occupation, and stop arming Israel!

Source: Unity of Fields

CCNY Redecorated on Anniversary of Al-Aqsa Flood

7 October 2024 – Anonymous submission:

Disclose! Divest! We will not stop, we will not rest!

In the early hours of Monday, October 7, autonomous actionists embellished the entrance to a CCNY building to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood jail break from Gaza & to echo widespread calls for CUNY divestment from apartheid and genocide among its community of 275k+ students.

We amplify community calls for:
1) disclosure & divestment of its ~$8.5 million holdings in complicit companies such as Dell, IBM, HP, Lenovo, Cisco, and BMC Software,
2) academic boycott of all trips to the zionist entity,
3) protections for students & workers expressing solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle,
4) a demilitarized campus including no IOF-affiliated speakers on campus and banning of the IOF-trained NYPD from campus, and
5) a People’s CUNY to support community members at large. Shame on Chancellor Félix Matos Rodríguez and President Vincent Boudreau for security coordination with the pigs who brutalize principled, peaceful protesters.

We know CUNY is eminently capable of fulfilling these demands due to the 1984 Board of Trustees decision to divest from apartheid South Africa! Solidarity to the student intifada, solidarity to the Palestinian resistance, and glory to the martyrs of Palestine. The entity will fall!

NYC residents in particular, to register your own thoughts on the genocidal complicity of this public university please contact
Call: +16466649100

Source: Unity of Fields

Sabotaging Citibank in NYC on Oct 7

7 October 2024 – Anonymous communiqué:


Today we remember not just one year since October 7th, 2023, but we also remember the genocide that Palestinians have been resisting since 1948. We remember the over 186,000 Palestinians martyred by the Zionist entity. We remember that we, as Americans, are complicit in the genocide as American imperialism allows “Israel” to exist and funds the murder of oppressed peoples worldwide.

We targeted Citibank today because of its role in the genocide of Palestinians. It boasts having “the largest presence of any foreign financial institution in Israel”, providing services for Israel to secure money and weapons to perpetuateing its genocide against the Palestinian people. Furthermore, according to Bloomberg, Citi was the sole underwriter of a $500 million bond to Israel in January 2024, shortly after the start of the genocide in Gaza. Citi has also facilitated the sale of billions in bonds for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, makers of the missiles and fighter jets Israel uses in Gaza. Citibank also invests and partners with Israel’s tech sector, which develops and deploys technology to surveil and terrorize Palestinians.

Citibank is also implicated in crimes committed in the West Bank through their ownership stake in two of Israel’s largest banks: Bank Leumi and Israel Discount Bank, both of which play an essential role in funding illegal settlements.

Economic activism in 1987 forced Citibank to divest from apartheid South Africa and through direct action we will force Citibank to divest from the genocide of the Palestinian people. We will continue to learn from the tenacity of the Axis of Resistance and will continue to resist until all imperial and colonial states fall, and until we win the liberation of all oppressed people worldwide. Glory to all the martyrs and glory to the Intifada.

More info and sources at

Source: Unity of Fields

Burning New York Pig Department Effigy

7 October 2024 – Anonymous submission:

An hour ago, at Union Square during WOL’s march commemorating Operation Al Aqsa Flood, a New York Pig Department effigy was set on fire. This comes 2 weeks after NYC’s cop mayor Eric Adam was indicted on corruption charges, 3 weeks after armed pigs committed a mass shooting at the Sutter Avenue subway station, and after 365 days of NYPD violently repressing pro-Palestine protests throughout the city.

Make no mistake: New York City is a fully militarized Cop City. The same forces that terrorize working class black and brown New Yorkers also brutalize us for opposing genocide. They are armed agents of the settler empire that is Amerika, paid to enforce the global hierarchy of races through violence.

So today, on the one year anniversary of Al Aqsa Flood, we say:


source: Unity of Fields