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Sabotage and Disruption at Puma Flagship Store

Sunday afternoon, an autonomous group compromised business as usual at the flagship puma store on 5th avenue in New York City.

Two massive concrete dumps were taken in the bathrooms, bleach was discretely applied to merchandise making it unsellable, and 1,000+ crickets were released in the store to de occupy the space for weeks to come- all during peak shopping hours.

puma has long been known as a supporter and enabler of the Zionist israeli settler state. Despite years of pressure, puma still sells its goods in illegal israeli settlements. This genocide rages on, and puma profits off of stolen Palestinian land. Not on our watch.

We want the world to know how this self-proclaimed champion of international athletic solidarity is directly invested in the deaths of Palestinian athletes. We act in solidarity with the more than 200 Palestinian sports clubs who have called on puma to stop their support for israeli apartheid. We act in solidarity with Palestinians who today play soccer and other sports as a form of resistance. The Palestinian spirit will never be crushed. puma will be.

Fuck Puma.
Fuck empire.
Glory to the martyrs.
Escalate for Gaza.
Tiocfaidh ár lá.

Anonyomous submission reposted from Palestine Action US Telegram

NYU Campus Cop Cars Disabled

Earlier this week, in response to calls for escalation from our besieged comrades in Gaza, a small crew of NYU students, faculty, and staff disabled several vehicles belomg to the Office of “Campus Safety,” which worked hand-in hand with NYPD pigs to arrest, harass, and suspend students for their participation in the Gaza solidarity encampments. Punctures were quickly and quietly made in each vehicle’s tires using an awl; from start to finish, this took no longer than one minute. These simple and easily replicable acts of sabotage serve as reminders to our genocidally complicit university administration: the student intifada did not end with the Spring semester, and will only intensify until Palestinian liberation is conclusively won.

We encourage our fellow NYU affiliates, and the Gaza solidarity movements on campuse across the country, to make divestment our bare minimum demand–we must continue our struggle until reparations for the violence already inflicted have been issued, and the university structure that awards governing poer to an unaccountable Board of Trustees (or Governors, or Regents, etc.) in the first place is completely overturned. We know that senior university administrators, as the morally deadened foot soldiers of whatever capitalist-dominated Board they report to, will never agree to fully divest from Zionist genocide and apartheid. Doing so would subject university investments to some semblance of democratic control, which the governing Boards, as a matter of pure self-preservation, will quite simply never allow. To win any of our demands that matter, then, we must first abolish the current structure of the university itself, and build in its place systems of higher education that reject the endowment/donor model altogether. In this vein, the movement of many of the encampments towards “People’s Universities” is one that should be closely studied and built upon.

Until this world is won, our resistance will escalate. If you want to take direct action but aren’t sure how, find friends who feel the same way, and study the basics of action planning and operational security together:

What/how many roles will this require?

How do we all communicate securely?

Is jail support in place? What kind of scouting will be necessary?

Which tools will we need, and how do we use them?

Start with low-risk mischief–tagging, wheatpasting, smashing, and slashing–to build the skills, confidence, and trust necessary for higher-impact actions. Study tactics from other movements, zines, communiques, and other sources both on- and off-line. Act bravely and carefully, and keep acting until the Zionist entity and Amerikan empire protecting it finally fall.

In rage and solidarity,


Found on Social Media [Twitter link:]

NYC Anarchists Attack Caterpillar Equipment in Solidarity with Palestine

(May 2, 2024)

To the Palestinian Resistance,
To the student uprisings,
To all those who struggle for liberation,

We took a strike against Caterpillar for their complicity in the settler colonial state, the Zionist regime, that has wreaked havoc on the lives of Palestinians for decades.

Today we struck several Caterpillar heavy machines as they lay dormant overnight, preventing them from working the next day.

Caterpillar decidedly chose a side by supplying the IOF with bulldozers as early as 1956 for use in the Sinai War and to this day they have not wavered from this position. During the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle the armored D9 bulldozer, which is a Caterpillar product, has been used in countless attacks against the Palestinian Resistance and people. In the early 2000’s during the Second Intifada, the Zionist regime demolished over 3,000 Palestinian homes, and murdered US activist Rachel Corrie in Rafah. The D9’s were used in the Battle of Jenin to destroy houses with fighters inside and raze the center of the Jenin refugee camp. During the Gaza War in 2008, 100 bulldozers were used to destroy Palestinian homes. In 2022, the D9’s demolished eight Palestinian villages in Masafer Yatta in yet another example of the long running Zionist genocidal project.

The Palestinian Resistance has renewed its struggle at the end of last year, fighting successfully to push the occupation out of Gaza and deploying clever tactics against a highly militarized enemy. The D9’s were brought out by the IDF once again to destroy farmland, desecrate a burial ground, to attack the Kamal Adwan Hospital, crushing the people who had been sheltering inside.

Caterpillar is clearly an agent and symbol of terror. We strike against it today to show our solidarity with those whose lives have been taken by the Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozer. Since Caterpillar has joined the war, it can face attacks on any terrain. We strike at Caterpillar today to show our solidarity with and appreciation for the Palestinian fighters who have provided an inspiration for freedom fighters around the world.

Finally, living in the United States, the main supporter and funder of Zionist settler colonialism, it is our duty to become a thorn in its side. It cannot dispense terror half way around the globe and expect to continue without repercussions.

NYC Anarchists

A vandalized CAT 740GC haul truck. Graffiti reads "FREE GAZA" with a circle-A and a red downward triangle.A vandalized CAT machine. Graffiti reads "FREE GAZA". There is also a circle-A and a red downward triangle. A vandalized CAT machine. The front window is smashed and graffiti on the side windows reads "FREE GAZA" with a red downward triangle.  A vandalized CAT machine. Graffiti reads "FREE GAZA". There are also circle-A's and a red downward triangle. A torn American flag lies in the foreground.

Found on Abolition Media

Two Communiques from APD Recruiting Event


On Friday 4/26, we left the APD pigs a gift to remember in the Brooklyn Marriott where they were trying to recruit more pigs. How dare you show your face in our city!

Multiple state troopers, NYPD, and hotel security could not stop us from sending guests out the door with a fire alarm and releasing 300 crickets into the hotel. We are everywhere. We are the horde of locusts that will destroy you.

APD out of NYC! All cops are bastards! No cop city anywhere!

Found on Scenes from the Atlanta Forest


Toilet seat with a single shrimp on it

APD we don’t want your shit! We clogged the vile Atlanta Police Department’s hiring event space’s toilets with cement to let them, and the Marriott at Brooklyn Bridge, know that every time you recruit in NYC we will make you and the places that host you pay. For over 30 years APD has been training soldiers in Israel. That brutality was on full display at Emory this week and we say no more. Free Palestine! Tortuguita vive, la luche sigue! Stop Cop City!

Found on Scenes from the Atlanta Forest