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NYU Campus Cop Cars Disabled

Earlier this week, in response to calls for escalation from our besieged comrades in Gaza, a small crew of NYU students, faculty, and staff disabled several vehicles belomg to the Office of “Campus Safety,” which worked hand-in hand with NYPD pigs to arrest, harass, and suspend students for their participation in the Gaza solidarity encampments. Punctures were quickly and quietly made in each vehicle’s tires using an awl; from start to finish, this took no longer than one minute. These simple and easily replicable acts of sabotage serve as reminders to our genocidally complicit university administration: the student intifada did not end with the Spring semester, and will only intensify until Palestinian liberation is conclusively won.

We encourage our fellow NYU affiliates, and the Gaza solidarity movements on campuse across the country, to make divestment our bare minimum demand–we must continue our struggle until reparations for the violence already inflicted have been issued, and the university structure that awards governing poer to an unaccountable Board of Trustees (or Governors, or Regents, etc.) in the first place is completely overturned. We know that senior university administrators, as the morally deadened foot soldiers of whatever capitalist-dominated Board they report to, will never agree to fully divest from Zionist genocide and apartheid. Doing so would subject university investments to some semblance of democratic control, which the governing Boards, as a matter of pure self-preservation, will quite simply never allow. To win any of our demands that matter, then, we must first abolish the current structure of the university itself, and build in its place systems of higher education that reject the endowment/donor model altogether. In this vein, the movement of many of the encampments towards “People’s Universities” is one that should be closely studied and built upon.

Until this world is won, our resistance will escalate. If you want to take direct action but aren’t sure how, find friends who feel the same way, and study the basics of action planning and operational security together:

What/how many roles will this require?

How do we all communicate securely?

Is jail support in place? What kind of scouting will be necessary?

Which tools will we need, and how do we use them?

Start with low-risk mischief–tagging, wheatpasting, smashing, and slashing–to build the skills, confidence, and trust necessary for higher-impact actions. Study tactics from other movements, zines, communiques, and other sources both on- and off-line. Act bravely and carefully, and keep acting until the Zionist entity and Amerikan empire protecting it finally fall.

In rage and solidarity,


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ALERT: Adams debuts plan to build new training facility for NYC’s various public safety agencies

New York City will build a new facility on the NYPD Academy campus where several city agencies with public safety functions outside of the police department will begin training their new recruits, Mayor Eric Adams announced on Friday.

Hizzoner announced the new “Public Safety Academy” during a promotional ceremony at the NYPD Academy campus in College Point, Queens on May 31. He said it aims to better coordinate operations across separate city agencies with enforcement arms while saving the city money by consolidating their training into one facility.

“We were so disjointed because of the color of our uniform or what our patches stated, instead of realizing we were one team,” Adams said. “Even if there were different jerseys, we were team public safety. Today, the announcement of this public safety campus is bringing all of that experience together.”

Those that will move their training to the new facility span from more traditional law enforcement agencies like the Departments of Correction and Probation to parts of the city’s government with border missions like the Departments of Sanitation and Parks. Currently, all of those agencies outside the NYPD have their own separate smaller training centers.

“We will learn from the Department of Correction and how they’re able to identify gang behavior within their walls,” the mayor said. “We will learn from Sue Donoghue, the commissioner of Parks Police, as they look at what is taking place on our parks and other green spaces … This is how you build a law enforcement apparatus that we can respond to the crises that we know are important for us to face day to day.”

The city is set to break ground on the new facility in 2026, with construction expected to wrap in early 2030, according to the mayor’s office. 

The academy will be funded in part by $225 million earmarked in 2021 for a new DOC training facility, City Hall said. The campus will include both the training spaces specifically for the Corrections Department and multipurpose facilities that will be shared by over a dozen other city agencies.

The campus is part of a broader effort by the Adams administration to bring separate city agencies with public safety functions under one umbrella.

The facility’s development has been driven primarily by Adams’ Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks, who has spent much of his two and half years in office working on it, according to a report from [mainstream news source]. The paper reported that Banks hopes the academy will be a model for other cities across the country.

Found on Mainstream Media