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Activists target Brooklyn home of NYPD cop they say aggressively handled protest

Activists targeted the Brooklyn home of an NYPD cop, accusing him of aggressively handling a protest over a police-involved shooting in a Brooklyn subway station a day earlier.

The protesters showed up at the cop’s home in Sunset Park about 9:45 p.m. Monday and began yelling at him from the sidewalk after spotting him on his front porch.

“We want justice! We want Justin!” the protesters screamed, using the cop’s first name after he retreated into his home.

The officer called 911 as the protesters set fire to an American flag and threw objects at the aluminum-sided home. When on-duty cops arrived, the crowd quickly dispersed and no arrests were made, officials said.

The NYPD’s Threat Assessment Unit was notified of the protest at the officer’s home and cops have been sitting outside his house keeping watch since Monday, a police source said.

On Sunday, the targeted officer, who joined the NYPD in January 2023, helped handle a protest outside 73rd Precinct stationhouse over the Sept. 15 subway shooting that left four wounded, including a fellow officer, by police bullets.

An activist who felt the officer was overly aggressive in his response to the stationhouse protest took a picture of him. No arrests were made at the Sunday night protest.

“An individual took a photo of an officer and posted their personal address on social media,” an NYPD spokesman said. The targeted officer was not part of the Sept. 15 subway incident.

In a social media video, one of the protesters who showed up outside the cop’s home recaps the incident, accusing the targeted officer of being “very aggressive” against protesters the day before, saying the officer “put his hands” on a few of them outside the stationhouse.

“You all shot the subway up — we didn’t do it. Now we’re going to start doing house visits to everyone in that goddamn (police) station. It’s all about making them feel it. It’s all about making them scared of us. It’s all about making them quit their f—ing job.”

Found on Mainstream Media

FREE FARE: Bedford L train station smashed

Monday night at the Bedford Ave L train station in Brooklyn, we smashed 8 OMNY readers, 1 OMNY machine, and 2 MTA machines. We made the fare FREE because they had to open the emergency door to let people in. This is in direct response to the L train mass shooting committed by NYPD, when they shot Derrel Mickells and two bystanders over $2.90, in a Black neighborhood under militarized police occupation. New Yorkers say enough is enough and fuck your fare.

We live in a world in which the pig enforcers of racial capitalism can casually shoot us over a few dollars. All our lives especially Black lives are worth less than $2.90 to them. Whether it’s paying the pigs to menace Black and Brown communities and restrict movement, for funding genocide near and far, or creating technology to convenience the rich and confine the poor, capitalism is designed to kill.

This is a call to action. Anyone can do this. Gather info, plan well, be covered, be their nightmare. Let’s all smash! Puncture the walls of the techno-prison and see real light, breathe real air, and destory the fare!

Continue reading “FREE FARE: Bedford L train station smashed”

Police Shooting In NYC Subway Injures NYPD Officer, 2 Bystanders

New York City Police fired shots in a Brooklyn subway station while pursuing a person they suspected of fare evasion, injuring the man along with an NYPD officer and two bystanders.

Around 3 p.m. Sunday, two NYPD officers followed a 37-year-old man to the platform at the Sutter Avenue station in the eastern part of the borough after observing that he did not pay the subway fare.

The man reportedly refused to stop on the platform after police asked him to stop.

NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said at a press conference that the individual told officers, “I’m going to kill you if you don’t stop following me.” Maddrey added that the police then “become aware that he has a knife in his pocket.”

The officers followed the man onto a northbound train that had arrived in the station. According to police, after the man refused orders from the officers to come with them, they used a Taser on him twice.

The individual then moved back onto the platform and advanced towards one of the officers with his knife. Both officers drew their weapons, fired multiple rounds and then handcuffed the man, who was on the ground. At that point, one of the officers noticed he had been hit by a bullet, as well as the indivudal and other bystanders.

Detectives reviewed video footage from the incident and determined that it’s possible that a bullet ricocheted off of the inside of the train and hit the officer.

The suspect, two bystanders and the officer were hospitalized after the incident. The NYPD officer sustained an injury after being shot in the chest area, but is in “good spirits and expected to make a full recovery,” NYPD Commissioner Thomas Donlon said at the press conference.

“There will be a full and thorough investigation conducted into this incident as we always do in cases like this,” Donlon said.

The individual suspected of fare evasion is currently in critical condition with charges pending.

Found on Mainstream Media



All efforts to resurrect the image of so-called IsraHell as a haven of progressive ideals must be chopped down and leveraged as an opportunity to highlight its indiscriminate genocide again the Palestinian people. The Brooklyn resident(s) who hung this Israeli rainbow flag are doing the same ideological work as the IOF soldier who, in November 2023, held a rainbow flag with a hand-scrawled message, “In the name of love,” while standing in front of Gaza buildings reduced to rubble by IOF airstrikes. Both are attempts at “Pinkwashing,” or hiding IsraHell’s ongoing genocide, apartheid, colonialism behind a veneer of queer-friendliness in order to win support from folks around the world and prevent solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Pinkwashing Zionists like to justify their genocide by saying that it’s not safe to be queer in Gaza. Do not fall for their traps! The struggle for queer liberation is global. Do not fall for the idea that bombing people is going to bring them LGBTQ+ rights. All forms of oppression are connected. Stay vigilant and escalate, friends! We must actively confront Zionism in our neighborhoods! There is no room for Zionism in our communities!

See “Beyond Propaganda: Pinkwashing as Colonial Violence” by AlQaws for more information.

Found on Social Media

Sharp metal objects placed under Brooklyn NYPD SRG’s personal vehicles

Late July 24, we entered the parking area of NYPD’s Strategic Response Group in Brooklyn and put sharp metal objects under multiple pigs’ personal vehciels. Any of those pigs getting off work would have been met with the unpleasant surprise of punctured tires as they started for home.

This happened on the same day the NYPD sent 200 outside agitators to DC to protect genocidal war criminal Netanyahu and the U.S. imperialist mission.

Maybe cops shouldn’t feel safe enough in our city to spread their violence elsewhere. Why does the NYPD even have offices from Tucson, Arizona to Bogota, Colombia?

The SRG is the unit notorious for violently repressing protestors. These pigs sign up voluntarily to be SRG to crack skulls. This is payback for their brutality against Palestine protestors and student encampments.

We targeted their personal vehicles because it is time they faced a personal cost for their actions. These pigs walk among us, feeling safe and complacent. It’s on us to teach them they aren’t.

The Legal Aid Society stated NYC paid out $114,586,723 million for police misconduct in 2023. These lawsuits for pig brutality don’t come out of their pockets. And the NYPD has so much money they are spending $1390 per patrol car just to replace a slogan decal.

We must chip away at empire in every small way. Avenge the Palestinian martyrs. Avenge Sonya Massey. Fuck the police.

Submitted anonymously over email

Vigil for Gaza Martyrs Held in Bay Ridge

Yesterday, we held a vigil for the martyrs of Gaza in Bay Ridge. Members of the community, children, families, and elders joined us in reading the stories of prisoners and martyrs and the injured, in prayer, and in grief. The NYPD made their presence known; one of their drones hovered overhead recording us.

We had nothing to hide, we are proud of our struggle, as we are of all who fight against imperialism and occupation. But the question remains: Why is the NYPD surveilling the Arab and Muslim community of New York in this way? Why have we allowed this racist dehumanization to go unchecked?

What does it say about the priorities of this city, of this country that they have marshaled all the repressive arms of the state against communities who demand a better world, free of oppression and mass murder? Last year, the NYPD was caught proposing to use surveillance drones against block parties in majority black neighborhoods of this city. Also last year, Mayor Eric Adams suggested he would begin an import collaboration with Israeli drone technology companies.

The ruling class is disfigured by their hysteria and fear. They know the entire artifice that they have built risks tumbling down at the hands of the rage and grief of the city’s working class. This is why they try to stop us and this is why we refuse to be stopped.

At the end of the vigil we prayed Salat al-Gha’ib funerary prayer together as a community. It was a chance to recommit to a struggle that has not been defeated for more than 100 years. Those who joined us are the real city—beneath the gentrified neighborhoods and militarized public spaces and money laundering charities and prisons, they demand for something more.

Found on social media | Source: Palestinian Youth Movement (@palyouthmvmt)

Moped-Riding Thieves Frighten Diners at Upscale N.Y.C. Restaurants

In Williamsburg and Manhattan, robbers have stolen watches worth tens of thousands of dollars before fleeing on motorbikes.

A long dining table with hanging lights at a restaurant. Carafes of tap water are spaced along the table before patrons.
At Birds of a Feather in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, thieves took just 40 seconds to rob men sitting at a table near the door. Credit: Michelle V. Agins
July 5, 2024

Not 10 minutes into date night, Gabe Thomas and his girlfriend, Shirley Yu, found themselves crouched under their table at Birds of a Feather, a sleek Chinese restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where a plate of pea shoots costs $21.

Just 20 feet away, a man wearing a mask brandished a gun in the crowded dining room and with a henchman grabbed two phones and a watch from three men at a table near the front door.

Diners dashed into the kitchen. Chairs toppled. Glasses shattered. A cacophony of screams filled the room.

The perpetrators quick-walked out and fled on a moped, leaving behind a half-empty dining room where a handful of unfired bullets had fallen to the floor. The stickup took less than 40 seconds.

The robbery in the heart of Williamsburg — a once-bohemian enclave in North Brooklyn now home to designer clothing stores and glassy towers — alarmed and unsettled both foodies and residents. And it was just one in a string of similar robberies in and around some of Brooklyn’s and Lower Manhattan’s most in-vogue establishments in the past month. In each case, the perpetrators have swiped luxury watches from diners, according to the police, including, in one episode, a timepiece worth $100,000.

Such crimes are unusual in the affluent neighborhoods that have been targeted, rare incursions of the city’s troubles into its glittering play spots. And they have lit up message boards, receiving the kind of outsize attention — and outrage — that everyday crimes in New York’s poorer neighborhoods often do not. The thefts have propelled persistent grousing that the city is slipping into lawlessness, a perception that no recitation of contrary statistics has dispelled.

The robberies follow the same pattern: Two men, one carrying a gun, steal belongings from restaurant patrons before fleeing, often via moped or dirt bike, according to interviews and surveillance footage. Most of the robberies have happened between 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. and have targeted restaurants that attract celebrities and Brooklyn’s young creative types.

Marlow and Sons, an oyster bar just 10 minutes from Birds of a Feather, was hit in the early evening on May 31. A man approached a 38-year-old man and a 40-year-old man outside the restaurant with a gun and demanded their watches, the police said. He took a Rolex and an Audemars Piguet, worth $40,000 collectively, before fleeing on a “two-wheeled vehicle” with another person, the authorities said.

About three weeks later, a similar heist was reported outside Carbone, an Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village with a dress code — “any guest who does not appear sufficiently well-presented may be refused entry” — and an exclusive reservation list. There, two men robbed a 39-year-old man of his $100,000 Patek Philippe watch at gunpoint, the police said.

The theft at Birds of a Feather took place three days later, the only one of the recent robberies to occur inside a dining room. Then, late last Thursday, the police said that two people riding a moped and carrying a gun stole a watch and a purse from a 29-year-old man and 32-year-old woman on the corner of Manhattan and Norman Avenues in Greenpoint, a Brooklyn neighborhood just north of Williamsburg. The pair was en route from Twins Lounge, a popular spot nearby, to another cocktail bar down the street, according to Greenpointers, a local news website.

No arrests have been made in any of the robberies, the police said. The Police Department did not say whether the four similar thefts were connected.

“We haven’t had crime like this penetrate the neighborhood in a very long time,” said Allyson Stone, a board member for the North Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, who attributed the trend to the area’s relative wealth. The median household income in Williamsburg and Greenpoint in 2022 was $98,750, about 27 percent higher than the citywide median, data from the Furman Center at New York University shows.

The crimes have put North Brooklyn on high alert, according to residents and business owners.

“It did surprise me in a neighborhood like Williamsburg,” said Mr. Thomas, who witnessed the Birds of a Feather robbery. It’s a “higher income, more gentrified neighborhood,” he said. Local residents “have an expectation that, like, that kind of stuff doesn’t happen.”

But thefts of luxury watches are not a new occurrence in major cities like New York. After the coronavirus pandemic, police departments reported a sharp rise in thefts of luxury watches, which are light and difficult to trace and therefore ideal targets.

Sean Wilson, 28, who witnessed the robbery at Marlow and Sons while dining nearby with his fiancée, said that they have begun dining earlier and leaving their valuables, including her diamond ring, at home. “I don’t think that was a thought that I’ve ever really had,” he said.

Robberies in New York City so far this year have risen 4.9 percent from the same period last year, according to the Police Department. In the 90th Precinct, which includes Marlow and Sons and Birds of a Feather, robberies are up 11.2 percent.

Yiming Wang, who owns Birds of a Feather with her husband, Xian Zhang, said they were taking safety precautions after the theft, including upgrading the restaurant’s surveillance system and supporting their employees, some of whom were injured during the commotion. Ms. Wang said they even considered hiring a security guard.

Major Food Group, which owns Carbone, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A representative from Marlow and Sons declined to comment.

But Andrew Rigie, the executive director of the New York City Hospitality Alliance, said that though the string of robberies had sparked concern, that was no reason for New Yorkers to stop dining out.

“There’s more than 25,000 restaurants across the city of New York with millions of people eating out all the time without incident,” he said. “People should not be worried about going out to eat.”

On a recent humid evening at Carbone, a stream of women in slinky dresses filtered into the candlelit restaurant with their male counterparts. Inside the outdoor dining shed, patrons clinked wine glasses over white tablecloths.

Ryan Elberg, 41, said that as someone who enjoys nice watches, he was concerned when he first heard about the robbery, but it hadn’t deterred him. “I figured lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice,” he said. After reflecting, he added: “Get insurance on your watch,” punctuating his advice with an expletive.

Nick Khera, 40, in town from Miami, heard about the robbery at dinner that night. A fellow customer had warned him to wait inside the restaurant until his ride was ready, and after dinner he rushed to a waiting car.

Across the bridge in Williamsburg, dinner rush at Birds of a Feather was in full swing. Customers, many clad in linen, sipped beers and slurped dumplings near the restaurant’s large glass windows.

Steve Zofcin, 33, a 13-year neighborhood resident who was walking by with friends, said he thought the robbery had received more attention than it deserved because it happened in a predominantly white neighborhood.

“That’s just part of living in a city,” he said. “You’re more likely to get bit by a person in New York than a shark.”

Event Announcement: 2024 NYC Anarchist Bookfair, Sep. 20-22

The New York City Anarchist Bookfair Needs Your Help!

This year’s book fair will be held September 20-22, and we need you to help create the schedule of panels, workshops, and presentations that will bring together anarchists and anarcho-curious from around the region and across the country.

Tablers will include books, media, clothing, zines, community organisations, info.

Workshop Application | Table Application

September 20
@ P.I.T. (Property is Theft), Brooklyn
Music Festival – 7pm

September 21
@ La Plaza Community Garden – Free Childcare + Vegan Food
Anarchist Bookfair – 11am-7pm
AnarkoArtLab Art Festival – 4-7pm
In-person Workshops – 11am-7pm

@ Tompkins Square Park
Emma Goldman Film Festival – 8-11pm

September 22
@ P.I.T. (Property is Theft), Brooklyn
Workshops – 11am-7pm

Our collaborators include : AnarchoArtLab, M.O.R.U.S. (Museum Of Reclaimed Urban Space) and P.I.T. (Property Is Theft).

New York City, a center of anarchist life, culture, struggle, and ideas for 150 years, hosts this exposition of books, zines, pamphlets, art, film/video, and other cultural and anti-political productions of the anarchist scene worldwide. In addition there will be panels, presentations, workshops, and skillshares to provide further opportunities to learn more and share your own experience and creativity.

The goal of the book fair is to enable people to connect with one another as well as to provide broader access to the rich and varied field of anarchist ideas and practices. Now is the perfect time to be exploring those ideas and practices and bringing them into play in our communities and the world.

Come meet local anarchists and others from all over the globe looking to connect with other anarchists. The Anarchist Book Fair is a place where the ideas, activism, ethics, creativity and history of the contemporary anarchist movement come together in an exciting weekend of community and collaboration.

Long ago the Book Fair adopted a policy of zero-tolerance for racist, sexist, queer-phobic, and other disrespectful behavior that works against collective liberation for all communities.

All free. new york city.

More info + events to be announced.

Reposted from Anarchist News