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Stand with Muslim Youth Leaders Against NYPD Violence: Eric Adams Must Resign September 24, 2024 NYPD brutalizes, arrests and hospitalizes multiple protesters, including WOL Leader Abdullah Akl. In response to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the zionist bombing in Lebanon, which murdered over 550 people, New Yorkers flooded the streets of Manhattan to demand liberation during the 79th United Nations General Assembly. With a green light from disgraced Mayor Eric Adams, the NYPD escalates its barbarity, brutalizing and arresting dozens of protestors. WOL organizer and youth leader in the Muslim community Abdullah Akl remains hospitalized with serious injuries. As our community is outraged, these are our demands for justice.

Our Demands

Following months of barbaric brutality from the NYPD, we demand:

1. The resignation of Eric Adams

From federal investigation, to emboldening his police forces to attack protesters, the disgraced Zionist mayor is not fit for NYC.

2. The disbandment of the NYPD’s Strategic Response Group

The SRG is a notoriously violent rapid response group of the NYPD tasked with policing protests, best known for its violence, misconduct, and racial bias.

3. Shut down NYPD’s office in occupied Palestine

The NYPD regularly coordinates with the zionist occupation to surveil Palestinian, Arab and Muslim New Yorkers from its office in occupied Palestine.

Statement on Emergency Action to Flood Manhattan for Lebanon

Tonight, the NYPD unleashed the full force of their violence against New York’s Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities in an attempt block us from protesting the United Nations as the General Assembly commences this week. WOL leader Abdullah Akl was violently arrested and sent to the hospital tonight. Dozens of others were also brutally attacked by SRG officers who clearly targeted Muslim youth leaders, as the unit serves to criminalize Black and Brown communities.

Thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets today after “israel” massacred over 500 people in Lebanon on Monday. As the US demonstrates its barbaric support for the genocidal Zionist project and opposition to it grows worldwide, the NYPD has escalated its brutality against our movement.

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Thousands protest against Iranian president ahead of his UN General Assembly address

September 24, 2024

Thousands of Iranian-Americans held a protest outside of the United Nations demanding justice for victims of Iran’s regime.

The demonstration stretched an entire avenue.

Protesters filled the entire block on 47th Street.

They have covered the plaza with the faces of those they say have fallen for freedom.

Messages in chalk read, “Build peaceful societies and ensure decision-making power, #WhatGirlsWant.”

Political figures, human rights advocates, and Iranian survivors are denouncing the nearly 200 executions carried out since Masoud Pezeshkian took office.

An Iranian American nurse shared what she says was her firsthand experience treating pro-democracy protestors during the 2022 Iran uprising.

“When the wounded youth would come to the hospital, the regime was asking they be returned to the government,” a translator said for the nurse. “They created secure treatment homes in Iran to treat the wounded youth. Since he became president we have had more than 180 executions and hangings.”

Protestors say this is a weeklong demonstration.

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UN General Assembly bringing heightened security, traffic disruptions to NYC

The United Nations General Assembly is set to kick off next week, with more than 100 world leaders, including President Joe Biden, arriving in New York City.

Now, the NYPD, in collaboration with state and federal agencies, is preparing for what is considered one of the city’s largest annual security operations. While officials have confirmed there are no credible threats at this time, law enforcement remains on high alert to ensure the safety of foreign dignitaries, New Yorkers, and visitors.

Visible security measures, including canine units, aviation patrols, and water security, will be deployed throughout the city, particularly around the UN headquarters on First Avenue. However, many security tactics will remain behind the scenes, with diplomatic security personnel monitoring every move.

“This is the largest annual gathering of global leaders on the planet,” said Patrick Freaney, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Secret Service’s New York Field Office. “Given the enormity of this event, the Department of Homeland Security has given it the designation of a national security event.”

Starting at 5 a.m. on Sunday, New Yorkers can expect road closures that will significantly affect traffic. Streets affected include:

  • 1st Avenue from 34th to 51st Streets
  • 42nd Street from 2nd to 1st Avenue
  • Portions of 44th, 46th, and 48th Streets from 2nd to 1st Avenue

This year, protests over the Israel-Hamas war are an expected concern for the NYPD, who say that violence and vandalism will not be tolerated.

Authorities say the goal is to be ready for any and everything.

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Autonomous Actions at Israeli and German Consulates

Flags Burned at Israeli Consulate

Found on Palestine Action US Telegram | [Instagram link for video:]

A masked protester burns a US flag.Two people burn the Israeli and US flag next to each other in front an NYPD guard booth.

A group of autonomous actors targeted the Consulate General of Israel in New York City in the morning on Wednesday, June 12. The American and Zionist flags were burned in protest of settler-colonial violence, dispossession, and genocide, from Turtle Island to Palestine.
The American empire is an active participant in the current genocidal onslaught, not only by funding and arming the Zionist entity, but with US military and intelligence presence in Gaza itself. The Zionist entity is an immoral and illegitimate state, built on the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and constructed as an outpost of Western imperialism.

The Palestinian people have suffered for far too long under the chokehold of Zionism, aided, abetted, and driven by the unquenchable thirst of American empire—but we know that, through the steadfast resistance of the Palestinian people and the movement for Palestinian liberation around the world, Zionism will fall and Palestine will be free.

German Consulate Redecorated

Found on Palestine Action US Telegram | [Instagram link for video:]

A group of autonomous actors targeted the German Consulate in New York City in the early hours of the morning on Wednesday, June 12. Actionists splashed blood-red paint on the exterior of the consulate and wheatpasted an official-looking apology from the German government for their active participation in the Zionist entity’s genocidal assault on Gaza.

The German state supplies 30% of the IOF’s weapons and is the second-largest supporter of the Zionist entity, behind only the U.S. In 2023, Germany approved $320 million in military aid to the entity — over ten times more than in 2022. Germany’s generous funding has made this genocide possible. Meanwhile, German leaders have criminalized the Palestine solidarity movement, making mass arrests and cynically banning protests in the name of so-called antisemitism. In solidarity with pro-Palestinian movements in Germany, the actionists demand that Germany recognize the Palestinian State and support the recognition of an independent Palestinian state in the EU.



This action is part of a broader international escalation—undertaken in response to calls from Gaza—to hold accountable all entities that aid and abet the ongoing colonization of the Palestinian people. The Zionist entity relies on a network of puppet states, normalizers, and imperialist allies to maintain its brutal status quo. Other actions in New York City today targeted the U.S. Campaign on Palestinian Affairs and the Permanent Mission of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations.

In a communique issued this morning, the New York City actionists write:
“Through our actions we continue to globalize the intifada. We locate complicity in the genocidal campaign against Palestinians among all nations who refuse to cut ties with the Zionist settler state, refuse to support Palestinian freedom and the right to return, and profit from the attempted annihilation of Palestinian people. We as dissidents in the imperial core urge comrades everywhere to consider all normalizers our enemies and join in creative resistance to every state actor and institution that aids and abets genocide.”


Submitted anonymously over email

Graffiti at United Nations in Solidarity with Chilean Anarchists

For context about Monica & Francisco, see their bio on the June 11 website:

No strangers to repression, they were kidnapped by the Chilean state during the “Caso Bombas” until they were absolved of all charges related to a prior wave of incendiary attacks by anarchist groups. They were also charged for the bomb attack on the Basilica del Pilar in Spain in 2013, and were sentenced to 12 years in prison. After a number of appeals processes the two were allowed to return to Chile in 2017.

In December of 2023 Monica Cabellero was sentenced to 12 years in prison, convicted of being an accomplice in the double explosive attack against the Tánica building in February 2020. Francisco Solar received a total of 86 years in prison: two counts of sending explosive artifacts (54th Precinct and Hinzpeter) 12 years + 12 years. One count of attempted homicide of a carabinero: 15 years. One count of serious injury to a carabinero: 6 years. One count of less serious injury: 600 days. Five counts of minor injuries: 100 days (each). 500 days. One count of aggrivated damages (Commussioner): 818 days. One count of attempted homicide of Hinzpeter: 12 years. Two counts of placing an explosive device (Tánica): 12 years + 12 years. Appeals are pending at the time of this writing.

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Photo submitted anonymously over email.