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Actions at Columbia University on Anniversary of Hind’s Death

Anonymous submission from Columbia:

“Im so scared. Please come.” One year ago today, these were Hind’s last words as she called for an ambulance, while Israeli forces unleashed 355 bullets murdering her as she hid in a car. One year ago, the world failed Hind. But today and everyday we owe Hind, all our martyrs, and ourselves, action.

So today we acted. Inspired by Hind, and the bravery of every Palestinian child who has faced down Israeli genocide for the last century – whether they threw a molotov at a checkpoint, a rock at a tank, or made a call for help. So long as they resist, so must we. We attacked two targets at Columbia University. First, the Kravis Columbia School of Business, one of Columbia’s most recent violent gentrification projects into Harlem, the construction of which was conditioned on the creation of Columbia’s Apartheid Global Center in “Tel Aviv”. We will not allow this land-grab to go unchallenged. Second, we attacked the School of International and Public Affairs – the first Columbia institution to expel a student for their support for Palestinian liberation, currently run by a former “Israeli intelligence officer” – Killer Keren, and staffed by Rebecca Weiner, head of the Counterterrorism Unit of the NYPD, who directed the brutal police assault on our comrades in Hind’s Hall last May. We left Hind’s call painted on SIPA, and we cemented the sewage lines of the entire building, forcing them to shut down business-as-usual.

We are not experts in what it means to take revolutionary action. We are people – just like you – who, today, chose to act. We were afraid- to be arrested, suspended, and expelled; and that is exactly the point. The goal is not to be fearless, but to recognize that to be afraid is merely a symptom of our moral clarity. We are soberly aware of what we may lose if we act, and we are soberly aware of how much more we will lose if we don’t. The most severe consequence we could face today is not expulsion or prison time- it is the knowledge that we had the opportunity to act, and, instead, chose cowardice. The most severe consequence we could face is not only to have failed Hind one year ago, but to have continued to fail her today.

So we invite you to join us. Let us identify the actions that elicit fear in us, find the people who we can be courageous with, embrace the fear, and take collective action.

As Hind’s mother watched the scene of Hind’s Hall unfold, she said “I wanted these movements and support to come while Hind was still alive and not after… but I was still happy that there’s a possibility that Hind’s cause could move and mobilize people in this world.” Let us act together and transform that possibility into a reality.

For Hind, with love and rage from Columbia.

Found on social media.

Tires Disabled on 14 NYPD Vehicles


Tires on 14 NYPD vehicles were disabled sometime this week. 5th precinct Manhattan. Like Luigi Mangione just showed, stop being helpless in the face of our problems. Take them out instead.

1- For Jordan Neely
2- For Win Rozario
3- For Gregory Delpeche
4- For Derell Mickles
5- For Erik Duran
6- For Kamari Hughes
7- For Yang Song
8- For Jason Salters
9- For Eric Garner
10- For Eudes Pierre
11- For the Palestine protestors and students NYPD brutalized
12- For the unhoused facing NYPD sweeps and violence
13- For the street vendors facing daily NYPD harassment
14- For the Amazon workers as NYPD breaks their picket line

Submitted anonymously.

Montrose L Station Disabled

October 5, 2024

This morning, two weeks after the state-sanctioned execution* of Derrell Mickles and the shooting of several bystanders on the L train line, actionists in Brooklyn dismantled the border infrastructure at the Montrose Ave L Station: card readers were disabled with glue and tap screens were smashed to pieces, forcing the closure of the station’s only turnstiles and allowing all patrons to legally enter the station without paying.

We refuse to pay for subway fare in a city that gives millions of dollars to a violent, occupying police force rather than social services. We refuse to comply with arbitrary rules set by fascists that determine a man’s life is worth $2.90. We recognize that the same death cult that created and patrols the Southern border with México is the same death cult that creates and patrols borders in occupied Palestine and the West Bank is the same death cult that has now killed a man in Brooklyn. MURDERERS OFF THE MTA.

We call on all comrades in the 5 boroughs to join our free fare movement and join us in enforcing free fares throughout the system.

All borders imply the violence of their maintenance. The free fare movement lives. Free Palestine. Justice for Derrell Mickles.

Found on Social Media

*Admin note: No one was killed in the L train mass shooting. Derrell Mickles is alive and has been indicted on charges of assaulting an officer. The bystander who suffered brain damage also survived and is suing the NYPD for $80 million.

Sabotaging Citibank in NYC on Oct 7

7 October 2024 – Anonymous communiqué:


Today we remember not just one year since October 7th, 2023, but we also remember the genocide that Palestinians have been resisting since 1948. We remember the over 186,000 Palestinians martyred by the Zionist entity. We remember that we, as Americans, are complicit in the genocide as American imperialism allows “Israel” to exist and funds the murder of oppressed peoples worldwide.

We targeted Citibank today because of its role in the genocide of Palestinians. It boasts having “the largest presence of any foreign financial institution in Israel”, providing services for Israel to secure money and weapons to perpetuateing its genocide against the Palestinian people. Furthermore, according to Bloomberg, Citi was the sole underwriter of a $500 million bond to Israel in January 2024, shortly after the start of the genocide in Gaza. Citi has also facilitated the sale of billions in bonds for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, makers of the missiles and fighter jets Israel uses in Gaza. Citibank also invests and partners with Israel’s tech sector, which develops and deploys technology to surveil and terrorize Palestinians.

Citibank is also implicated in crimes committed in the West Bank through their ownership stake in two of Israel’s largest banks: Bank Leumi and Israel Discount Bank, both of which play an essential role in funding illegal settlements.

Economic activism in 1987 forced Citibank to divest from apartheid South Africa and through direct action we will force Citibank to divest from the genocide of the Palestinian people. We will continue to learn from the tenacity of the Axis of Resistance and will continue to resist until all imperial and colonial states fall, and until we win the liberation of all oppressed people worldwide. Glory to all the martyrs and glory to the Intifada.

More info and sources at

Source: Unity of Fields

E-Bike Vandalism: A Growing Concern for Riders in Major U.S. Cities

A troubling trend has emerged in recent months, causing significant inconvenience and frustration for e-bike riders in major U.S. cities. Vandals are increasingly targeting e-bikes, damaging essential components and rendering them unusable. One of the most common tactics involves scratching out QR codes and tearing off e-bike numbers, making it impossible for riders to unlock and operate the bikes.

E-bike riders in New York City have been particularly vocal about the issue, reporting numerous instances of vandalism. The practice not only affects individual riders but also disrupts the entire e-bike sharing system, limiting transportation options for commuters and tourists alike.

The reasons behind the vandalism are unclear, but experts speculate that it could be motivated by a combination of factors, including boredom, frustration, or a desire to cause disruption. Some believe that the anonymity provided by e-bike sharing systems may embolden vandals to act without fear of consequences.

Found on Industry Media

FREE FARE: Bedford L train station smashed

Monday night at the Bedford Ave L train station in Brooklyn, we smashed 8 OMNY readers, 1 OMNY machine, and 2 MTA machines. We made the fare FREE because they had to open the emergency door to let people in. This is in direct response to the L train mass shooting committed by NYPD, when they shot Derrel Mickells and two bystanders over $2.90, in a Black neighborhood under militarized police occupation. New Yorkers say enough is enough and fuck your fare.

We live in a world in which the pig enforcers of racial capitalism can casually shoot us over a few dollars. All our lives especially Black lives are worth less than $2.90 to them. Whether it’s paying the pigs to menace Black and Brown communities and restrict movement, for funding genocide near and far, or creating technology to convenience the rich and confine the poor, capitalism is designed to kill.

This is a call to action. Anyone can do this. Gather info, plan well, be covered, be their nightmare. Let’s all smash! Puncture the walls of the techno-prison and see real light, breathe real air, and destory the fare!

Continue reading “FREE FARE: Bedford L train station smashed”

Redecorate the L Train!

Zine: Sabotage of ATMs, Fare Machines, and Parking Meters

[READ]                   [PRINT]

Hopping the turnstile isn’t enough. Likely you’ve already been hopping the turnstile for years and a call for a boycott is no change in your daily routine. But what if we cut off revenue for the most of the line? MTA and NYPD need to feel the heat.

Let’s redecorate all the L train stations. Make them free for everyone, and maybe leave some nice art on those annoying ads while we’re at it.

All you need is some superglue and giftcards to sabotage the card swipe. For OMNY I suggest something pointed like a pick, but I’m sure a hammer will do. Use your wrist. Bike locks for the emergency exits. I’m sure you know the drill. But in case anyone is unfamiliar or wants to jump in some newly radicalized comrades, here’s an old zine you can share around.

Submitted anonymously over email.

Six Citibank Locations Sabotaged in Manhattan

An autonomous group — more than half of which were Jews — hit six Manhattan Shittibanks on Sunday night to remind corporate ONCE AGAIN that there is NO BUSINESS AS USUAL DURING A GENOCIDE. We epoxied card readers and door locks and covered them with cement-glued stickers. Shame on citi for its complicity in the relentless, horrific atrocities against Palestine and Palestinians!!!!!! The IOF is now escalating the genocide in the West Bank, as well! IGNORE zionist crocodile tears! Zionism IS NOT Judaism! Shut down their depraved, genocidal arguments anywhere and everywhere!

As the martyr Basel Al-Araj tells us, we must dismantle the idea of the “US” in our minds to truly understand that it is not possible to support the Palestinian struggle for liberation without opposing its imperial life support system. Copmala Harris is fully invested in throwing our tax money into the death machine, as well. Decolonize everywhere! Fight from the belly of the beast!

These actions are not hard to do. Please escalate for Palestine and humanity. We will not rest until Palestine is liberated from the river to the sea.


Found on Telegram (Unity of Fields)

15 CitiBank Locations Sabotaged

More than 15 CitiBankkk locations were sabotaged Monday morning across so-called New York City. We jammed the locks and card access readers, sprayed the windows and buildings, and issued warnings in red paint underscoring the company’s investments in genocide: “ABOLISH ISRAEL, FREE PALESTINE” and “THIS IS A WARNING: DEFUND NOW.”

CitiBank facilitates billions in bonds sales for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, which manufacture missiles and fighter jets used by the IOF to kill hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza. CitiBank is also the largest U.S. bank operating in the zionist entity and heavily invests in the technology sector there, contributing to the “tech-washing” of apartheid, occupation, and ongoing genocide. From its shameful history in Haiti and apartheid South Africa to financing IOF arms and settlements, CitiBank has long profited from settler colonialism.

We call on all people to strike imperialism wherever and however you can. Close your accounts with complicit institutions and move your money to a local credit union. We must continue to escalate until there is full Palestinian liberation and return.Other tags included:🔻DEATH TO KKKORPS🔻CITIBANK FUNDS GENOCIDE🔻DIVEST FROM GENOCIDE

Source: social media @pal_actionus