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All efforts to resurrect the image of so-called IsraHell as a haven of progressive ideals must be chopped down and leveraged as an opportunity to highlight its indiscriminate genocide again the Palestinian people. The Brooklyn resident(s) who hung this Israeli rainbow flag are doing the same ideological work as the IOF soldier who, in November 2023, held a rainbow flag with a hand-scrawled message, “In the name of love,” while standing in front of Gaza buildings reduced to rubble by IOF airstrikes. Both are attempts at “Pinkwashing,” or hiding IsraHell’s ongoing genocide, apartheid, colonialism behind a veneer of queer-friendliness in order to win support from folks around the world and prevent solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Pinkwashing Zionists like to justify their genocide by saying that it’s not safe to be queer in Gaza. Do not fall for their traps! The struggle for queer liberation is global. Do not fall for the idea that bombing people is going to bring them LGBTQ+ rights. All forms of oppression are connected. Stay vigilant and escalate, friends! We must actively confront Zionism in our neighborhoods! There is no room for Zionism in our communities!

See “Beyond Propaganda: Pinkwashing as Colonial Violence” by AlQaws for more information.

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